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  • Speakers and keynotes on Motivation & Ownership

    Keynotes and speakers on Motivation & Ownership < Back Delve into inspiring keynotes and expert speakers focused on motivation and ownership. Motivated and engaged employees who take ownership of their work are key drivers of success for any organization. Booking a keynote speaker on motivation and ownership can provide valuable insights, strategies, and practical tools to empower individuals, foster a positive work culture, and boost overall productivity and performance. Discover our curated list of motivation and ownership-focused keynotes and speakers, and inspire your teams to take initiative, drive results, and achieve excellence in their roles! Isabelle Gonnissen Boost your motivation Choose Positive! Read more Fiona Passantino Listening and Creating a Culture of Collaboration As we enter the post-Covid period in our history and battle the demons of the Great Resignation, listening to what we need is more important than ever. Keeping employees happy and not quitting is now a matter of business survival. Read more Isabel De Clercq Unlock Your Career Potential Debunking Myths and Empowering Action Read more Isabel De Clercq How's Work? 7 Lies About Work and What Actually Works Read more Hermina Van Coillie Motivating Compensation Leads to Outstanding Performance Harnessing Self-Determination Theory for Effective Salary and Bonus Systems Read more Véronique De Prycker Self-Mastery Be excellent in every aspect of your life Read more Bert Van Wassenhove A trip along the yellow brick road of new organization models A journey along a variety of alternative ways of working, managing and building businesses, from the network economy to sociocracy 3.0 Read more Tanja Verheyen Career twists Think twice about promotion Read more Hermina Van Coillie High Quality motivation How do you ensure that your employees deliver top performance? And that they feel good and full of energy at work? In short, that your employees, customers and your entire organization blossom? Read more Frans van de Ven Personal leadership as key to successful hybrid working Personal leadership is key and critical in dealing with the challenges of a hybrid VUCA world Read more Marnick Vandebroek The Winning Mindset for leaders How to deal with change and prime your team and yourself for success Read more Johan Terryn The power of regret as a compass for the future How do you use regret as a feedback instrument to make better decisions in the future? Read more Herre Zonderland Manage your Energy to excel How do you ensure a high performance culture, right now? Read more Marnick Vandebroek Stand Up to Stand Out How to build trust in the workplace and inspire people to take action? Read more Rik Moons Why your solution is the problem How far do you guide your team, and at what point do you set them free? Read more Hilde Helsen Dreamers who Do Each of us has a dream that we can realize with love and support from others Read more Julie Heyvaert How to motivate your team? workshop Read more Cedric Dumont Dare to jump! Empower success in times of disruption: dare, lead, grow and flow Read more Orianne Aymard A Woman at the Top : One Story of Resilience & Self-Leadership Brain Hemorrhage Survivor who climbed the highest mountains in the world, Everest and Lhotse Read more Dominique Monami Winning mindset The right mindset is key to be successful! Read more Fiona Passantino Engage, Connect, Inspire your teams a Roadmap for Leaders Read more Julie Heyvaert How to boost engagement through human relations? Experience moment Read more Inge van Belle Employee Engagement, what else? The 12 drivers of engagement and as a unique asset in the war for talent Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote speaker Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere

    Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Mieke is an extraverted nerd, the engineer who balances profit, people and planet within all digitalisation efforts. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host, Trainer German, Dutch, English, French Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Human Computation, Ethics, Diversity, Neuroscience, Cognitive Marketing, Business Development, Lifelong Learning Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere is an Adjunct Professor at Vlerick Business School. She holds a master's degree in civil and industrial engineering and specialized in robotics and artificial intelligence during her studies. Over the last 30 years, she has worked for several multinationals on all aspects of data and analytics, including IBM, Microsoft, SAP, SAS, and others. From a business consulting perspective, she specializes in defining the AI business canvas, from potential value to predefined risks. With her deep understanding of the hindsight, insight, and foresight of AI technologies, she frequently serves as an expert and coach behind the scenes. In her public presentations and recent book, Mieke focuses on demystifying the hype around AI. In 2020, the State Secretary of Digitalisation, Mathieu Michel, appointed Mieke as the "Digital Mind." Additionally, she was the runner-up for "ICT Personality of the Year" in Belgium in both 2022 and 2023. Today, Mieke continues to share her vision for the future of AI as a speaker on international radio, television, and conferences. Topics Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Lees verder Drivers for Success More Sustainability & CSR The good, the bad and the ugly of AI Lees verder AI has existed for some time, but we are coming to the tipping point: the popularity increases over time, yet there is tension caused by the negative effects of or fear for AI. More Diversity & Inclusion Me, myself and my AI Lees verder For the successful adoption of AI, we need more female leaders. Why? As AI projects succeed on 4 factors (data, technology, people and processes), women normally possess the right qualities to lead projects to build real-world AI products more successfully as they fully master the enablement of an environment for collaboration and inclusion. More Artificial Intelligence Generative AI Lees verder Hype, hope or hazard? More Mieke is a unique blend of knowledgeable, thoughtful, and passionate. She explains complex and delicate matters in a simple manner, tailoring her message to the target audience. Mieke was a lot of fun to work with. In The Pocket Frederik De Bosschere, Strategy lead Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Frans van de Ven

    Frans van de Ven Passionate personal leadership promoter, empowering executive - team - coach, trusted talent strategy adviser To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Coach Dutch, English, French Personal Leadership, Employee Empowerment, Career Management & Development Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Frans specializes in guiding executive teams and collaborating with HR partners in the realms of leadership, talent management, and organizational change. Drawing from his extensive professional background at renowned companies such as IBM, Siemens, PwC, and Johnson & Johnson, he now serves as an independent executive coach and talent strategy advisor for Randstad RiseSmart. Frans also contributes his expertise as an executive coach at Vlerick Business School, where he helps current and emerging leaders unlock their full potential. In addition to his coaching roles, Frans is a sought-after guest speaker at institutions like Antwerp Management School and Artevelde Hogeschool, where he shares his enthusiasm for personal leadership and strives to inspire individuals to achieve their best selves. Through these engagements, Frans collaborates with a diverse range of national and international clients across both private and public sectors. His multifaceted experiences allow him to offer valuable insights and practical strategies tailored to the unique needs of each organization and individual leader, fostering growth, resilience, and success in today's dynamic business environment. Topics Hybrid Working Personal Leadership at the core of your HR strategy Lees verder The impact of putting personal leadership at the core of your HR strategy More Resilience & Well-being Digital well-being: why deconnecting is crucial Lees verder Managing your digital information flows has become critical in ensuring a healthy wellbeing More Company Culture Personal Leadership as organizational culture Lees verder The advantages of investing in personal leadership as organiszational culture More Leadership What kind of leader do you want to be? Lees verder Become the best version of yourself More Hybrid Working Personal leadership as key to successful hybrid working Lees verder Personal leadership is key and critical in dealing with the challenges of a hybrid VUCA world More At all times, I have found Frans to be reliable, results-oriented and thinking along with the business. Tessenderlo Group Erika De Vos, VP HR Frans 'feels' an organization and its needs very well, and knows how to inspire all layers in the organization. Konings Bert Goyvaerts, CHRO Frans has a strong and creative vision how talent management should be leveraged to reach the business results Across Health Fonny Schenck, CEO We found Frans to be friendly, articulate, dynamic, passionate and a great speaker. Endress+Hauser Group Chiraz Jeffali, HR business partner Frans is a highly professional coach, good at analyzing and leveraging people's strengths. SWIFT Anne Artois, HR specialist Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • Keynotes on Resilience & wellbeing

    Resilience & wellbeing Employee wellbeing and mental resilience can help prevent stress, enable employee engagement and organisational performance and create positive working environments where individuals and organisations can thrive. Our experts help you achieve this. < Back to all topics Change Hacking Florence Pérès Embrace change and challenges in the workplace Read more Master your energy Saartje Vandendriessche More energy and well-being in the workplace Read more Boost your motivation Isabelle Gonnissen Choose Positive! Read more How to overcome self-limiting beliefs? Véronique Bockstal We impose unnecessary and unjustified restrictions on ourselves which have no other proof than what we make ourselves believe. Self-limiting beliefs prevent us from growing as a person, as a professional, as a business founder or owner. Read more Hybrid Harmony Ann De Bisschop Unlock Your Productivity in Work, Email, and Meetings Read more Empowering welpreneurs: navigate stress and self-care Elke Struys Unveiling the 4 Levers for entrepreneurial success Read more The New Now Elke Geraerts Building Resilience in a World Where Change is the Only Constant Read more Yoga Nidra Neuroscience Crash Course Experience Leo van Woerden A workshop combining of neuroscience, drumming, yoga and singing Read more Thriving Amidst Turbulence Julie Brown Navigating Constant Change and Overcoming Adversity with Polar Expedition Wisdom Read more Boost your (Mental) Energy! Dominique Monami Useful insights and tips to optimize energy levels for the knowledge worker. Read more Cold therapy Saartje Vandendriessche Teambuilding that provides an energy boost Read more Harmony through singing Martine Reyners A personal testimonial that gives evidence of major resilience Read more The mental reset Elke Geraerts How hybrid work and life strengthen resilience Read more Breathe less, fear less Lieven Van Linden Overcoming fear and anxiety...with one single breath Read more Digital well-being: why deconnecting is crucial Frans van de Ven Managing your digital information flows has become critical in ensuring a healthy wellbeing Read more Connection in a Hybrid Workplace Tom Dijckmans Who replaces the coffee room? Read more Body and Mind Bootcamp Saartje Vandendriessche Holistic fitness and wellness Read more Self-care for team leaders Julie Heyvaert Workshop Read more A Woman at the Top : One Story of Resilience & Self-Leadership Orianne Aymard Brain Hemorrhage Survivor who climbed the highest mountains in the world, Everest and Lhotse Read more Prevent Burnout Isabelle Gonnissen Find your happiness! Read more The power of healthy humor Johan De Keyser Learn how to use humor as a form of communication in which everyone can feel good in order to perform and achieve goals in a healthy and wise way. Read more Innovating grief / legacy Julie Brown Transforming loss into a legacy of resilience Read more How to stay positive in times of trouble? Reframe and Feel through. Johan Terryn Being positive is not a mindset you can just turn on. You need to practise in thoughts and feelings. Read more The Impact of AI on Employee Wellbeing Ann De Bisschop Balance technological progress and employee wellbeing Read more Sleep Samurai Leo van Woerden Learn to sleep deeply and "faster" and make this the tool for your health, growth and happiness Read more Stronger by stress Lieven Van Linden Learn how stress can help us to become more resilient in work and life Read more Time Management Michael Houben How to become insanely productive, sanely Read more Fully Charged - A roadmap towards more energy and better results Lieven Van Linden Discover the 3 principles for more resilience and better results. Read more Laughter yoga team building Luc Van Imschoot Laughter makes employees feel better about themselves, making interactions with colleagues and customers more motivated and friendly. Read more Body Detox Goedele Leyssen Healthy Online Teambuilding! Cook together! Learn what you can do to reset your body after the end of year festivities. Read more From I-care to WE-care Brecht Buysschaert Empowering Well-being: The Journey from Self-Care to Collective Care Read more 30 days Mental Energy Challenge Goedele Leyssen Start to meditate together with your team! Let meditation help you and your colleagues to navigate through these challenging times. Read more Executive Presence & Visibility for Professional Women Barbara Rogoski How to Present Yourself Confidently Read more Ademruimte Veerle Dobbelaere Hoe creëer ik mentaal en emotioneel meer ademruimte? Read more Choose Positive 2.0 - the missing link of AI Isabelle Gonnissen The human being in the ever changing environment of AI Read more Self-Mastery Véronique De Prycker Be excellent in every aspect of your life Read more Tap into your resilience with Spanish Flamenco Luna Zegers Exciting Spanish music style as powerful elixir of life Read more How's Work? Isabel De Clercq 7 Lies About Work and What Actually Works Read more Winning mindset Dominique Monami The right mindset is key to be successful! Read more Mental Resilience Elke Geraerts Elke shares her insights on mental resilience and how we can deal swiftly with any challenge. Read more Authentic Intelligence Elke Geraerts How to future-proof yourself and your team Read more Start to meditate Florence Pérès Taster session for active professionals Read more Boost your mental resilience Florence Pérès Actionable insights for less stress and more (mental) well-being Read more Manage your Energy to excel Herre Zonderland How do you ensure a high performance culture, right now? Read more The Quantified Self: Using data & technology to accelerate sustainable performance Lieven Van Linden Optimize health and performance in a sustainable way Read more Stress yourself Goedele Leyssen Stress is not your enemy; it is an opportunity for self-development and growth. Read more Reframe your routines Lieven Van Linden Break the habit of being yourself Read more Stress and Burn out Florence Pérès What is it? How to recognize it? How to prevent it? Read more Omgaan met grenzen Veerle Dobbelaere Voorkom burn out en leer je grenzen aan te geven Read more Can you floor me? Gella Vandecaveye Learn how to connect in a completely different way! Read more Burning out, and “Burning in” Fiona Passantino The key to wellbeing is less rather than more; building in space for silence and creativity. Read more Thriving in the Workplace Ann De Bisschop by Fostering Professional and Personal Well-being Read more 5 Stepstones to a Whealthy Workplace Brecht Buysschaert Investing in Workplace Well-being, a Win-Win-Win Read more Boost your (physical) energy! Goedele Leyssen How to stay energized throughout your (working) day Read more Energetic Balance Workshop Rudy de Waele 🌟 Discover Balance and Prosperity with this Energetic Balance Workshop! 🌟 Read more Health & happiness Christophe Jauquet Why health & happiness is the single most important thing in (y)our lives Read more Resilience for a long and happy life Dirk Schyvinck De 5 do's! Read more Achieving positive health Sofie Fransen Balancing mental and physical wellbeing for success Read more Building Your Well-being Ann De Bisschop From Resilience to Balance Read more Perfectionism unmasked Muriel Velu Unveiling the truth behind perfectionism and its impact on our lives Read more Build new success habits & rituals Goedele Leyssen Rituals help you to optimize your time and ensure that your body and mind are working to their full potential Read more Discover your voice Martine Reyners Experience a harmonious team Read more Working with people: Watermael Bosvoorde and Sonian Forest Jan Puype Walk for (HR) professionals and team leaders Read more Focus your brain Florence Pérès How to work with more focus and overcome distraction Read more Excell! Gella Vandecaveye A testimonial on the interface between top-class sport and business. Read more Digital Balance Florence Pérès Be in control of your screens ! Read more Disconnect to reconnect Florence Pérès For Better (Working) Relationships in a Hyper-connected World and a better Work/Life Balance Read more Recognizing & reversing burnout Mahdi Brown What every leader should know about burn out within their team to help prevent it Read more

  • Speakers and keynotes on Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR

    Keynotes and speakers on Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR < Back Delve into groundbreaking keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to Web3, the metaverse, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR). These emerging technologies are reshaping digital experiences, interactions, and business landscapes. Booking a keynote speaker on Web3, the metaverse, AR, and VR can provide invaluable insights, trends, and practical applications to navigate and leverage these transformative platforms effectively. Whether it's understanding blockchain, exploring immersive virtual environments, or integrating AR into real-world scenarios, our curated list of speakers offers expertise that can guide your organization toward embracing the future of digital connectivity, innovation, and engagement. Discover our lineup of Web3, metaverse, AR, and VR speakers and unlock the potential for groundbreaking advancements and competitive advantage in the digital realm! Pieter Van Leugenhagen Navigating the New Dimension: A Journey Through Spatial Computing Embark on a fascinating exploration of the latest computing paradigm that is redefining our digital world Read more Erwin Van den Brande Art, Technology and Science Art as a critical thinker’s “second opinion” on digital revolution Read more Clo Willaerts Metaverse for marketing What are the opportunities for marketing? Read more Gerrie Smits The future of finance ​ Read more Dado Van Peteghem The Metaverse Generation How to thrive in the exciting virtual future Read more Brecht Van Craen & Quinten François The rise of crypto assets Our monetary system, bitcoin as a solution, the investment case for crypto, altcoins, blockchain tech and a look into the future. Read more Gerrie Smits Metaverse: immerse or curse? If a giant like Facebook/Meta decides to pivot and embrace a tech trend, it's worth paying attention. But what is 'the Metaverse' and what does it mean for your business? Read more Gerrie Smits Is Web3 a fad or is it fundamental? Discover the building blocks of Web3 and the impact on your business Read more Katja Schipperheijn Has the future caught up with us Imagine and create your own future with innovative technologies such as generative AI, XR and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) Read more Pieter Van Leugenhagen Meet you in the metaverse Are your ready for what's next? Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote speaker Pieter Baert

    Pieter Baert I'm always curious to ask the right questions To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, French, English design thinking, innovation, Customer Experience, Service Design, Future Trends Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Pieter believes in combining long-term thinking with short-term action, merging strategic analysis with creative implementation. He has learned that exploring the future involves making ideas tangible and testing them through a startup mindset. As an innovation consultant and digital strategist, Pieter specializes in business transformation and enhancing customer experience. His focus centers on understanding people, their needs, and motivations, and finding solutions through robust business strategies and value propositions. He assists organizations in predicting future trends that can impact their operations. As a facilitator, Pieter guides organizations in strategic decision-making and fosters creative ideation. His strengths include asking the right questions, using storytelling to inspire people, and creating clarity in complex situations. Topics Together with Pieter, you can realize the impossible. It simply requires a few wild ideas to start with, post-its, coffee and ends in a realistic business model that you can validate with real people. ​ Julia Schausberger, former Zalando EU Pieter has an endless imagination and great ability to put himself in the shoes of the user. Having him in the team is effective… and extremely fun! ​ Christelle Goblet, former Managing Director at Accenture, now leadership coach Stop eating carbs and hire Pieter! A high energy bar for your business. Starting new services, setting up teams or changing old cultures. I miss him every day. BNP Paribas Philippe Dewamme Pieter is a great sparring partner. Pushing ideas beyond the boundaries of your own experience all while keeping an eye on the final objective you are trying to achieve. Mediahuis Ezra Eeman, Digital Change Director I just love working with Pieter because he's crazy talented, high-demanding for himself/others, and has a really funny instagram account. Xylos Patrick Leysen, CEO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote CX or EX: the chicken or the egg?

    < back CX or EX: the chicken or the egg? High employee engagement (EX) leads to high customer satisfaction (CX) More detailed information Customer experience is the new battleground for marketers. Almost 90% of the companies expect to compete primarily on the basis of the customer experience and consider the employee role to be crucial in this. According to research, 79% of employees at companies with above-average customer experience are highly engaged in their work. And that compares to 4% of employees at companies with average or below average customer satisfaction scores. High employee engagement (EX) leads to an increase in customer satisfaction (CX). Hence the equation EX=CX. In that perspective, employee engagement is an engine for happy customers and together they become an accelerator for growth. Organisational growth provides a financial boost. It also creates business momentum and increases motivation. We sometimes talk about the golden triangle. If you succeed in strategically linking the three topics, you will be much better equipped for the future. The question is now is: which one comes first? That’s what we will reveal in this presentation. Request a quote Submit About Co-founder of Herculean Alliance, home to formats like Employee Engagement Awards and Hercules Trophy. Inge led employee experience projects in 10 countries. This international background, combined with a hunger for knowledge, gave her wings to specialise in the 12 drivers of employee engagement. Inge is strategic advisor to Dubai Police and speaker for United Nations Women. She’s passionate to solve the challenges of disconnected employees in a hybrid working environment. Author of “Employee Engagement, what else?” with Klaus Lommatzsch, to help leaders up their engagement game using best marketing practices. You will appreciate Inge’s energy: a combination of her authentic personality, refreshing creativity, witty humour and work ethic. Inge’s favourite quote is: “We rise by lifting others”, summing up her determination to make the world a better place, one employee at a time. Inge van Belle Restless entrepreneur with corporate background in communication & sales. Dubai based Employee Engagement aficionada.

  • keynote What you can learn from a plane crash?

    < back What you can learn from a plane crash? Safety at work More detailed information In a keynote of about an hour and a half, Rik tells how he ran into turbulence with his sports plane in July 2022. The eventual crash was inevitable but following checklists ensured that at no point was Rik panicked. This experience made him think afterwards about mistakes and risks. How they also occur and can be avoided at work. How do employees react in unexpected situations ? Is there a plan B? Are checklists used? How do you react as a manager when your team finds itself in an unforeseen situation? During his presentation, Rik compares a number of crucial moments during the crash with situations in business or on the shop floor. Afterwards, the participants can brainstorm further in small groups and thus improve their working methods. Some golden rules of preventive action checklists are indispensable and are ALWAYS and COMPLETELY carried out by EVERYONE communication misunderstandings are the most common predictor of accidents the 3 magic words are: teamwork, trust and a culture of openness ego is the biggest killer Some quotes covered in the keynote "having instructions repeated mandatorily is the only way to avoid misunderstandings" "hubris is the biggest killer, it's all about YOU" "a culture of 'laissez faire, laissez passer' kills people" "failing employees like to hide behind failing systems" Request a quote Submit About After a long career in the pharma industry, Rik decided to use his experience and knowledge to help others grow. With a captivating style and humor, he combines theoretical models and practical examples to provide new insights and learning points. In 2010 he started MoonsManagement to help others learn more about leadership, sales and communication. After writing 2 books on these topics, he decided to concentrate on keynotes. Both books are available in Dutch and French. Rik Moons Expert in communication, leadership and sales, author of 2 books

  • keynote Building Bridges: Mastery in Intercultural and Intergenerational Communication

    < back Building Bridges: Mastery in Intercultural and Intergenerational Communication Navigating the Tapestry of Diversity in Modern Business More detailed information This keynote sheds light on the significance of both intercultural and intergenerational communication in the modern business landscape. Participants will explore how cultural and generational differences influence business communication and learn practical strategies to address these challenges, crucial for success in an increasingly diverse work environment. Delving into the complexity of communicating across cultural and generational boundaries, this keynote emphasizes the importance of understanding different communication styles, not only from a cultural perspective but also from a generational standpoint. Participants will gain insights into the unique characteristics and preferences of various generations in the workplace, from baby boomers to Generation Z, and how these factors impact interaction and collaboration. Najima also provides guidance on handling generation-specific challenges in feedback, leadership, trust, and time management. Through this layered approach, participants will develop a holistic understanding of effective communication in a diverse corporate landscape. Request a quote Submit About Najima El Kasmi, founder of Almuruna, is a seasoned leader advocating for resilience, inclusivity, and people-centered approaches within organizations. With over two decades of experience, Najima has become a visionary in driving organizational development and empowering individuals. Najima's innovative methodologies, rooted in authentic communication and experiential learning, aim to optimize organizational performance and foster a safe, inclusive culture. Her unique approach in professional development initiatives generates lasting impacts on both personal and professional levels. About Almuruna 'Almuruna,' Arabic for flexibility and resilience, guides Najima's team in helping businesses discover and strengthen organizational resilience. Resilient organizations, in Almuruna's vision, are agile and future-proof, with a focus on inclusivity. The team at Almuruna recognizes the uniqueness of each individual, team, or organization, delivering customized organizational development to promote growth. Expertise in Training, Workshops, and Keynotes Najima is an expert speaker on various topics, including psychological safety, authentic communication, diversity and inclusion, and people-centered leadership. Her sessions reflect her ability to make complex topics accessible and relevant to a broad audience. Publications and Awards Najima's contributions to publications and projects, including receiving the Piet Cleemput Prize in 2006, showcase her dedication to impactful research. Her research on resilience enhancement, titled "Strong Mothers, Strong Children," has been published in The Journal of Social Intervention (2020). Najima El Kasmi Champion of leadership, flexibility, and forward-thinking within organizations, always with a deep core focus on resilience, connection, inclusivity, and people-centered leadership.

  • keynote Less contact, more impact

    < back Less contact, more impact Why the human touch in sales is crucial in an increasingly digital world More detailed information In this thought-provoking keynote, Jozefien explores the vital role of the human touch in sales within an increasingly digital world. Topics covered: Discover the profound importance of making moments matter during face-to-face encounters with customers. Dive into the essence of building trust swiftly, employing emotional intelligence, empathy, and compassion as the foundations of authentic connections. Learn how to cultivate sustainable relationships that make customers feel genuinely welcomed and valued. To achieve this, salespeople must embark on an introspective journey, understanding their own communication styles and behaviors. By developing this self-awareness, they can effectively adapt their approach, language, and sales processes to resonate with each individual customer. You'll discover how these personalized interactions can leave a lasting impact and pave the way for successful sales outcomes. Join this keynote to unlock the secrets of creating meaningful connections, fostering trust, and establishing genuine rapport in the digital age. It's time to embrace the power of the human touch and make every customer encounter count. Request a quote Submit About As the CEO of Blinc Sales Institute, Jozefien leads a team of experts dedicated to transforming sales organizations through comprehensive training, workshops, and consulting services. With over a decade of experience in the sales industry, Jozefien's exceptional knowledge and practical approach empower individuals and organizations to achieve outstanding results. As a dedicated sales consultant and coach, Jozefien leverages her deep understanding of sales techniques and innate ability to connect with others, providing tailored guidance to optimize performance and exceed targets. Her captivating stage presence, compelling storytelling, and actionable advice make her a sought-after keynote speaker, leaving audiences inspired to elevate their sales performance. Jozefien's book, "Less Contact, More Impact," has become a go-to resource, empowering professionals to enhance sales strategies and cultivate meaningful connections in the digital world. Beyond her expertise in sales, Jozefien's background in arts, teaching, and sales brings a unique perspective to her work. Her innovative strategies and real-world examples resonate with a wide range of audiences, making her an invaluable resource for corporations, educational institutions, and professional associations seeking to unlock the full potential of human connection. Furthermore, Jozefien enjoys using her musical talent to create magical atmospheres at important life events, such as weddings and funerals, where people can savor unforgettable moments. Jozefien De Feyter Sales expert empowering professionals to enhance sales strategies and cultivate meaningful connections in the digital world

  • keynote Climate change from 1856 to 2050 and beyond

    < back Climate change from 1856 to 2050 and beyond Unveiling the past, present, and future of climate change: a journey to climate neutrality. More detailed information Already back in 1856, the impact of CO2 on our environment was published in a scientific paper. What progress have we made since then? What are we aiming for now? What comes next once climate neutrality is reached? In 1856, Eunice Newton Foote described the impact of CO2 on our environment in a scientific paper that should have changed the way we approach climate change. Although Eunice Newton Foote was a pioneer in climate science and one of the early women in science, her paper did not lead to significant changes at that time. Fast forward to today, we find ourselves at a critical juncture in the fight against climate change. In February 2024, scientific research recorded the first-time breach of the iconic 1.5°C temperature rise. How can we reach our goal by 2050? What comes next once climate neutrality is achieved? Welcome to a time travel journey that will change your view on climate change! Request a quote Submit About **Energy Transition Ambassador, Founder of Eunice Education, and Passionate Engineer** Niels is an ardent advocate for the energy transition, leveraging his education from the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and his dual engineering master’s degrees. His mission is to empower others to seize the opportunities presented by the energy transition. Niels champions a sustainable and equitable transition towards climate neutrality, ensuring economic prosperity and competitiveness are maintained. He possesses a unique talent for translating complex technical and economic concepts into accessible insights, delivered with passion and clarity. By the end of his speech, you will feel a profound enthusiasm and a compelling drive to apply the newfound knowledge and make a tangible impact. Niels Vankrunkelsven On a mission to empower you to seize the opportunities of the energy transition!

  • keynote Busting the myths of innovation

    < back Busting the myths of innovation Yoav inspires with his humor, chotspe and savoir-faire. The audience can immediately take their Innovation insights and learning with confidence into practice. More detailed information One of my favorite French proverbs is “reculer pour (mieux) sauter” for which “reverse to jump (further)” is the best translation I can come up with. Take a step back, reflect, prepare and then make the jump. In this keynote or workshop we first take a step back and bust the misconceptions about innovation and in particular innovation in (large) corporations. We reveal why it is so difficult for corporations to innovate. Difficult but not impossible. Making use of industry best practice (GE’s Fastworks, The Lean Innovation Movement,…) and learning from successful innovation in various industries we provide the tools and motivation to enable successful innovation initiatives. Yoav inspires with his humor, chotspe and savoir-faire. The audience can immediately take their insights and learning with confidence into practice. Request a quote Submit About Creative entrepreneur Yoav has an outstanding track record as the inventor of ClickShare and a pioneer in Virtual Reality. He excels at crafting and executing innovative and strategic visions for products and market strategies. Public speaking is his preferred method for sharing his extensive knowledge and over 20 years of experience. Yoav aims to entertain, motivate, and inspire audiences, infusing his talks with his unique brand of dry humor. Drawing from his gut and personal experiences, he covers the full spectrum from theory to reality to best practices. Specializing in topics such as game-changing innovation, creativity, intrapreneurship, and navigating uncertainty with perseverance, Yoav captivates audiences with his insights. Yoav Nir Co-inventor of ClickShare®, Virtual and Augmented Reality pioneer and author of the book Game-changing Innovation

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