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  • keynote Value alignment — inclusive recruitment

    < back Value alignment — inclusive recruitment How can we make sure our technology is unbiased? More detailed information People are inherently biased. How can we make sure that the technology and algorithms we build for social media, human resources and a wide range of other applications isn't biased as well? Request a quote Submit About Lenny Benaïcha is a serial entrepreneur who operates at the intersection of human experience and technology. He commenced his career as a professional dancer at a young age, undergoing a training regimen akin to that of a professional athlete, complemented by an artistic layer. However, his career was curtailed due to an injury. Transitioning to a new career path, he pursued studies in multimedia and communications technology, with a specialization in web technology. He garnered both the jury's prize and the audience's acclaim for his thesis, and subsequently embarked on a career as a web ninja with These Days, a prominent communication agency under the umbrella of Young & Rubicam, one of the largest communication agency conglomerates globally. Rather than confining himself to coding, he pioneered novel technologies both within and beyond the agency, rallying teams around innovation. In 2012, he co-founded a lifestyle and mobility brand that earned the distinction of startup of the year in 2015 by the Belgian Chamber of Commerce. He later re-entered the realm of communications as a strategic technologist, providing consultancy services to major brands such as Toyota and Microsoft. His most recent venture involves an HR tech company featuring the world's first two-sided assessment, which matches individuals with jobs (and vice versa) based on soft skills, grounded in scientific rigor and academic validation. This company received recognition as a runner-up at the HR Tech awards in 2022. Additionally, he has served as a (guest) lecturer at various universities in Belgium in recent years. As a speaker, Lenny Benaïcha embodies a unique blend of serenity, poise, and captivating qualities. Leveraging his background in performative arts and technology, he adeptly translates intricate complexities into accessible concepts, rendering him an exceptional keynote speaker. Lenny Benaïcha Growth officer and lecturer with a background in classical arts, web technology, strategic innovation, and entrepreneurship. Currently on a mission to eliminate mismatches between people and jobs.

  • keynote AI: opportunity or threat?

    < back AI: opportunity or threat? Embracing AI for Future Success More detailed information We must swiftly grasp the importance of human intervention and the vast potential of the future: the collaboration between humans and AI. The primary challenge ahead lies in mastering the art of cooperation between these two entities. Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a branch of computer science that empowers machines to undertake tasks typically associated with human intelligence. These tasks range from speech recognition and image processing to data-driven decision-making. AI enables computers to learn from experience and enhance their performance in task execution. However, it's crucial to understand that AI, contrary to science fiction portrayals, lacks consciousness or the ability to develop its own will. Its operations are confined within the parameters of its programming and the data it receives. Like any technology, AI has its dual nature: the beneficial and the detrimental aspects. With these insights, Rik Vera explores the concept of dual usage in AI. It's imperative to recognize that AI can serve as both a significant force for good and a potential source of harm, with a spectrum of consequences in between. AI holds the potential to positively impact society by assisting in medical diagnoses, optimizing traffic management, fostering innovation, and enhancing efficiency across various sectors. Nevertheless, we must remain vigilant about its potential for misuse, such as spreading misinformation, orchestrating cyberattacks, influencing elections, or even developing autonomous weapons systems. Let's not overlook the "ugly" aspects, as Rik aptly terms them—the unintended consequences or side effects of AI usage. Algorithmic bias, leading to unintentional discriminatory decisions, and job displacement due to automation are among the concerns we must address. Given these intricacies, it's evident that confronting the significant challenges facing humanity, society, and businesses necessitates optimizing numerous interconnected variables in a complex and ever-evolving equilibrium. Humans are not naturally adept at this task, which is where AI emerges as an invaluable ally in the form of augmented intelligence. In his keynote, "Is AI an opportunity or threat?" Rik will delve into AI's impact on businesses and demonstrate how companies can embrace AI and prepare for the imminent future. Being prepared for augmented intelligence and staying ahead of the competition is paramount. Rik will unveil actionable steps that businesses can implement today to seize a leading position. Therefore, if you aspire to be well-equipped for the era of augmented intelligence and gain a significant competitive edge, make sure not to miss this keynote. Request a quote Submit About Rik is an author, futurologist, business philosopher, coach and above all a very inspiring keynote speaker. He looks at companies and organisations from his unique and surprisingly broad perspective and makes it clear to them how they can continue to be relevant in the ever digitising society of the future. He likes to challenge them to distinguish themselves within and even outside of their industry. Rik writes and speaks passionately about business models, entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing, customer focus, sales, (digital) innovation and the interconnectedness thereof. Rik Vera International keynote speaker, coach, author and advisor on the impact of all things digital on society and business.

  • keynote The future of work and learning, Learning Ecosystems

    < back The future of work and learning, Learning Ecosystems Workshop More detailed information Working side by side with machines, ubiquitous AI, increasingly virtual worlds and harnessing the power of data is still not a daily bread for 93% of executives. Yet, they seem in no hurry to invest in technological innovations, optimisations and new ways of working that support the future of working and learning from a people-centric approach. This masterclass will give you insights and a roadmap for the essential factors on which a nimble strategy is based. A learning strategy where the symbiosis between people and technology is the foundation for continuous improvement to survive as an organisation in an ever faster changing world. Value and expected outcomes The importance of treating problems as opportunities for future-oriented growth The added value of stakeholder engagement to successfully implement innovation How to become more human in a world that becomes more digital Understanding the speed of innovation, that when viewed through the eyes of children, has overtaken us on several occasions Insights into the future of work and how innovation is necessary to remain attractive as an employer Implementable projects are the outcome of this hands-on masterclass that kick-start continuous growth through learning. "A session that makes us think beyond the limits and invites us to break down barriers and be visionary and creative" What is covered Based on the international awarded book Learning Ecosystems; creating innovative, lean and tech-driven learning strategies The future of work, learning and value-driven organisations Data analytics in a world where human-machine symbiosis is a reality Innovative technologies and cases successfully implemented by start-ups, learning organisations and multinationals. The Learning Maturity Model and the impact of Lean learning and AI to achieve Learning Ecosystems Request a quote Submit About Katja Schipperheijn is an internationally recognised author, strategist, futurist, lecturer and keynote speaker. Her expertise focuses on AI and pioneering innovations that create a human-machine symbiosis to enable learning ecosystems to flourish. In doing so, she advocates adopting a learning mindset at the personal, team and corporate levels not to become overwhelmed, but to thrive and sustainably shape the future itself. Her provocative ideas challenge traditional dogmas and offer fresh perspectives. Sheinspires everyone to adapt and embrace learning before they suffer irreversible damage because AI and other innovations are already pervasive. They are affecting organisations and their employees with unprecedented speed. To incite change, she does not shy away from hypes and discusses the impact of what now seem futuristic, such as Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) or hyper-realistic avatars that make deepfaking a child's play. Katja explores the intersection of technology and humanity and its impact on our society. For example, she looks at how competences such as imagination, curiosity and consilience play a role. She explores the similarities between neuroscience and computer science to optimise the learning of both human and artificial intelligence. Human connection is paramount in shaping the future of work, which is why she often draws her inspiration from the future as seen through the eyes of children. Katja's keynote speeches are therefore engaging and inspiring for a very diverse audience. Often, her keynotes are the starting point for a future readiness workshop and a continuous improvement project. Besides advising governments, multinationals, educational institutions and start-ups, Katja is also a philanthropist as founder of sCooledu and author of Little Digital Citizens (Dutch 2018). More than 15,000 children have already participated in her workshops on the future and the increasingly virtual world. This shows her commitment to social responsibility and the importance of promoting digital literacy among young people. By booking Katja for an event, you not only get valuable insights but also support a good cause. As an author, Katja achieved international recognition with her book Learning Ecosystems (2023) finalist best international business books in London and included in the Top 100 best international business books by the eLearning Journal in Germany. This book will therefore be available in several languages including Arabic during 2024. 2024 will also see the release of her latest book. The Learning Mindset: Combining human competencies with technology to thrive. Katja Schipperheijn Author, learning strategist and keynote speaker with a passion for continuous improvement through human-centred innovations that support learning

  • Workshops | Speakersbase

    Workshops You feel inspired and want to take the next step? The best way to move forward is having one of our experts guide you. We bring the most relevant insights to the meeting table. Content workshops Our keynotes cover relevant topics, but sometimes you prefer a more interactive format. We gladly support your workshops on resilience & wellbeing, technology, sustainability, sales & marketing, company culture, diversity & inclusion, story telling, leadership,... Future horizon mapping This workshop helps you understand how ideas, opportunities, technologies and initiatives align to different types of growth for your organisation. It focuses both on the now, as well as the medium and long term. Project retrospectives A structured session which gives teams time to reflect on a completed project. The purpose is for teams to learn from both the successes and the failures in order to improve and promote success in the future Ideation workshops A safe space that allows for generation of ideas. The main goal of an ideation session is to spark innovation and draw out a sense of creativity. You bring a team together to openly discuss and share ideas without any judgment. C-level sessions Our top experts don't only inspire, but also make sure that the actions of an organization and its employees are in line with your planned objectives. We first diverge in our thinking, but don't forget of converge again. Tailored to your needs The expertise of 75 thought leaders don't fit on a single web page. Tell us what you need and we come up with the perfect candidate to bring your workshops to the next level. Request more information What service do you want more information about? Choose the topic of your interest Submit Services form

  • keynote Master your energy

    < back Master your energy More energy and well-being in the workplace More detailed information If you suffer from energy dips, from a fatigue you cannot immediately explain, then it is time to take action. Saartje herself struggled with an energy deficit years ago. She found life too precious to step through it tired and started a search for more energy. Above all, she discovered that everyone is tired and that lack of energy is a social problem. Her experiences brought her to the core of energy: nutrition-movement-sleep and, above all, the mental aspect (the mindset). In our modern society, we have forgotten that life energy is vital. The higher our energy, the better we perform in everything we do. If we are unable to build our lives around our energy levels, we are in trouble. Because energy deficits lower our individual quality of life. Moreover, chronic energy shortages are currently the leading cause of absence from work. Entrepreneurship is top-class sport, which is why Saartje wants to bring the business world into this energetic story. What is the secret to maximum performance? What factors promote fatigue and what can we do about it? And how can we optimise our energetic potential? It is this knowledge that she loves to share with you in an interactive keynote. Saartje will work on some techniques and provide an extra boost to the group. Request a quote Submit About Saartje Vandendriessche earned her stripes in the media. For 17 years, she worked for VRT and created several adventurous programs. Consider "Op de man af," "Saar in het bos," and "Beweeg in uw kot," programs in which Saartje stepped out of her comfort zone and faced fascinating challenges. Today, her mission is to inspire as many people as possible to live life with more energy. Through keynotes, teambuilding activities, and energy boost camps (2-day mini-retreats), she raises participants' energy levels in all areas (via food, exercise, sleep, and especially mindset). She demonstrates the path to a healthy lifestyle full of energy. As always, she does this in her own stubborn, energetic way, with the necessary dose of humor. Saartje Vandendriessche Saartje makes sure everyone goes home with an energy boost

  • Keynotes on Resilience & wellbeing

    Resilience & wellbeing Employee wellbeing and mental resilience can help prevent stress, enable employee engagement and organisational performance and create positive working environments where individuals and organisations can thrive. Our experts help you achieve this. < Back to all topics Change Hacking Florence Pérès Embrace change and challenges in the workplace Read more Master your energy Saartje Vandendriessche More energy and well-being in the workplace Read more Boost your motivation Isabelle Gonnissen Choose Positive! Read more How to overcome self-limiting beliefs? Véronique Bockstal We impose unnecessary and unjustified restrictions on ourselves which have no other proof than what we make ourselves believe. Self-limiting beliefs prevent us from growing as a person, as a professional, as a business founder or owner. Read more Hybrid Harmony Ann De Bisschop Unlock Your Productivity in Work, Email, and Meetings Read more Empowering welpreneurs: navigate stress and self-care Elke Struys Unveiling the 4 Levers for entrepreneurial success Read more The New Now Elke Geraerts Building Resilience in a World Where Change is the Only Constant Read more Yoga Nidra Neuroscience Crash Course Experience Leo van Woerden A workshop combining of neuroscience, drumming, yoga and singing Read more Thriving Amidst Turbulence Julie Brown Navigating Constant Change and Overcoming Adversity with Polar Expedition Wisdom Read more Boost your (Mental) Energy! Dominique Monami Useful insights and tips to optimize energy levels for the knowledge worker. Read more Cold therapy Saartje Vandendriessche Teambuilding that provides an energy boost Read more Resilience for a long and happy life Dirk Schyvinck De 5 do's! Read more Achieving positive health Sofie Fransen Balancing mental and physical wellbeing for success Read more Building Your Well-being Ann De Bisschop From Resilience to Balance Read more Perfectionism unmasked Muriel Velu Unveiling the truth behind perfectionism and its impact on our lives Read more Build new success habits & rituals Goedele Leyssen Rituals help you to optimize your time and ensure that your body and mind are working to their full potential Read more Discover your voice Martine Reyners Experience a harmonious team Read more Working with people: Watermael Bosvoorde and Sonian Forest Jan Puype Walk for (HR) professionals and team leaders Read more Focus your brain Florence Pérès How to work with more focus and overcome distraction Read more Excell! Gella Vandecaveye A testimonial on the interface between top-class sport and business. Read more Digital Balance Florence Pérès Be in control of your screens ! Read more Disconnect to reconnect Florence Pérès For Better (Working) Relationships in a Hyper-connected World and a better Work/Life Balance Read more Recognizing & reversing burnout Mahdi Brown What every leader should know about burn out within their team to help prevent it Read more The Impact of AI on Employee Wellbeing Ann De Bisschop Balance technological progress and employee wellbeing Read more Sleep Samurai Leo van Woerden Learn to sleep deeply and "faster" and make this the tool for your health, growth and happiness Read more Stronger by stress Lieven Van Linden Learn how stress can help us to become more resilient in work and life Read more Time Management Michael Houben How to become insanely productive, sanely Read more Fully Charged - A roadmap towards more energy and better results Lieven Van Linden Discover the 3 principles for more resilience and better results. Read more Laughter yoga team building Luc Van Imschoot Laughter makes employees feel better about themselves, making interactions with colleagues and customers more motivated and friendly. Read more Body Detox Goedele Leyssen Healthy Online Teambuilding! Cook together! Learn what you can do to reset your body after the end of year festivities. Read more From I-care to WE-care Brecht Buysschaert Empowering Well-being: The Journey from Self-Care to Collective Care Read more 30 days Mental Energy Challenge Goedele Leyssen Start to meditate together with your team! Let meditation help you and your colleagues to navigate through these challenging times. Read more Executive Presence & Visibility for Professional Women Barbara Rogoski How to Present Yourself Confidently Read more Ademruimte Veerle Dobbelaere Hoe creëer ik mentaal en emotioneel meer ademruimte? Read more Harmony through singing Martine Reyners A personal testimonial that gives evidence of major resilience Read more The mental reset Elke Geraerts How hybrid work and life strengthen resilience Read more Breathe less, fear less Lieven Van Linden Overcoming fear and anxiety...with one single breath Read more Digital well-being: why deconnecting is crucial Frans van de Ven Managing your digital information flows has become critical in ensuring a healthy wellbeing Read more Connection in a Hybrid Workplace Tom Dijckmans Who replaces the coffee room? Read more Body and Mind Bootcamp Saartje Vandendriessche Holistic fitness and wellness Read more Self-care for team leaders Julie Heyvaert Workshop Read more A Woman at the Top : One Story of Resilience & Self-Leadership Orianne Aymard Brain Hemorrhage Survivor who climbed the highest mountains in the world, Everest and Lhotse Read more Prevent Burnout Isabelle Gonnissen Find your happiness! Read more The power of healthy humor Johan De Keyser Learn how to use humor as a form of communication in which everyone can feel good in order to perform and achieve goals in a healthy and wise way. Read more Innovating grief / legacy Julie Brown Transforming loss into a legacy of resilience Read more How to stay positive in times of trouble? Reframe and Feel through. Johan Terryn Being positive is not a mindset you can just turn on. You need to practise in thoughts and feelings. Read more Reframe your routines Lieven Van Linden Break the habit of being yourself Read more Stress and Burn out Florence Pérès What is it? How to recognize it? How to prevent it? Read more Omgaan met grenzen Veerle Dobbelaere Voorkom burn out en leer je grenzen aan te geven Read more Can you floor me? Gella Vandecaveye Learn how to connect in a completely different way! Read more Burning out, and “Burning in” Fiona Passantino The key to wellbeing is less rather than more; building in space for silence and creativity. Read more Thriving in the Workplace Ann De Bisschop by Fostering Professional and Personal Well-being Read more 5 Stepstones to a Whealthy Workplace Brecht Buysschaert Investing in Workplace Well-being, a Win-Win-Win Read more Boost your (physical) energy! Goedele Leyssen How to stay energized throughout your (working) day Read more Energetic Balance Workshop Rudy de Waele 🌟 Discover Balance and Prosperity with this Energetic Balance Workshop! 🌟 Read more Health & happiness Christophe Jauquet Why health & happiness is the single most important thing in (y)our lives Read more The universe and the historical quest for the ultimate truth Nancy Vermeulen Exploring our place in the cosmos Read more Choose Positive 2.0 - the missing link of AI Isabelle Gonnissen The human being in the ever changing environment of AI Read more Self-Mastery Véronique De Prycker Be excellent in every aspect of your life Read more Tap into your resilience with Spanish Flamenco Luna Zegers Exciting Spanish music style as powerful elixir of life Read more How's Work? Isabel De Clercq 7 Lies About Work and What Actually Works Read more Winning mindset Dominique Monami The right mindset is key to be successful! Read more Mental Resilience Elke Geraerts Elke shares her insights on mental resilience and how we can deal swiftly with any challenge. Read more Authentic Intelligence Elke Geraerts How to future-proof yourself and your team Read more Start to meditate Florence Pérès Taster session for active professionals Read more Boost your mental resilience Florence Pérès Actionable insights for less stress and more (mental) well-being Read more Manage your Energy to excel Herre Zonderland How do you ensure a high performance culture, right now? Read more The Quantified Self: Using data & technology to accelerate sustainable performance Lieven Van Linden Optimize health and performance in a sustainable way Read more Stress yourself Goedele Leyssen Stress is not your enemy; it is an opportunity for self-development and growth. Read more

  • keynote speaker Tom Palmaerts

    Tom Palmaerts One goal in mind: Giving people an appetite for the future. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker Dutch, English Future Trends, Consumer Trends Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Tom Palmaerts is a thought leader on consumer attitudes and behavior in a changing world. He is an acclaimed keynote speaker, trend consultant, author, and managing partner at Trendwolves, a full-service trend-watching agency focusing on young consumers and modern families. Palmaerts excels in understanding and identifying opportunities within broader cultural trends. His notable achievements include: 2019: Publication of 'Ready or Not: 11 Ways to Become Future Proof' (Lannoo, Dutch) 2017: Co-founded 'La Madrugada,' a vineyard in Mendoza, Argentina, as a side project with three friends 2015: Publication of 'Futures' (Lannoo, Dutch), co-written with Herman Konings and Joeri Van den Bergh 2014: Initiated hosting Futuro getaway sessions in Italy three times a year 2013: Awarded Trendwatcher of The Year 2010: Became a board member of the music and art community Subbacultcha 2008: Recognized as "Youth Trend Specialist of the Year" by the Dutch trendwatching platform Second Sight 2007: Joined Trendwolves 2002 - 2007: Conducted research on youth subcultures at Ladda Topics Marketing Consumers in 2030 Lees verder Imagine future possibilities More Future Trends Future Mindset Lees verder Are you ready for the future? More Tom allows us to identify and anticipate the new trends of tomorrow, to drive our innovation to the next level and inspire our customers. Barry Callebaut Pascale Meulemeester Tom’s talk here in Hong Kong was really stimulating - full of inspiring insights and examples from around the world. We’ve had lots of great feedback from everyone who came. The Fountain Group Ollie Cartwright An accelerated trip in our today’s future. MAPFRE RE Eric Geuens Tom is effervescent, high-spirited and above all FRESH. His work is greatly inspirational. Clariant Milan Judith van Vliet Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Sell like a woman

    < back Sell like a woman Discover the power of feminine energy in sales More detailed information In this captivating keynote you discover the power of feminine energy in sales and how it differs from traditional male selling approaches. Topics covered: Explore the unique strengths and qualities that women bring to the sales process, including empathy, intuition, and relationship-building skills. Uncover the secrets to leveraging feminine energy to create authentic connections, inspire trust, and drive exceptional sales results. Gain practical strategies to tap into your feminine power and revolutionize your sales approach. Get ready to embrace your inner sales goddess and unleash your true selling potential. Request a quote Submit About As the CEO of Blinc Sales Institute, Jozefien leads a team of experts dedicated to transforming sales organizations through comprehensive training, workshops, and consulting services. With over a decade of experience in the sales industry, Jozefien's exceptional knowledge and practical approach empower individuals and organizations to achieve outstanding results. As a dedicated sales consultant and coach, Jozefien leverages her deep understanding of sales techniques and innate ability to connect with others, providing tailored guidance to optimize performance and exceed targets. Her captivating stage presence, compelling storytelling, and actionable advice make her a sought-after keynote speaker, leaving audiences inspired to elevate their sales performance. Jozefien's book, "Less Contact, More Impact," has become a go-to resource, empowering professionals to enhance sales strategies and cultivate meaningful connections in the digital world. Beyond her expertise in sales, Jozefien's background in arts, teaching, and sales brings a unique perspective to her work. Her innovative strategies and real-world examples resonate with a wide range of audiences, making her an invaluable resource for corporations, educational institutions, and professional associations seeking to unlock the full potential of human connection. Furthermore, Jozefien enjoys using her musical talent to create magical atmospheres at important life events, such as weddings and funerals, where people can savor unforgettable moments. Jozefien De Feyter Sales expert empowering professionals to enhance sales strategies and cultivate meaningful connections in the digital world

  • keynote How big companies can innovate like start ups

    < back How big companies can innovate like start ups If you want to learn how to ship digital products in a matter of weeks, you need to stick to 5 core principles. Learn the exact steps it takes to build a winning digital product and to become a digital trailblazer. More detailed information There are many moving targets when building digital products. KPI's, stakeholders, deadlines, management, and validation all need to be taken care of. The only way to excel expectations is to innovate like a start up. What you will learn during this talk: 1. How to use a simple tool to prioritize your roadmap. So you always know what to build next. 2. Two secret concepts that allow teams to align like never before while making them up to 10 times faster (not a hyperbole) 3. A ridiculously efficient way of uncovering precisely what your target audience wants in just four days. Never guess again. 4. A surprisingly simple trick to align even the most difficult and opinionated stakeholders on doing the right thing (without hours of useless meetings) 5. A little-known framework from behavioral science that gets your users to come back to your product every day while improving their lives. Request a quote Submit About When Gil started his career as a functional analyst at a Belgian bank, he managed to ship a fintech product in just a couple of months. It turned out this wasn't the norm. After that, he started Bothrs to help even the slowest company innovate and shape at dazzling speed. Listen to Gil's talks to learn how to boost your people, process, and technology to accelerate your digital innovation. Gil Nimmegeers Co-founder of Bothrs, Gil makes it possible for organizations to kick start and ship digital products in a matter of weeks.

  • keynote Customer Centricity

    < back Customer Centricity Every customer wants to be healthy & happy More detailed information In this keynote, Christophe unveils the game-changing strategy of placing health and happiness at the core of your customer interactions. He demonstrates that in a digital-saturated world, where uniqueness is hard to come by, companies can distinguish themselves by transforming customer experiences into customer transformations that cultivate stronger relationships and set them apart in the marketplace. (This keynote can be adapted for various audiences, including consumers, patients, employees, physicians, visitors, tour drivers, builders, clients, etc...) Watch Christophe Speak Request a quote Submit About Christophe Jauquet is an internationally recognized author and keynote speaker, renowned for his fresh and distinctive perspective on critical topics such as customer centricity, innovation, and emerging trends. His presentations guide businesses towards expanding their horizons by emphasizing health and happiness in customer engagement, innovation endeavors, and future planning. Tailored to suit the specific objectives of each event, industry dynamics, cultural nuances, and audience requirements, Christophe's keynotes are consistently finely tuned and relevant. He has delivered speeches in over 25 countries across a wide range of industries including healthcare, consumer business, finance, travel, automotive, retail, and real estate. Christophe is the author of the book "Healthusiasm," writes a popular bi-weekly newsletter on future scenarios, and hosts a globally popular podcast on the US-based 'Shift Forward Health' Channel. He is recognized as a visionary leader, having been quoted by Deloitte in their 2022 Global Life Sciences Outlook and featured as a guest writer on renowned websites such as Healthcare Transformers by Roche. Before establishing his own business, Christophe held various roles as an intrapreneur at Pfizer Inc., where he received several global innovation awards. He further honed his expertise by collaborating with pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Takeda, and GSK, as well as consumer brands like L'Oreal, Nestlé, and Pepsi. Today, Christophe Jauquet inspires business leaders about the future of business in a health-conscious world. He has developed innovative tools to efficiently implement his vision, working towards making the world a healthier and happier place, one business strategy at a time. Christophe Jauquet Health marketeer on a mission to make the world healthy & happy.

  • keynote speaker Merijn Tinga

    Merijn Tinga His surfboard is a weapon. His target: politicians and company ceo's. The goal: real change! To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker Dutch, English Plastic Pollution, Storytelling, Surfing Expedition, Plastic Recycling, Littering, Societal Change, Political Change Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography In 2014, Merijn constructed a surfboard using washed-up plastics and surfed along the Dutch coast, earning him the nickname "Plastic Soup Surfer." Sadly, mere awareness is insufficient for catalyzing change. Consequently, he shifted his campaign focus towards policy makers and companies. To date, Merijn's campaigns and expeditions have influenced political resolutions and led to product bans, demonstrating the impact of individual action. Alongside an expanding community of passionate individuals, he persists in achieving tangible results and effecting change. Merijn shares his story to inspire and educate others on how they too can contribute to making a difference. Topics Sports How to make a difference? Lees verder Plastic pollution is a worldwide epidemic. By now we are aware of this but how does real change come about? More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote AI Lives?

    < back AI Lives? Navigating the Realities of Artificial Intelligence More detailed information ChatGPT is the buzzword of the past year. Suddenly everyone mentions and everything uses ChatGPT (or so they say). But there is much more to say about AI (Artificial Intelligence). What are the advantages of AI? Are there any disadvantages? Artificial intelligence is maybe offering hackers new sophisticated ways to intrude your systems. However It also allows cybersecurity software to detect suspicious behaviour much sooner. Has cybersecurity entered into a new league with AI? Even more questions will pop up and answered: Will AI fail in ways we do not understand? Will AI models set their own goals? Will AI be able to build better AI models, that people no longer control? What will be more evil: malicious AI or people using AI in an criminal way? What is the greatest threat for AI? And what about your job? 4 decades of security, IT and AI experience bundled in a pragmatic and passionate view about the real dangers and advantages of AI. Request a quote Submit About Eddy Willems is a globally recognized cybersecurity expert from Belgium. He serves as a board member for three prominent security industry organizations: EICAR, AVAR, and LSEC. Additionally, he holds the positions of Resident Security Evangelist and Global Security Officer at G DATA Cyberdefense. Eddy's involvement in the cybersecurity field dates back to 1991 when he became a founding member of EICAR, one of the world’s earliest security IT organizations. Throughout his career, he has held numerous additional roles within various security industry organizations. His expertise is regularly sought after by several CERTs, press agencies, print and online publications, as well as broadcasting media, including CNN. In October 2013, Eddy published his debut book, 'Cybergevaar,' in Belgium and the Netherlands under Lannoo. This was followed by a German translation and an updated English version titled 'Cyberdanger,' published by Springer in 2019. He is also a co-author of the Dutch science fiction cyberthriller ‘Het Virus,’ released in 2020. Eddy is renowned for his engaging speaking style and regularly delivers lectures and presentations worldwide, catering to audiences ranging from children to cybersecurity experts. He has spoken at prestigious events such as TEDx, captivating diverse audiences with his insights and expertise in cybersecurity. Eddy Willems Cyber Security Guru | Inspiring Speaker | Author #Cyberdanger | Security Researcher | Director | Security Evangelist at G DATA CyberDefense

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