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Dreamers who Do

Each of us has a dream that we can realize with love and support from others

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In 2018, Hilde Helsen wrote Dreamers Who Do, convinced that each of us has a dream that we can realize with love and support from others. Following her motto of “there is more in you” she continues to inspire and help people and organisations to bring their ideas and projects to life.

Unlock and realise your own and others' dreams. Interwoven with insights from Simon Sinek, George Kohlrieser, Maya Angelou and William Ury. Artist Koen Vanmechelen formulates his own steps. 

For each of us, there is a path that leads straight to our dreams. The art lies in knowing how to find it. 

Hilde Helsen translates her own rich experiences into a practical four-step model. She uses the authentic power of Lenny Kravitz’s music as a foundation and weaves her personal inspirations with the compelling convictions of contemporary thinkers. 

DREAMERS who DO. creates a safe environment so that you are spurred into action, both for yourself and others.

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Fascinated from an early age by the way things function, Hilde Helsen started her career as an engineer in material sciences. Over time she became increasingly intrigued by the way people function. Coaching, transition and personal growth form an increasingly large part of Hilde’s daily thinking and actions. Connecting people is Hilde’s unique talent; inspiring people to rise above themselves is her mission. Her motto: Plus est en vous. Hilde Helsen was one of the first female civil engineers in a top position at an international company. She is author of the book DREAMERS who DO. She is passionate about helping people to rise above themselves and realising our collective dreams.

Hilde Helsen

Author, Public Speaker, Entrepreneur, Coach, Engineer, Networker, WHY girl #dreamerswhodo

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