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735 items found for ""

  • keynote speaker Johan Albrecht

    Johan Albrecht When economic analysis meets sustainability and societal challenges To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer Dutch, English Climate, Energy, Housing markets, Sustainability, Environment Economics, Energy transition, Quality of Life, Economic reform, Great food transformation Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Prof. Dr. Johan Albrecht is an experienced economist with a broad interest in societal and technological changes. By combining different disciplines, he brings new insights that help in mastering our changing world. His key interests relate to sustainability challenges and the need to prepare for the future we aspire to. Since 2006, he has been a senior fellow at the Itinera Institute, an independent think tank based in Brussels ( ). His research activities focus on energy systems, climate policy, and the dynamics of housing markets. His recent books include "Corona Shock" (2020), "Investeer in een gezonde levensstijl. Op weg naar een activerend preventiebeleid" (2020), "Oikonomia" (2018), "Energietrilemma" (2017), and "Het gewicht van vlees" (2016). He is the author of 40 publications in international journals and volumes, and as a scientific advisor, he works for Belgian and international organizations. Topics Sustainability & CSR From energy crisis to climate neutrality Lees verder The energy paradox and alternatives that contribute to climate solutions More Sustainability & CSR The Energy trilemma Lees verder Energy should be reliable, sustainable and affordable. How do you reconcile these objectives ? More Sustainability & CSR Climate-neutral in 2050 Lees verder How organisations can make a difference More Sustainability & CSR The World we make After The Corona Shock Lees verder How the corona crisis can strengthen the resilience of our economy and society More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Julie Heyvaert

    Julie Heyvaert Employee Engagement Architect. Julie’s mission is to drive for more human energy on the workfloor. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Workshops Dutch, English, French Team Cohesion, Team Dynamics, Employee Engagement Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Julie's mission is to systematically increase engagement in the workplace, emphasizing the concept of bringing more FLOW into work environments. Flow represents a state of mind where individuals are highly engaged, motivated, and focused. It involves being completely immersed in tasks, driven by a powerful energetic force. Studies indicate that we spend only about 5% of our time in flow states, a statistic Julie aims to change. This motivation led her to establish her company – Flowspire, which seeks to foster connections within organizations and inspire employees to achieve better results for themselves, their colleagues, and society as a whole. Enhanced wellbeing and engagement contribute to stronger brands, increased loyalty, greater creativity, agility, and ultimately better outcomes—a proven fact. Julie brings unique perspectives to this arena due to her diverse background as a commercial engineer and over 15 years of international business experience. She has developed expertise in areas such as employer branding, change management, cultural shifts, leadership, and facilitation, working with companies of varying sizes from small to medium enterprises to multinational corporations. In her role as an Employee Engagement Architect and Facilitator, Julie formulates comprehensive change plans and ignites transformative movements within organizations. Additionally, she serves as a lecturer at Thomas More University, teaching courses on HR Trends and Employee Engagement. Julie is widely recognized for her high energy, deep expertise, and is esteemed for her balanced approach that combines results-driven strategies with a genuine care for people. Topics Team Dynamics How to boost FLOW and human energy on your work floor? Lees verder ​ More Change Leading in times of change Lees verder Workshop More Company Culture How to win the war for talent? Lees verder while boosting retention More Motivation & Ownership How to boost engagement through human relations? Lees verder Experience moment More Motivation & Ownership How to motivate your team? Lees verder workshop More Hybrid Working Activity based working Lees verder ​ More Resilience & Well-being Self-care for team leaders Lees verder Workshop More Diversity & Inclusion How to collaborate in a more inclusive way in your team? Lees verder workshop More Highly recommended in this time of working from home to stay connected! Otary Cindy Maes, HR Manager Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Michael Houben

    Michael Houben Helping you grow a Benchmark Team with inspiring talks and trainings on Knowledge Management, Time Management and Intercultural Cooperation. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Workshops English, Dutch Leadership, Management, Knowledge Management, Personal Development, Feedback, Intercultural Cooperation, Cultural Diversity, Time Management, Energy Management Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography In short, he is a passionately curious and globally experienced Change Agent. His mission is to assist organizations in thriving alongside their people. He employs innovative and practical frameworks for Team Development and Knowledge Management, and he delivers talks and training sessions on Leadership, Management, and Personal Productivity. Prior to embarking on his journey as a solopreneur, he gained valuable experience in well-respected international companies. At Punch Powertrain, he established the R&D Department in China, and at ZF Group, he led the transformation of the global Product Validation Department within the Windpower Division. On a personal note, he is happily married and a proud father of two children. He enjoys sports, traveling, and personal development pursuits. Topics Productivity Knowledge Management Lees verder How to retain and grow your organization's knowledge More Leadership Leading a culturally diverse team Lees verder How to foster understanding and outstanding cooperation between people with different cultural backgrounds More Productivity Time Management Lees verder How to become insanely productive, sanely More It was very inspiring, and I found the delivery very enjoyable! ​ ​ I wanted to thank you again for the training. It was very clear and especially useful! ​ ​ I can recommend this session to everyone! Very concrete and full of practical tools. ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Mariam Harutyunyan

    Mariam Harutyunyan Diversity and inclusion advocate. It's time to start talking about your company's inclusion strategy from marketing to company culture. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, English Diversity & Inclusion, Inclusive marketing, Inclusive workplace, Diversity, New generation Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography As a diversity and inclusion advocate and keynote speaker, Mariam aims to assist companies in elevating diversity and inclusion on their agendas and understanding the associated benefits. After obtaining her Master's degree in Biomedical Sciences from KU Leuven, she pursued further studies in consumer neuroscience. Mariam has supported various startups and organizations in enhancing their marketing strategies and visibility, with a particular emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Additionally, Mariam is the founder and owner of the statement streetwear brand, KinArmat - female roots in Armenian-. The brand's statements are designed to initiate conversations on topics ranging from gender equality and diversity to female empowerment. Mariam has been invited multiple times as a speaker to share her expertise and experiences, as well as to narrate the story of KinArmat and its marketing strategies. By heeding the insights of a young and diverse woman, companies gain a fresh perspective on marketing methodologies, crucial for attracting diverse talent and fostering inclusivity within their organizations. Topics Diversity & Inclusion Understanding Generation Z in the workplace Lees verder Intergenerational Communication More Future of Work Attract, retain and develop diverse young talent Lees verder Changing trends in workplaces that are put in motion by the newest generations entering the job market More Marketing The shift from exclusive to inclusive consumers Lees verder Brands have to change the way they market to their customers More A non-diverse C-suite or management team cannot imagine the train of thought of a person with different roots. Quite simply, you don't experience the same things in life. Therefore, recruit a diverse team to implement the D&I agenda. ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Veerle Dobbelaere

    Veerle Dobbelaere Human behaviour and emotions have no secrets for Veerle, since she masters them being an actress. As a professional certified coach she uses this experience to improve collaborators' well-being. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Workshops, Coach Dutch Breathing, Meditation, Presentation Skills, Team Coaching Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography As an actress, she is highly attuned to her breathing, which forms the basis of how she utilizes her body as an instrument to embody a role. In her role as a coach, she is well-versed in understanding the impact of stress on the body. She harnesses the power of breath, which is readily available to everyone, to attain more rest, a crucial element for personal growth. She encapsulated this knowledge in her book "ADEMRUIMTE." By cultivating awareness of emotions and their physiological effects, by observing and gaining control over our thoughts, and by using breathwork to release tension from the body, individuals can create literal and metaphorical space. This space allows for better stress management and enhances enjoyment in various aspects of life such as work, relationships, and health. Veerle boasts over a decade of experience in the business realm, having developed numerous workshops and training programs focusing on wellbeing, creativity, and communication. Through her webinar titled "Hoe creëer ik meer ademruimte mentaal en emotioneel?" (available in Dutch only), participants can invest in their company's most valuable asset: its people. Topics People Skills Communiceren met impact Lees verder Of je nu een organisatie leidt, een team of voornamelijk jezelf, je kan niet niét communiceren! More People Skills Omgaan met grenzen Lees verder Voorkom burn out en leer je grenzen aan te geven More People Skills Omgaan met emoties Lees verder Emoties zorgen voor een goede werksfeer, minder stress en zijn sterk wapen tegen burn out. More Resilience & Well-being Ademruimte Lees verder Hoe creëer ik mentaal en emotioneel meer ademruimte? More Innovation Improvisatie innoveert Lees verder Samen spelenderwijs improviseren om tot grootse persoonlijke en team-verbonden resultaten te komen More Ik wou je nog even bedanken voor de fijne en inspirerende sessie van dinsdag. Ik was heel blij dat het zo laagdrempelig en toegankelijk was door de theorie beperkt te houden en de deelnemers aan de lijve te laten ervaren wat de impact van onze ademhaling kan zijn om te ontspannen en te ontstressen. De 2 metaforen (van de fles en de pedalen) waren heel sterk en zijn ook bij mij echt blijven hangen. ​ Kim de Bock Veerle is a terrific coach! She combines creativity and fun with a talent to spot what is really going on... she immediately puts her finger on the sore spot and has a disarming way of telling things the way they are... always with real care and respect for her clients. ​ Debbie Baute Ik volgde enkele sessies rond Ademruimte bij Veerle. Ik vond haar aanpak heel fijn: heel toegankelijk voor iedereen. Ik kon er zo enkele bruikbare oefeningen mbt ademhaling en mindfullness uitpikken om in het dagelijkse leven toe te passen. En die oefeningen kwamen al goed van pas! ​ Liesje Berteloot Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere

    Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Mieke is an extraverted nerd, the engineer who balances profit, people and planet within all digitalisation efforts. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host, Trainer German, Dutch, English, French Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Human Computation, Ethics, Diversity, Neuroscience, Cognitive Marketing, Business Development, Lifelong Learning Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere is an Adjunct Professor at Vlerick Business School. She holds a master's degree in civil and industrial engineering and specialized in robotics and artificial intelligence during her studies. Over the last 30 years, she has worked for several multinationals on all aspects of data and analytics, including IBM, Microsoft, SAP, SAS, and others. From a business consulting perspective, she specializes in defining the AI business canvas, from potential value to predefined risks. With her deep understanding of the hindsight, insight, and foresight of AI technologies, she frequently serves as an expert and coach behind the scenes. In her public presentations and recent book, Mieke focuses on demystifying the hype around AI. In 2020, the State Secretary of Digitalisation, Mathieu Michel, appointed Mieke as the "Digital Mind." Additionally, she was the runner-up for "ICT Personality of the Year" in Belgium in both 2022 and 2023. Today, Mieke continues to share her vision for the future of AI as a speaker on international radio, television, and conferences. Topics Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Lees verder Drivers for Success More Sustainability & CSR The good, the bad and the ugly of AI Lees verder AI has existed for some time, but we are coming to the tipping point: the popularity increases over time, yet there is tension caused by the negative effects of or fear for AI. More Diversity & Inclusion Me, myself and my AI Lees verder For the successful adoption of AI, we need more female leaders. Why? As AI projects succeed on 4 factors (data, technology, people and processes), women normally possess the right qualities to lead projects to build real-world AI products more successfully as they fully master the enablement of an environment for collaboration and inclusion. More Artificial Intelligence Generative AI Lees verder Hype, hope or hazard? More Mieke is a unique blend of knowledgeable, thoughtful, and passionate. She explains complex and delicate matters in a simple manner, tailoring her message to the target audience. Mieke was a lot of fun to work with. In The Pocket Frederik De Bosschere, Strategy lead Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Pieter Baert

    Pieter Baert I'm always curious to ask the right questions To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, French, English design thinking, innovation, Customer Experience, Service Design, Future Trends Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Pieter believes in combining long-term thinking with short-term action, merging strategic analysis with creative implementation. He has learned that exploring the future involves making ideas tangible and testing them through a startup mindset. As an innovation consultant and digital strategist, Pieter specializes in business transformation and enhancing customer experience. His focus centers on understanding people, their needs, and motivations, and finding solutions through robust business strategies and value propositions. He assists organizations in predicting future trends that can impact their operations. As a facilitator, Pieter guides organizations in strategic decision-making and fosters creative ideation. His strengths include asking the right questions, using storytelling to inspire people, and creating clarity in complex situations. Topics Together with Pieter, you can realize the impossible. It simply requires a few wild ideas to start with, post-its, coffee and ends in a realistic business model that you can validate with real people. ​ Julia Schausberger, former Zalando EU Pieter has an endless imagination and great ability to put himself in the shoes of the user. Having him in the team is effective… and extremely fun! ​ Christelle Goblet, former Managing Director at Accenture, now leadership coach Stop eating carbs and hire Pieter! A high energy bar for your business. Starting new services, setting up teams or changing old cultures. I miss him every day. BNP Paribas Philippe Dewamme Pieter is a great sparring partner. Pushing ideas beyond the boundaries of your own experience all while keeping an eye on the final objective you are trying to achieve. Mediahuis Ezra Eeman, Digital Change Director I just love working with Pieter because he's crazy talented, high-demanding for himself/others, and has a really funny instagram account. Xylos Patrick Leysen, CEO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • Speakersbase Female Speakers

    Our Female Speakers Welcome to our inspiring webpage dedicated to the powerful voices taking center stage! Explore the impressive lineup of female speakers, moderators and hosts, curated by a dynamic duo of visionary women who lead our speakers bureau. Discover the diversity and expertise these women's keynotes, sharing their stories, knowledge, and insights. Immerse yourself in a world of empowerment, innovation, and inspiration crafted by two female entrepreneurs who understand the impact of speaking. Join us in celebrating extraordinary women making a difference in the world of speaking and on stage! Ann De Bisschop Speaker, Consultant The first Wellbeing Director in Belgium :-), Author of 3 books, Keynote speaker & Wellbeing consultant Dutch, French, English Wellbeing, Happy and Healthy Employees, Work-life, Human Capital Read More Tamara Makoni Speaker, Trainer, Workshops, Consultant Inclusion & culture expert who helps leaders use diversity to catalyse innovation and growth English inclusion, diversity, inclusive leadership, innovation, culture, talent, communication Read More Hermina Van Coillie Speaker, Workshops, Trainer, Coach, Consultant Hermina Van Coillie, Dr. in psychology, is a motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in several HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant and business manager at Flourish English, Dutch HQ-motivation, Engagement, Trust, Psychological Safety Read More Isabel De Clercq Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator, Consultant Author and speaker passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices French, English, Dutch Hybrid Working, Future of Work Read More Isabelle Gonnissen Speaker Sales Director at Solvay and the driving force behind the successful campaigns '30 days without complaining' and 'Complaint-free coffee' Dutch, French, English Positivism, Stress, Burn-out Read More Isabel Verstraete Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Speaker, workshops, brand strategy expert, and author Dutch, French, English Future Brand Strategy, Repositioning, Collaboration, agility, Care for the Planet, The Care Prinicples, CSR, ESG strategy Read More Elke Struys Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Coach, Workshops Passionate about supporting other in being the best version of themselves, as a leader, intrapreneur,...a person...keeping it simple, yet effective English, Dutch leadership in balance, human-centric transformation, resilient teams Read More Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Workshops TEDx speaker, named “most inspiring women in sustainability”, Audrey-Flore uses science to positively influence businesses to take actions to solve climate change challenges. French, English Food, textile, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, sustainability, link between corporate sustainability and diversity, equity & inclusion, sustainable leadership, green innovation, pollution, cultural fit, D&I, corporate social responsibility Read More Orianne Aymard Speaker Dr. Orianne Aymard, a brain hemorrhage survivor, defied odds by climbing Everest and Lhotse, embodying resilience and determination in her keynotes Spanish, French, English Resilience, Leadership, Self-Surpassing, Crisis Management Read More Inge van Belle Speaker, Trainer, Consultant Restless entrepreneur with corporate background in communication & sales. Dubai based Employee Engagement aficionada. Dutch, French, English Employee Engagement, Employee Experience Read More Martine Reyners Speaker, Workshops, Coach Internationally acclaimed soprano and passionate liberator of the profound energy of the human voice Dutch, German, English, French authentic voice, true vocal nature, harmony Read More Anja Cappelle Trainer, Speaker, Workshops, Coach, Consultant Digital pioneer with a passion for leadership, sales and intrapreneurship Dutch, English ​ Read More Saskia Van Uffelen Speaker, Consultant, Workshops, Coach How can we create a new culture in our organisations? Digital Skills Leader Belgium, boosting Future Skills and Jobs for everybody! Dutch, french, English Intrapreneurship, company culture, future skills Read More Minke Tromp Speaker, Workshops Applied Philosopher, entrepreneur, author and speaker with a passion for connecting wisdom and impact from a philosophical/anthropological perspective to provide added value English, Dutch philosophy, leadership, art of questioning Read More Charlotte De Metsenaere Trainer, Moderator, Speaker, Workshops, Host Communication expert, international improvisational theater teacher and public speaking coach Dutch, French, English Theater, Humor, Teambuilding, Feedback, Communication, Improvisation, Fun Read More Mariam Harutyunyan Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Diversity and inclusion advocate. It's time to start talking about your company's inclusion strategy from marketing to company culture. Dutch, English Diversity & Inclusion, Inclusive marketing, Inclusive workplace, Diversity, New generation Read More Fiona Passantino Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Host, Workshops Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration. English, Dutch AI, Innovation, Transformation, Engagement, Communication, Community Building, Hybrid Working, Leadership Read More Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Speaker, Moderator, Host, Trainer Mieke is an extraverted nerd, the engineer who balances profit, people and planet within all digitalisation efforts. German, Dutch, English, French Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Human Computation, Ethics, Diversity, Neuroscience, Cognitive Marketing, Business Development, Lifelong Learning Read More Katja Schipperheijn Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Author, learning strategist and keynote speaker with a passion for continuous improvement through human-centred innovations that support learning Dutch, English Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse, Learning, Employee Engagement, Human - Machine Symbiosis Read More Florence Pérès Speaker, Workshops Author, enthusiastic speaker and expert in coping with change, adaptive resilience, digital balance and focus. Dutch, French, English Digital Balance, Digital Detox, Focus, Mental Resilience, Change, Coping with change, Adaptive Resilience Read More Veerle Dobbelaere Speaker, Trainer, Workshops, Coach Human behaviour and emotions have no secrets for Veerle, since she masters them being an actress. As a professional certified coach she uses this experience to improve collaborators' well-being. Dutch Breathing, Meditation, Presentation Skills, Team Coaching Read More Elke Jeurissen Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Entrepreneur, Community Builder (Inclusive Leaders Connect, Straffe Madammen, 72Hours Reload), co-author of 2 books, (step)mum of 5. Dutch, French, English Diversity & Inclusion, Inclusive leadership Read More Véronique De Prycker Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Workshops, Moderator, Consultant Helping B2B companies to close the gap between men & women and enhance the performance and impact of women through better leadership, communication, and networking Dutch, English Offline and online networking, Impact, Self-mastery, Leadership, Gender Equality Read More Kathleen Van den Berghe Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Workshops Passionate entrepreneur in the wine and tourism industry Dutch, French, English Wine industry, Sustainability, Wine tasting, Values and Leadership, Wine education Read More load more speakers

  • Keynotes speakers

    Our Team Choose gender Choose role For keynote speakers, coaches, consultants, trainers and workshops: Choose topic If you would like to join our team of speakers and moderators, we kindly ask you to fill out this form . Ann De Bisschop Speaker, Consultant The first Wellbeing Director in Belgium :-), Author of 3 books, Keynote speaker & Wellbeing consultant Dutch, French, English HR, company culture & leadership; Resilience & wellbeing Read more Orianne Aymard Speaker Dr. Orianne Aymard, a brain hemorrhage survivor, defied odds by climbing Everest and Lhotse, embodying resilience and determination in her keynotes Spanish, French, English Resilience & wellbeing Read more Tamara Makoni Speaker, Trainer, Workshops, Consultant Inclusion & culture expert who helps leaders use diversity to catalyse innovation and growth English HR, company culture & leadership; Business and strategy, Technology, transformation & innovation Read more Stefaan van Hooydonk Speaker, Trainer, Workshops, Coach I am the 'curiosity guy'. I make leaders curious about the power of curiosity at work and all its wonderful benefits. Dutch, English HR, company culture & leadership Read more Lieven Van Linden Speaker, Consultant, Coach, Workshops A long-distance-running-entrepreneur and biohacker, helping people to optimize their health and performance Dutch, English Resilience & wellbeing; HR, company culture & leadership Read more Johan Albrecht Speaker, Trainer When economic analysis meets sustainability and societal challenges Dutch, English The Post-Corona Future; Climate, energy & sustainability Read more Martine Reyners Speaker, Workshops, Coach Internationally acclaimed soprano and passionate liberator of the profound energy of the human voice Dutch, German, English, French Resilience & wellbeing, Teambuilding Read more Jens Heitland Speaker, Host, Coach, Consultant Former global Head of Innovation at IKEA Centres. Leading expert in corporate innovation and known for combining innovation and leadership to drive human innovation in organizations. German, English HR, company culture & leadership; Technology, transformation & innovation Read more Marnick Vandebroek Speaker, Trainer, Moderator, Workshops, Consultant Helping you build trust in the workplace by turning your messages into engaging stories. #standuptostandout Dutch, English HR, company culture & leadership Read more Fiona Passantino Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Host, Workshops Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration. English, Dutch HR, company culture & leadership; Technology, transformation & innovation Read more Frans van de Ven Speaker, Moderator, Coach Passionate personal leadership promoter, empowering executive - team - coach, trusted talent strategy adviser Dutch, English, French HR, company culture & leadership; Resilience & wellbeing Read more Merijn Tinga Speaker His surfboard is a weapon. His target: politicians and company ceo's. The goal: real change! Dutch, English Climate, energy & sustainability Read more Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Speaker, Moderator, Host, Trainer Mieke is an extraverted nerd, the engineer who balances profit, people and planet within all digitalisation efforts. German, Dutch, English, French Business and strategy Read more Cedric Dumont Speaker Adventurer, Performance Psychologist, Speaker and Author. French, Dutch, English HR, company culture & leadership Read more Renout van Hove Speaker, Trainer, Workshops, Moderator, Coach, Consultant Multipotentialite, co-Author of #Obsessed - Founder of, finds himself comfortable at the intersection of Advertising, Data ecosystems, Privacy and Technology English, french, Dutch Sales, marketing & customer experience; Business and strategy Read more Isabel De Clercq Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator, Consultant Author and speaker passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices French, English, Dutch Resilience & wellbeing; HR, company culture & leadership Read more Rik Vera Speaker, Consultant, Workshops International keynote speaker, coach, author and advisor on the impact of all things digital on society and business. Dutch, English HR, company culture & leadership; The Post-Corona Future; Business and strategy Read more Richard van Hooijdonk Speaker Renowned trendwatcher and futurist and the man with several chip implants in his body. Dutch, English HR, company culture & leadership; The Post-Corona Future; Technology, transformation & innovation Read more Jo Caudron Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator, Consultant Digital pioneer with a passion for transformation and strategy. Author, advisor and speaker. Dutch, English The Post-Corona Future Read more Inge van Belle Speaker, Trainer, Consultant Restless entrepreneur with corporate background in communication & sales. Dubai based Employee Engagement aficionada. Dutch, French, English Sales, marketing & customer experience; HR, company culture & leadership Read more Hermina Van Coillie Speaker, Workshops, Trainer, Coach, Consultant Hermina Van Coillie, Dr. in psychology, is a motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in several HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant and business manager at Flourish English, Dutch HR, company culture & leadership; Resilience & wellbeing Read more Johan Terryn Speaker, Moderator, Coach, Workshops, Host Media content creator & Soulpreneur, Speaker & Author on matters of the soul, creativity and positive thinking English, Dutch Resilience & wellbeing Read more Katja Schipperheijn Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Author, learning strategist and keynote speaker with a passion for continuous improvement through human-centred innovations that support learning Dutch, English Technology, transformation & innovation Read more Anja Cappelle Trainer, Speaker, Workshops, Coach, Consultant Digital pioneer with a passion for leadership, sales and intrapreneurship Dutch, English HR, company culture & leadership; Technology, transformation & innovation Read more load more speakers

  • Hosts and moderators

    Our Hosts & Moderators Embark on a journey of seamless events and engaging discussions with our talented hosts and moderators. Speakersbase ensures the smooth flow of your event to skilled moderators adept at guiding thought-provoking conversations, our diverse lineup excels in versatility and professionalism. Explore the profiles of our hosts and moderators, many of whom are fluent in multiple languages, bringing a global touch to your occasions. Whether you're planning a conference, panel discussion, or any special event, our skilled professionals, with proficiency in several languages, are here to enhance the experience. Welcome to a platform where hosts and moderators, speaking a multitude of languages, set the stage for memorable moments! Choose gender Suyin Aerts Moderator, Host To get the right answers you must ask the right questions. Dutch, French, English Sales, marketing & customer experience; HR, company culture & leadership Read More Dorien Leyers Moderator, Host Doriens hosting style is both dynamic and engaged and her sense of humor is never far away. Dutch, French, English, Spanish ​ Read More Charlotte De Metsenaere Trainer, Moderator, Speaker, Workshops, Host Communication expert, international improvisational theater teacher and public speaking coach Dutch, French, English HR, company culture & leadership Read More Johan Terryn Speaker, Moderator, Coach, Workshops, Host Media content creator & Soulpreneur, Speaker & Author on matters of the soul, creativity and positive thinking English, Dutch Resilience & wellbeing Read More Saartje Vandendriessche Speaker, Host, Workshops, Moderator, Coach Saartje makes sure everyone goes home with an energy boost french, English, Dutch Resilience & wellbeing Read More Clo Willaerts Speaker, Trainer, Moderator, Host Clo is digital business expert, girl geek, tech optimist, avid keynote speaker, oldskool tech blogger, and published author. Dutch, English Sales, marketing & customer experience Read More Lenny Benaïcha Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator, Consultant Growth officer and lecturer with a background in classical arts, web technology, strategic innovation, and entrepreneurship. Currently on a mission to eliminate mismatches between people and jobs. Dutch, English Business and Strategy; Technology, transformation & innovation; HR, company culture & leadership Read More Fatima Llouh Speaker, Moderator, Workshops, Host, Consultant Octopus with various tentacles: millennial, single mom, daughter of migration, Moroccan roots, from midwife to communication strategist DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), storyteller Dutch, English, French Resilience & wellbeing; Business and Strategy Read More Pieter Van Leugenhagen Speaker, Moderator, Host Pieter is a VR/AR & Metaverse Strategist - Keynote Speaker successfully venturing in XR for 8 years, working with national and international brands. Dutch, English Sales, marketing & customer experience; Business and strategy; Technology, transformation & innovation Read More Pieter Baert Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops, Consultant I'm always curious to ask the right questions Dutch, French, English Technology, transformation & innovation; Business and strategy; The Post-Corona Future; Sales, marketing & customer experience Read More Gerrie Smits Speaker, Host, Moderator, Trainer, Workshops Chief Curiosity Officer. Intrigued by the impact of tech on business, people & society. Author/Facilitator/Speaker. Dutch, English Business and strategy; Sales, marketing & customer experience; Technology, transformation & innovation Read More John De Wever Moderator, Host, Consultant Energetic moderator and host, facilitating conversations on business, leadership, technology and society Dutch, French, English Technology, transformation & innovation; HR, company culture & leadership; Read More Lesley Arens Moderator, Host #ZigZagHR | what if the best HR no longer is HR (?) | Learnatic | Du choc des idées jaillit la lumière (Nicolas Boileau) Dutch, English HR, company culture & leadership Read More Valérie Deridder Speaker, Moderator, Host Journalist at Knack with a passion for everything to do with technology and digital transformation Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Persian Technology, transformation & innovation Read More Jo Caudron Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator, Consultant Digital pioneer with a passion for transformation and strategy. Author, advisor and speaker. Dutch, English The Post-Corona Future Read More Jens Heitland Speaker, Host, Coach, Consultant Former global Head of Innovation at IKEA Centres. Leading expert in corporate innovation and known for combining innovation and leadership to drive human innovation in organizations. German, English HR, company culture & leadership; Technology, transformation & innovation Read More Dominique Monami Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops World-famous athlete who has become a speaker and share the lesson-learned throughout her career French, Dutch, English Resilience & wellbeing Read More Luna Zegers Speaker, Host, Workshops Singer-composer, author and energetic speaker on loss, resilience, zest for life and inspiration Spanish, Dutch, English HR, company culture & leadership; Resilience & wellbeing Read More Lisbeth Imbo Moderator, Host, Trainer, Workshops Asking the right questions, listening and getting people connected. Dutch, English, French Sales, marketing & customer experience Read More Céline Malyster Moderator, Host, Speaker, Workshops Allow her to give your event a bit of oomph. Sharp-witted multilingual host and speaker. Dutch, English, French HR, company culture & leadership; Technology, transformation & innovation; The Post-Corona Future; Climate, energy & sustainability Read More Isabel De Clercq Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator, Consultant Author and speaker passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices French, English, Dutch Resilience & wellbeing; HR, company culture & leadership Read More Robin Wauters Moderator, Speaker, Host Founding editor of European tech news and research platform; journalist, analyst, speaker, moderator and event curator. Co-founder of Startup Europe Lens and BeCentral. Dutch, English Technology, transformation & innovation Read More ianka fleerackers Speaker, Trainer, Moderator, Host, Workshops Storytelling Architect and Curious Creature with a long-standing career in media and arts. Dutch, English Technology, transformation & innovation Read More Fiona Passantino Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Host, Workshops Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration. English, Dutch HR, company culture & leadership; Technology, transformation & innovation Read More Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Speaker, Moderator, Host, Trainer Mieke is an extraverted nerd, the engineer who balances profit, people and planet within all digitalisation efforts. German, Dutch, English, French Business and strategy Read More Cyriel Kortleven Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator Boosting the Change Mindset and Simplifier Dutch, English Sales, marketing & customer experience; Business and strategy; Technology, transformation & innovation Read More

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    Item List 30 days Mental Energy Challenge Start to meditate together with your team! Let meditation help you and your colleagues to navigate through these challenging times. Read More 5 Stepstones to a Whealthy Workplace Investing in Workplace Well-being, a Win-Win-Win Read More 7 essential ingredients for a successful digital transformation Transformation is incontournable. Doing it right too. Read More A Bumpy Road with 5 Milestones Navigating Challenges, Embracing Growth: A CEO's Odyssey through Entrepreneurial Terrain Read More A Learning Mindset in the Age of Innovation Unleash potential with a learning mindset supported by emerging innovations Read More A Woman at the Top : One Story of Resilience & Self-Leadership Brain Hemorrhage Survivor who climbed the highest mountains in the world, Everest and Lhotse Read More A disability-inclusive transition to a low carbon economy Climate change is not diversity neutral. And when it comes to people with disabilities, they bear the brunt of climate change in ways that go beyond what others experience. Read More A prediction of the future of cybersecurity What will it look like in 2030? Read More A trip along the yellow brick road of new organization models A journey along a variety of alternative ways of working, managing and building businesses, from the network economy to sociocracy 3.0 Read More AI Lives? Navigating the Realities of Artificial Intelligence Read More AI for managers Unlocking the power of artificial intelligence in organizations Read More AI in HR: What’s real?! Clarifying 7 misconceptions about HR technology in 2024 Read More

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