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30 days Mental Energy Challenge

Start to meditate together with your team! Let meditation help you and your colleagues to navigate through these challenging times.

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HR departments and team leaders try to support their coworkers as well as they can. An often heard piece of advice is: meditate to reduce stress and find your balance. However, that's easier said than done. How do you do this on your own? True, there are a lot of apps that try to assist you incorporating it in your daily life, but we find that after a couple of days, enthusiasm is dwindling and users give up.

That's why Speakersbase came up with an initiative that helps teams and companies to successfully implement it the daily routine. The advantages can't be denied:

  • Doing it as a team creates a sense of togetherness. As we rarely see our colleagues this improves the sense of belonging and stimulates connecting with colleagues again. In this fourth Corona wave, this is more important than ever before.

  • Participating in group motivates you not to abandon the good resolutions and stick to it. This collective initiative avoids the pitfall to give up before one picks the fruits of it.

  • And if you wonder what the fruits are. We limit ourselves to this list of advantages: more control over your emotions, a calmer mind, less worrying, more self-confidence, a clearer mind and more strategic thinking, less stress, more resilience, better concentration, more productivity, better health, more mental and physical energy

More information in the leaflet.

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Goedele Leyssen worked for 12 years as a journalist. An opportunity to go to India for a story about yoga and meditation changed the course of her life. Back home, she followed a training to become a yoga and meditation teacher. Because Goedele strongly believes in a holistic approach of health and wellbeing, she also trained as a nutritionist. Between 2014 and 2019, she wrote 4 healthy lifestyle books and started to give keynotes and facilitate workshops. Together with a US naturopathic doctor, she launched an online anti-burnout coaching program for high performing professionals. Goedele believes self-care is the foundation for long lasting success and happiness in life. Her greatest joy is helping people build rituals for more resilience and deep inner peace.

Goedele Leyssen

4 x author, speaker, yoga and meditation trainer, holistic nutritionist and self-care expert

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