Boost your (physical) energy!

How to stay energized throughout your (working) day
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With increasingly busy lives, many people regularly find themselves feeling tired and drained. Studies found that total lost productive time averaged 5.6 hours per week for workers with fatigue. If the tiredness youâre experiencing is lifestyle-related, there are lots of things you can do.
In this presentation, we first discuss how the body produces energy, and then youâll learn five scientifically proven strategies to maximize your energy in a natural, healthy way.
+ Discover what to eat and drink to stimulate your energy.
+ Experience the power of the breath as an easy energy booster.
+ Get a deeper understanding of the effect of movement on your productivity and how you can start moving more (today).
+ Get more insights on the importance of quality sleep and regular recovery breaks to be at your best during your working hours.
+ Understand the draining effect of stress and negative thinking patterns on your energy level and start working on a positive mindset. Becoming more mindful and finding purpose in what you do are essential.
After this presentation, you will know how to stay energized throughout the day, so you feel fresh, alert, and active while doing all the things that give your life purpose and meaning. Start incorporating the strategies into your daily life now, and youâll reap the rewards very soon.
Goedele Leyssen worked as a journalist for 12 years. An opportunity to travel to India for a story about yoga and meditation changed the course of her life. Upon returning home, she pursued training to become a yoga and meditation teacher. Believing strongly in a holistic approach to health and well-being, Goedele also trained as a nutritionist.
Between 2014 and 2019, Goedele authored four books on healthy lifestyles and began giving keynotes and facilitating workshops. She also partnered with a U.S. naturopathic doctor to launch an online anti-burnout coaching program for high-performing professionals.
Goedele believes that self-care is the foundation for long-lasting success and happiness in life. Her greatest joy comes from helping people build rituals that foster greater resilience and deep inner peace.
4 x author, speaker, yoga and meditation trainer, holistic nutritionist and self-care expert
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