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Holy Trinity Events

Events are about God, Jesus (ME-xperiences) and the Holy Spirit (WE-xperiences)

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This keynote as well as the workshop, now classics, are built around Peter's book ‘Holy Trinity Events.’ You will learn synthetically what makes events truly successful and valuable.  The value of events resides in much more than just putting more performers on stage (GOD-experiences). It’s about creating ME-xperiences and WE-xperiences.

Peter demonstrates this in an inspiring story that passes by Daft Punk, Formula 1, Burning Man, Tomorrowland and goes a lot further into the world of gaming and League of Legends.

Peter brings in the keynote  a story that will inspire not only event marketers, but marketers tout court.

He constantly gives inspiring examples that you can immediately apply to your own events, large or small.

The workshop guarantees immediately usable results using a Holy Trinity Events Template.

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Keynote by 

Peter Decuypere is a passionate and inspirational (TEDx) keynote speaker known for his thought-entertaining and sometimes provoking presentations on subjects such as marketing, events and sustainability. 

With a background in philosophy, he approaches events, marketing, sustainability, management and life in general with a surprising, visionary perspective. 

As the founding father of the world-renowned techno brands I Love Techno and Fuse, Peter's insights in the industry are significant. After selling his company to Live Nation he continued his work as a consultant for prestigious clients like Warmste Week, WeCanDance, the Flemish Government, and Time Warp. 

Peter has authored several bestselling books, including "We Love Events," "Holy Trinity Events," and "Success in 7 Failures," offering valuable insights from his entrepreneurial experience. 

Additionally, he’s a lecturer at several university colleges and writes thought-provoking editorials for De Morgen.

Peter Decuypere

Passionate keynote speaker, marketing and event expert, makes you think and laugh. He founded I Love Techno and Fuse, consults top brands, and authored three acclaimed books.

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