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  • keynote speaker Yoav Nir

    Yoav Nir Co-inventor of ClickShare®, Virtual and Augmented Reality pioneer and author of the book Game-changing Innovation To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Workshops Dutch, English, French, Hebrew Intrapreneurship, Start-up, Scale-up, Problem Solution Fit, Product Market Fit, Innovation ▶️ Watch Yoav's TEDx talk. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Creative entrepreneur Yoav has an outstanding track record as the inventor of ClickShare and a pioneer in Virtual Reality. He excels at crafting and executing innovative and strategic visions for products and market strategies. Public speaking is his preferred method for sharing his extensive knowledge and over 20 years of experience. Yoav aims to entertain, motivate, and inspire audiences, infusing his talks with his unique brand of dry humor. Drawing from his gut and personal experiences, he covers the full spectrum from theory to reality to best practices. Specializing in topics such as game-changing innovation, creativity, intrapreneurship, and navigating uncertainty with perseverance, Yoav captivates audiences with his insights. Topics Innovation The Corporate Unicorn Lees verder ​ More Marketing From idea to product-market fit Lees verder Testimonial of a Corporate Entrepreneur More Innovation Busting the myths of innovation Lees verder Yoav inspires with his humor, chotspe and savoir-faire. The audience can immediately take their Innovation insights and learning with confidence into practice. More Yoav’s inspiring presentation on our CEO-seminar in March 2018 - clear, transparent and illustrated with a lot of examples from the insurance industry - was particularly complementary with the concrete cases of innovating solutions presented by Insurtechs and was very much appreciated by the CEOs of the insurance companies that are members of Assuralia. Assuralia Gino Leroy, Director Thanks Yoav for the original insights on innovation and how to change the game. It was nice that you took the time to listen to our different startup companies and giving them tailor-made recommendations. I got a lot of positive feedback after the event! Start it @ KBC Kjell Clarysse, Community Manager Every two years Televic organizes the Televic Tech Day with the tagline: Technology meets Business, Business meets Technology. The largest group of attendees for this mostly internal event are our R&D departments (150+ engineers). As a technology-driven company we value innovation, however, we may not forget the business side and the value it creates for the customer. Yoav succeeded in engaging our audience and as a closing keynote concluded a great day. Not only bringing his own story but also relating to the other speakers and presentations we had during the day. His names and speech still pops up months after the event, so that definitely means he left his mark. Televic Bruno Van Den Bossche, CTO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Leading with Impact

    < back Leading with Impact Practical Tools that I utilized as the global Head of Innovation IKEA Centres. More detailed information In this inspiring talk, motivational speaker Jens Heitland encourages listeners to realize their potential to change the world. He explores the importance of leadership, starting with oneself, pursuing dreams, and the power of personal branding. He also emphasizes the role of networking in professional growth and achievement of personal goals. Through interactive activities and sharing his journey from an average electrician to a global IKEA executive, Jens urges individuals to step out of their comfort zone and to take consistent steps towards their dreams. Also available in workshop format Request a quote Submit About Jens Heitland combines Innovation and Leadership to Human Innovation. After Jens stepped down as global Head of Innovation IKEA Centres in 2019, he set out to accelerate the way organizations innovate successfully. He believes that processes and the organizational setup are just one part of the Innovation equation. Human Leadership is the missing part to innovate an organization successfully. Innovation + Leadership = Human Innovation Everything he does is part of this equation. Jens is considered one of the leading minds of corporate innovation. Known as CONNECTEUR he is described as a forward thinker and connector of thoughts, people and businesses by the people he engages with. Jens is an innovator at heart - he innovates businesses with people. Today he owns or co-owns several businesses. He is the founder of SUCCEED, a Leadership Education Platform that is set out to bring leadership education to 1 billion people by 2030. He owns The Human Innovation Academy where he and his colleagues help innovative leaders and teams to build innovation into their organizations. Jens owns HEITLAND INNOVATION, a company that helps organizations to innovate through an innovative interim Innovation Manager setup which has served clients in UK, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, United States, The Netherlands and Spain. In addition to contributing to several companies he lectures at StartUB! Barcelona University, Amsterdam University and is a Startup Mentor at StartUB! of Barcelona University. His podcast Human Innovation - The Jens Heitland Show ranks among the top podcasts in the innovation field globally. He is a public speaker and talks about human innovation, reverse mentorship and what he learned innovating at local and global positions in companies like IKEA, Deutsche Bank(M+W Zander) , Fjord (Accenture) and Foot Locker. Jens Heitland Former global Head of Innovation at IKEA Centres. Leading expert in corporate innovation and known for combining innovation and leadership to drive human innovation in organizations.

  • keynote Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI

    < back Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI How to tap into the diverse talents out there More detailed information Now more than ever, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are the way forward. But do you know what DEI actually is? Do you know why it is important for your organisation in general and for your workplace in particular? Maybe you consider yourself as an ally already. If so, what is an ally for you? What kind of ally are you? In this presentation you will learn: - To recognise your biases - Not to be afraid of uncomfortable conversations - The importance of belonging - That being an ally is a journey - That you will not do everything right, but that this is OK Request a quote Submit About Dr. Ngomsik holds a PhD in physical and analytical chemistry and is a seasoned strategist specializing in climate change and corporate social responsibility. As the CEO and co-founder of Trianon Scientific Communication, a management consulting firm, Dr. Ngomsik leads efforts to assist businesses with the highest CO2 emissions in harmonizing sustainability with profitability. Over the past two decades, she has collaborated closely with board members and executives to promote awareness, embed CSR principles into business strategies, implement sustainable practices, provide training for decision-makers, and explore innovative green solutions. Dr. Ngomsik firmly advocates for addressing the interconnected pillars of people, planet, and profit to effectively tackle today's sustainability challenges. Recognizing the value of diverse leadership and inclusive environments, Dr. Ngomsik emphasizes their role in driving innovation, problem-solving capabilities, revenue growth, and reducing organizational CO2 emissions. She integrates these principles into her consultancy work, viewing corporate environmental and social sustainability as catalysts for enhanced profitability. Dr. Ngomsik's expertise extends beyond devising strategies for emissions reduction; she actively promotes increased diversity among decision-makers within organizations, both in inherent traits and acquired perspectives. Her engaging keynote speeches are renowned for simplifying complex concepts into relatable anecdotes, fostering inclusive and enjoyable interactions with her audience, and bridging the crucial connection between People, Planet, and Profit (3P). With her unique blend of expertise, communication prowess, and commitment to holistic sustainability, Dr. Ngomsik continues to be a sought-after speaker and consultant, driving positive change and impactful strategies across industries. Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik TEDx speaker, named “most inspiring women in sustainability”, Audrey-Flore uses science to positively influence businesses to take actions to solve climate change challenges.

  • keynote Innovating grief / legacy

    < back Innovating grief / legacy Transforming loss into a legacy of resilience More detailed information In her poignant keynote on innovating grief / legacy, Julie shares a determined hope to reshape the narrative surrounding the grieving process, infusing it with curiosity and authenticity. Drawing from her personal journey navigating grief, Julie invites audiences to view the ebb and flow of loss with less negativity and more openness to its evolving nature. At the heart of Julie's narrative is Dixie's multi-faceted legacy, characterized by his unwavering positivity in the face of adversity. Julie reflects on her own experiences, navigating grief on her terms and uncovering profound discoveries along the way. Through innovation and authentic positivity, she has not only survived a traumatic loss but thrived alongside the tragedy that has profoundly impacted her and her family. Recognizing that grief is a universal experience, Julie emphasizes the importance of supporting individuals dealing with devastation within teams. Finding a delicate balance between allowing space for healing and maintaining productivity is key, ensuring that affected members can continue to contribute meaningfully while navigating their trauma and loss. Join Julie Brown as she shares her inspiring journey of resilience, offering insights and strategies to empower individuals and teams to transform grief into a legacy of strength and perseverance. Request a quote Submit About Julie Brown, born in 1964 in Detroit, Michigan, USA, is a founding partner and managing director of Polar Circles/Polar Experience expedition activities since 1999. With extensive experience in polar exploration, she serves as a project manager and communications director for her team of polar guides. In addition to expedition management, Julie specializes in developing and delivering corporate activities, including keynote presentations and inspiring motivational speeches to diverse audiences. Fluent in English as her native language, Julie is also proficient in Flemish/Dutch as her second language and conversational in French. Her unique ability to translate the rich metaphors from ambitious polar expeditions into relevant lessons for the business world adds an unexpected spark to any event. With over 20 years of public speaking experience, Julie excels in connecting with live audiences, particularly during spontaneous Q&A sessions, where she shares real anecdotes and visual stimulation from polar expeditions. Julie's journey into polar exploration began under the guidance of Dixie Dansercoer (1962 – 2021) during her first polar expedition to Antarctica in 2000, which included a Mount Vinson ascent. Since then, she has served as the project coordinator for various expeditions, such as the Bering Strait Odyssey in 2005, In the Wake of the Belgica in 2007-2008, Antarctic ICE in 2011-2012, and Greenland ICE in 2014. Beyond expedition management, Julie has also contributed to polar expedition cruises as a lecturer and guide in regions including the Antarctic Peninsula, Greenland, Svalbard, and Norway. Collaborating with Dixie, she has led corporate ICE Campaigns in Iceland, Spitsbergen, and Switzerland. Julie is not only an experienced explorer but also a prolific writer, having published several expedition-related accounts since 1998. In 2014, she co-authored "Surpassing Sastrugi," a book that draws relevant parallels for corporate audiences. Julie also maintains the Polar Experience blog, sharing insights and experiences from her expeditions. Julie was married to Dixie Dansercoer for 22 years until his passing in June 2021. Together, they have four children: Jasper, Evelien, Thijs, and Robin. Recently, they welcomed their first grandchild, Ender Dixie Dansercoer, into their family. Julie Brown Polar expedition coordinator and captivating storyteller, illuminating the parallels between polar expeditions and corporate challenges

  • keynote Surfing the waves of change

    < back Surfing the waves of change Workshop for coworkers More detailed information Every organisation is in full transition, including yours. The world evolves rapidly and one wave of change after another is rushing towards your employees. Dealing with this is not easy for everyone. Some embrace change, for others there is fear, resistance or some form of stress. This workshop of half a day helps your employee to be able to 'cope' with the frequent changes that take place. As an image, we use a surfer who consciously deals with the fickle sea : he/she knows his/her qualities and pitfalls, he/she keeps a clear view of what is coming, makes clear choices, does not take every wave, rests, takes care of himself, is almost never alone, ... During this session we work on self-knowledge : how do I deal with change? we offer insight : which factors make it easy or difficult to deal with change? we offer tools to deal with change more consciously. Participants go home with insights and concrete practical tips to surf the waves of change more relaxed. Request a quote Submit About Tom is an occupational (work) psychologist with over 25 years of professional experience. His mission is to help people work and live better, happier and healthier lives by stimulating them to grow and believe in the power of personal leadership. His work focuses on everything that has to do with 'working together', 'leadership' and 'personal growth'. Tom helps organizations, teams, managers and employees with these themes via coaching, advice, training, workshops and lectures. He is also a part-time lecturer at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp, where he teaches HRM, occupational (work) psychology and applied psychology. In March '21 he launched the site ' ' full of good practices and background material on 'connection in the workplace'. Tom Dijckmans Labour Psychologist - 25yrs experience - passionated about human interactions on the workfloor

  • keynote Strategic Storytelling

    < back Strategic Storytelling Integrating Strategic Storytelling into Your Business Can Make a Difference More detailed information Telling a strong story about your company, product, service or problem the client has, can make a difference in how you are perceived in the market. In this entertaining and informative keynote or workshop, executive communication coach Barbara Rogoski will discuss what a good business story contains, why they should be part of your business strategy and how to develop the "hero" story for the greatest impact. Request a quote Submit About Barbara Rogoski is a passionate professional speaker and executive communication coach specializing in helping individuals present themselves, share their stories, and communicate their value effectively through executive presence, strategic storytelling, and pitching techniques. Through her company Successful Speaker Now, she focuses on empowering business professionals to convey their narratives with confidence, clarity, and impact. As an executive communication coach and senior TEDx coach, Barbara has mentored over 150 TEDx speakers worldwide. She is also the author of "Boring to Brilliant: A Reference Guide for Speakers," which offers 160 colorful communication tips to enhance every speaker's skills. Barbara's extensive expertise in effective communication, coupled with her engaging and inspiring teaching style, has made her a sought-after speaker, trainer, and coach. Whether you need an inspirational keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, trainer, or coach, Barbara offers valuable insights and empowering guidance to help individuals elevate their communication abilities and succeed in their endeavors. Barbara Rogoski Barbara Rogoski is an American professional speaker and executive communication coach with expertise in executive presence, strategic storytelling and how to pitch yourself confidently.

  • keynote Digital well-being: why deconnecting is crucial

    < back Digital well-being: why deconnecting is crucial Managing your digital information flows has become critical in ensuring a healthy wellbeing More detailed information The rippling stream of information has become a churning, relentless whitewater river. 24/7, both at and away from work, we are bombarded on all sides with messages and news. This constant abundance of information can have devastating effects on our mental, emotional and physical well-being. Investing in "digital well-being" is not a luxury but a necessity. Digital wellness can be learned and ensures that you yourself, as well as your organization, thrive. In this highly interactive session we explore together why deconnecting is key and critical. Frans provides you with hands-on hints and tips to manage your digital information flows. These easy-to-implement actions will lead you to a well managed digital environment, healthy habits and a focus on the things that really matter to you. It's time to take control! Also available in workshop format. Request a quote Submit About Frans specializes in guiding executive teams and collaborating with HR partners in the realms of leadership, talent management, and organizational change. Drawing from his extensive professional background at renowned companies such as IBM, Siemens, PwC, and Johnson & Johnson, he now serves as an independent executive coach and talent strategy advisor for Randstad RiseSmart. Frans also contributes his expertise as an executive coach at Vlerick Business School, where he helps current and emerging leaders unlock their full potential. In addition to his coaching roles, Frans is a sought-after guest speaker at institutions like Antwerp Management School and Artevelde Hogeschool, where he shares his enthusiasm for personal leadership and strives to inspire individuals to achieve their best selves. Through these engagements, Frans collaborates with a diverse range of national and international clients across both private and public sectors. His multifaceted experiences allow him to offer valuable insights and practical strategies tailored to the unique needs of each organization and individual leader, fostering growth, resilience, and success in today's dynamic business environment. Frans van de Ven Passionate personal leadership promoter, empowering executive - team - coach, trusted talent strategy adviser

  • keynote Heart & Mind Drum workshop

    < back Heart & Mind Drum workshop An experience of drumming the biological and resonating together More detailed information Rhythm is the place where body and soul collide [Plato] Have you ever wanted to understand and play rhythms for increasing energy, deep rest, and lowering stress? Drums and rhythms are one of the oldest methods of communication. When people strike or stamp something at the same time in synchronization, energy and power are created. Your whole body and that of your fellow humans are full of rhythms. It's all about resonating together. Your heart and brain both vibrate and resonate as you go through daily life and there are certain rhythms that express vitality and development. Did know in your deep sleep your heart and brain rhythms synchronize every day? While this happens your health is boosted. Would you like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? Would you feel being able to connect with others on a deeper level? Playing drums can help you achieve all this and more! If you want to: Learn about the power of rhythms and how to use them yourself. Play and feel the rhythms of your heart and mind. Utilize drumming techniques to help you energize or relax and reduce stress. This drum workshop is a very energizing teambuilding for your organization! Request a quote Submit About Leo Van Woerden is not just a neuroscientist and sleep expert; he embodies a lifelong dedication to unraveling the mysteries of the human brain and optimizing our well-being. With a rich background as the son of doctors and growing up in a bustling household of six siblings, Leo's innate energy and curiosity were apparent from a young age. His journey into neuroscience was sparked by his own experiences with ADHD, a diagnosis that fueled his passion for understanding human biology and optimizing performance. Leo's studies at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam illuminated the profound impact of lifestyle factors, particularly sleep, on cognitive function and mental health. This insight became the cornerstone of his work. Leo's expertise extends beyond theory; he has developed practical products and techniques aimed at achieving optimal states of mind, focus, energy, and sleep. Through personalized insights and a deep understanding of neuroscience, Leo empowers individuals to take control of their health by shaping their behaviors, nutrition, and environment. Drawing on his comprehensive knowledge of the brain, sleep science, nutrition, and natural supplements, Leo has crafted tailored solutions designed to meet the unique needs of the modern, Western lifestyle. His mission goes beyond education; Leo combines his positive energy and drumming skills to create engaging workshops, lectures, and training sessions that offer participants a captivating "neuroscience crash course." Leo's approach is not just informative but transformative. He connects with audiences on a personal level, instilling a sense of empowerment and motivation to enact lasting changes. With Leo's guidance, understanding, and enthusiasm, navigating the complexities of brain health and well-being becomes not only manageable but an exciting journey towards optimal living. Leo van Woerden Son of doctors, misdiagnosed with ADHD. Leo is a neuroscientist, speaker, coach, consultant and trainer. Giving neuroscience crash-courses using his drums.

  • keynote The importance of networking

    < back The importance of networking ​ More detailed information The backbone of every future business is your ability in being agile and the importance of the network you have, both digitally and in real life. This will enable you to co-create and to listen to the voice of your customers and still be relevant for them tomorrow. Request a quote Submit About As a former top athlete, Suyin recognizes a significant correlation between the mindset of an entrepreneur and that of an Olympic athlete. This is why she proudly identifies herself as an "Olympic Entrepreneur." With extensive experience as an entrepreneur and business leader, Suyin understands the importance of motivating and inspiring teams, creating value, and maintaining agility while fostering creativity. Her entrepreneurial perspective provides her with a valuable helicopter view, enabling her to ask the right questions and approach challenges strategically. This breadth of vision makes her a versatile moderator and interviewer, adept at hosting events, moderating debates, and preparing and presenting TV & video shows. Suyin leverages her fluency in multiple languages - including Dutch, French, and English at a native level, and German, Spanish, and Italian at a proficient level - to serve as a valuable bridge, elevating her clients and their businesses to new heights of professionalism and success. Furthermore, as an inspiring keynote speaker, Suyin aims to shift the mindset of her audience, persuading them to consider perspectives they may not have previously encountered or believed. With her compelling presentations, she seeks to ignite change and drive progress within groups of people. Suyin Aerts To get the right answers you must ask the right questions.

  • keynote The Return of Investment on social sustainability

    < back The Return of Investment on social sustainability And why should social sustainability be part of your business? More detailed information Environmental sustainability awareness has grown lately, but social sustainability still seems like a buzzword without any real raison d'être in business success. So, what exactly is it? And why should social sustainability be part of your business? In this presentation, you will learn: - What is corporate sustainability? - What are the 5 pillars of social sustainability? - Why Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) are key to boost the performance of your business - How DEI aids innovation Request a quote Submit About Dr. Ngomsik holds a PhD in physical and analytical chemistry and is a seasoned strategist specializing in climate change and corporate social responsibility. As the CEO and co-founder of Trianon Scientific Communication, a management consulting firm, Dr. Ngomsik leads efforts to assist businesses with the highest CO2 emissions in harmonizing sustainability with profitability. Over the past two decades, she has collaborated closely with board members and executives to promote awareness, embed CSR principles into business strategies, implement sustainable practices, provide training for decision-makers, and explore innovative green solutions. Dr. Ngomsik firmly advocates for addressing the interconnected pillars of people, planet, and profit to effectively tackle today's sustainability challenges. Recognizing the value of diverse leadership and inclusive environments, Dr. Ngomsik emphasizes their role in driving innovation, problem-solving capabilities, revenue growth, and reducing organizational CO2 emissions. She integrates these principles into her consultancy work, viewing corporate environmental and social sustainability as catalysts for enhanced profitability. Dr. Ngomsik's expertise extends beyond devising strategies for emissions reduction; she actively promotes increased diversity among decision-makers within organizations, both in inherent traits and acquired perspectives. Her engaging keynote speeches are renowned for simplifying complex concepts into relatable anecdotes, fostering inclusive and enjoyable interactions with her audience, and bridging the crucial connection between People, Planet, and Profit (3P). With her unique blend of expertise, communication prowess, and commitment to holistic sustainability, Dr. Ngomsik continues to be a sought-after speaker and consultant, driving positive change and impactful strategies across industries. Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik TEDx speaker, named “most inspiring women in sustainability”, Audrey-Flore uses science to positively influence businesses to take actions to solve climate change challenges.

  • keynote Timing matters

    < back Timing matters Mastering the art of timing for success More detailed information Join Sofie Fransen as she delves into the crucial role of timing in business and life. With her unique perspective as a surgeon, Sofie reveals how split-second decisions can make all the difference in high-stakes situations. Through practical strategies and insightful anecdotes, Sofie teaches you how to optimize your timing for maximum impact and efficiency. Prepare to rethink your approach to timing and unlock new opportunities for success. Request a quote Submit About Sofie Fransen is an abdominal surgeon with years of experience at the medical boardroom. She translates the principles of surgical precision with high-performance teamwork into business language. During her keynote, she invites you into the operating theatre. As a surgeon, she is accustomed to dealing with life-threatening emergencies. Her skills to make decisions at split seconds, combined with precise timing and focus, are necessary to work at this high level of performance. This way of working might be applied in every business. She encourages you to look through her surgical glasses. Observing your company's processes of timing, focus, and logistics from this surgical perspective may lead to the positive health of your company and its employees. Sofie Fransen As a surgeon and boardmember, Sofie emphasizes that surgical precision and teamwork are the key factors for the positive health of your business.

  • keynote AI-Integration Strategy for Communication Professionals

    < back AI-Integration Strategy for Communication Professionals An introduction to multimodal integration for non-technical working teams More detailed information Generative AI – text, voice, image, video, music - is a set of powerful multi-modal tools that are set to superpower our content development strategies. This is your “stack”. We look at ChatGPT, MidJourney, Dall-E, 11Labs and HeyGen and see how they combine to augment your internal-external communication, visual storytelling, audio podcasting and social messaging. Whether you’re improving presentations, onboarding or training materials, produce powerful thought leadership content or engaging better with your customer, knowing how AI works and how to use it will give your work an edge. PART I: Understanding AI What AI is and how does it work? What tools do what, what are the risks and opportunities? What’s a Mixture of Experts? A Parameter, a Weight, a DAWN, or Running Inference? Understanding terminology and language of right now. Multimodality: text, image, music, voice, video. PART II: Integrating AI Co-Creating in your team: pulling apart your tasks. The Human skills to augment: empathy, listening, humor, improvisation and creativity. Data safety Externals: auditing your freelancer lineup. Request a quote Submit About Speaker, author, trainer and coach, Fiona is a specialist of the Human at Work, leadership and the integration of AI into our working lives. She focuses on positive culture and engagement for large multinationals. Fiona is the author of the Comic Books for Executive Series and produces a regular podcast and video series called “Working Humans”. Her latest book, “The Handbook for Post-Covid Engagement” won at the UK Business Book Awards and received a Goody Award for thought leadership. Her new book is entitled “AI Powered”, due for release this year. Fiona spent many years in the corporate space in HR, in the area of internal communications and employee engagement. She has been Creative Lead, Senior Visual Communicator, Innovation Advisor, Explainer and Storyteller for some of the largest multinationals in Europe, in Vienna, London, Budapest, Brussels and Amsterdam. In 2020 she achieved a master’s in business management and AI concentration. Today, Fiona is a highly effective visual storytelling and stand-up comedian in training. She weaves solid, serious, research-driven advice with laughter and fun, guides for improving our working lives at any organization. Fiona Passantino Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration.

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