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Leadership - deciding and letting go

also during crisis situations

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Are you looking for a speaker who will give your audience goose bumps from the first seconds on?   

On 15 July 2022, Rik found himself in an emergency situation as his plane became unstoppable. The images of the accident, in which he came down with the emergency parachute on his plane, were spread worldwide.   

Rik made the decision to activate the emergency parachute in 5 seconds, a directive but well-considered decision. In the next 50 seconds Rik went through the emergency checklist. In the last seconds before the crash, he performed a manoeuvre that saved the houses and left him unharmed.   

In this presentation he tells the audience about these exciting 60 seconds and describes why it was possible to switch from the emotional brain to the reasoning brain ('executive cognitive functioning'). When a pilot activates his emergency parachute, it is a drastic, irrevocable, directive decision that is followed by "letting go".   

During his presentation, Rik makes connections with price negotiations, leadership and decision making in business. During meetings, negotiations and difficult conversations, you sometimes need to be directive, act quickly and make the right choices. Or leave the choices to your employees and still bear the responsibility yourself.   

Rik wrote two books: - "Waarom uw oplossing het probleem is" in which he describes the input/output model - "Domme vragen bestaan wel" The essence in both books is the importance of thorough preparation. Only then can you make the right choices in crisis situations.

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After a long career in the pharma industry, Rik decided to use his experience and knowledge to help others grow. With a captivating style and humor, he combines theoretical models and practical examples to provide new insights and learning points. In 2010 he started MoonsManagement to help others learn more about leadership, sales and communication. After writing 2 books on these topics, he decided to concentrate on keynotes. Both books are available in Dutch and French.

Rik Moons

Expert in communication, leadership and sales, author of 2 books

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