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  • keynote Crossing Borders

    < back Crossing Borders What can your organisation learn from other industries & other surprising sources? More detailed information Our society faces many major challenges. Many of them are complex, also called 'wicked problems'. To solve them, cross-over cooperation between silos and sectors is crucial. Designing these collaborations and finding new solutions needs a new discipline: cross-industry innovation . During this entertaining and inspiring presentation, you will explore a simple process & concrete tools to 'translate' solutions from different industries & other surprising resources to your own business . Cyriel will boost your skills to broaden your perspective and give you tips and tools to use out-of-the-ordinary resources to discover new ideas. Request a quote Submit About For more than 20 years, Cyriel Kortleven has been inspiring organisations like IKEA, NASA and Unilever to approach Change with courage, confidence and enthusiasm. His pragmatic advice has earned him the nickname The Simplifier. In an increasingly complex world, we need new simple perspectives to enable us to navigate uncertainty and to turn problems into opportunities. Be ready for practical tips & tools to help you as a leader drive behavioural change. Your audience will be armed with new language and a boost of energy to transform the fear of change into a positive attitude towards the goals you want to achieve. Cyriel uses interaction and humour to create a context where people think and feel differently to reignite their appetite for creativity, taking risks and achieving ambitious results. More than 300 recommendations on Linkedin are proof of his track record of satisfied clients. Don’t mind the change. Change your Mind. Cyriel Kortleven Boosting the Change Mindset and Simplifier

  • keynote How to still be relevant for people and society in 2035?

    < back How to still be relevant for people and society in 2035? How businesses can create short and long term value for their customers while also achieving their own sustainable business objectives. Practical advice for businesses looking to create sustainable competitive advantage in the economy of the future. More detailed information Rik is convinced that the next 10 to 15 years will be a unique period in time (The Twilight Twenties) in which the old will slowly fade away, a new society and economy will take shape and companies will experience the new. In this keynote, Rik shares a story about the history of the future. How did we get here, and what were the dynamics that shaped the present? Where do we go from here? And what does that mean for companies and the people who shape them? In the past ten years, Rik has consistently proven (through his books, columns, blogs and during many keynotes) that he can predict how people, society and the business environment will evolve. This evolution is not necessarily linear or created thanks to a hype, it is always a dynamic storm of many factors that interact. The examples often followed months or even years later. Rik therefore never zooms in on just one single aspect, such as technology, HR, customer centricity or a specific part of the value chain. None of these aspects make sense without taking their connection to the others into account, as industry boundaries blur or disappear and value chains change dramatically. Companies have to adapt and want to reposition themselves. Rik wants to include them in the story ‘how to still be relevant to people and society in 2035’ to show them how to do so. The keynote is always tailored to the event, industry, audience or context. In addition, it is a lively, energetic and practical session to give you the tools you need to add value to your customers or organisation in the future. Request a quote Submit About Rik is an author, futurologist, business philosopher, coach and above all a very inspiring keynote speaker. He looks at companies and organisations from his unique and surprisingly broad perspective and makes it clear to them how they can continue to be relevant in the ever digitising society of the future. He likes to challenge them to distinguish themselves within and even outside of their industry. Rik writes and speaks passionately about business models, entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing, customer focus, sales, (digital) innovation and the interconnectedness thereof. Rik Vera International keynote speaker, coach, author and advisor on the impact of all things digital on society and business.

  • Speakers and keynotes on Specials

    Keynotes and speakers on Specials Explore unique and inspiring keynotes and expert speakers known as "Specials" - individuals who bring unconventional and innovative perspectives to the table. In today's rapidly changing world, embracing diversity of thought and celebrating originality is crucial for driving creativity, innovation, and success. Booking a "Specials" speaker can provide fresh insights, creative solutions, and outside-the-box thinking that can revolutionize your organization's approach to challenges and opportunities. Discover our curated list of "Specials" speakers and unlock the potential for groundbreaking ideas, transformative initiatives, and lasting impact in your industry or field! < Back Saartje Vandendriessche Wild foraging: local power foods Teambuilding that nurishes the stomach and soul Read more Eddy Willems My wife went to the Dark … Web A detailed look inside the Underground Economy 4.0 Read more Merijn Tinga How to make a difference? Plastic pollution is a worldwide epidemic. By now we are aware of this but how does real change come about? Read more Nancy Vermeulen The universe and the historical quest for the ultimate truth Exploring our place in the cosmos Read more Katja Schipperheijn What can we learn from children to create the future of work? This motivational yet slightly provocative keynote takes you into the world of our children to shape the future of your organization. Read more Dado Van Peteghem Level Up: what you can learn from the world of games Insight into the dynamics behind the innovation and the tactics that create strong, revenue-generating fan communities Read more Leo van Woerden Yoga Nidra Neuroscience Crash Course Experience A workshop combining of neuroscience, drumming, yoga and singing Read more Charlotte De Metsenaere Break the ice Laugh, connect and enjoy! Read more Jan Puype Discover the city of Brussels Have a great moment with your colleagues in the city where you work Read more Kathleen Van den Berghe Wine with a story tastes better Navigating the Red Ocean: Lessons from 14 Years in Wine Entrepreneurship Read more Johan Terryn The power of regret as a compass for the future How do you use regret as a feedback instrument to make better decisions in the future? Read more Rik Moons What you can learn from a plane crash? Safety at work Read more Gella Vandecaveye Can you floor me? Learn how to connect in a completely different way! Read more Florence Pérès Start to meditate Taster session for active professionals Read more Luna Zegers Tap into your resilience with Spanish Flamenco Exciting Spanish music style as powerful elixir of life Read more Leo van Woerden Heart & Mind Drum workshop An experience of drumming the biological and resonating together Read more Martine Reyners Discover your voice Experience a harmonious team Read more Minke Tromp Timeliness is different from urgency Timeliness is about making the right decisions at the right moment Read more Johan De Keyser The power of healthy humor Learn how to use humor as a form of communication in which everyone can feel good in order to perform and achieve goals in a healthy and wise way. Read more Martine Reyners Harmony through singing A personal testimonial that gives evidence of major resilience Read more Luc Van Imschoot Laughter yoga team building Laughter makes employees feel better about themselves, making interactions with colleagues and customers more motivated and friendly. Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote Meet you in the metaverse

    < back Meet you in the metaverse Are your ready for what's next? More detailed information Blockchain, NFTs, VR and web 3.0. Technology is all over the place, and while it may sound sci-fi, what’s happening is that the pieces of the technology puzzle are falling into place, a place called The Metaverse. A 3D world, beyond virtual reality, beyond reality, beyond the universe as we know it. In this keynote, Van Leugenhagen lays out all the pieces of the Metaverse puzzle and draws us a picture of what's to come. A story still unfinished, with either a happy ending or one that makes you shiver. As founder of yondr—an authority in AR and VR—Van Leugenhagen makes the future both graspable and entertaining for anyone ready for what’s next. Request a quote Submit About Pieter is an all-around entrepreneur, public speaker, author and business strategist with a fondness for immersive experiences. As co-founder and managing partner of yondr, Pieter has been pioneering internationally in the field of virtual and augmented reality for 10 years. Yondr is a creative agency that focuses on mixed reality, building virtual worlds, and digital experiences. He's also the author of the bestseller 'Welcome to the Metaverse' and 'Navigating the New Dimension, A Journey Through Spatial Computing', in which he offers insights into how the three-dimensionalization of our internet will impact our lives and work, and how all this becomes clearer through the evolution of computing. Pieter Van Leugenhagen Pieter is a VR/AR & Metaverse Strategist - Keynote Speaker successfully venturing in XR for 8 years, working with national and international brands.

  • keynote The Media - how to get your story out there

    < back The Media - how to get your story out there ​ More detailed information Putting out a press release is no longer the best way to get the media's attention. It's about standing out, being connected, and having something truly relevant to tell. Request a quote Submit About I like to get out the best in people: what makes them and their story special? It takes more than some questions, it takes two people who trust each other and dare to get connected. For more than 20years I have been a journalist. Interested in all kinds of stories and discussions. Asking questions, but also listening. A successful interview is one in which people can tell their story, enlighten us with their insights while they also dare to engage themselves as an individual into that conversation. Knowledge and emotions. That's how the story really gets passed on. A good on/offline talk always contains these elements: information, context, nuance, clarity and humanity. An interview or talk without one single emotion is a missed opportunity. My job is getting people and ideas connected, by challenging the speakers as well as the ones who are listening. What is truly being said? How do you know? Why should we care? What can we do? We are in it together! Lisbeth Imbo Asking the right questions, listening and getting people connected.

  • keynote Energetic Balance Workshop

    < back Energetic Balance Workshop 🌟 Discover Balance and Prosperity with this Energetic Balance Workshop! 🌟 More detailed information Unlock the full potential of your team with our energizing and transformative workshop designed to foster balance, health, productivity, and prosperity. The Energetic Balance Workshop brings profound awareness and understanding to your teams, guiding them to embrace their natural, healthy masculine and feminine energies while addressing any hidden negative or toxic energies that may be present in your workplace environment. Drawing from the ancient philosophy of yin and yang, we explore the interplay between opposing forces and the harmony they bring to the natural world. By recognizing and harmonizing these energies within ourselves and our workspaces, we pave the way for greater success and fulfilment. In today's rapidly evolving society, cultural shifts have created imbalances between these energies, often leaving us unaware of their impact on our daily lives, especially in our professional environments. This workshop empowers participants to delve deeper into the influence of these energies on every aspect of their lives, from decision-making and relationships to work dynamics and future endeavours. By fostering a deeper connection with inner energies, this workshop equips your team with the tools and insights needed to cultivate a healthier, more balanced, and more productive organization. Choose from a half-day or full-day workshop format, tailored to your team's needs. Whether conducted separately for men and women or as a mixed-gender group, this workshop promises to ignite transformation and promote holistic well-being within your organization. Empower your team to thrive with this Energetic Balance Workshop. Book now and embark on a journey towards harmony, prosperity, and success! ✨ Request a quote Submit About Rudy’s mission is to create talks, workshops, learning programs and experiences, to facilitate innovation and transformation in the fields of leadership and company culture, ethical technology, and regenerative economics. His work puts the focus on responsible, compassionate, and courageous leadership to address today’s complex societal and business challenges, based on personal development, purposeful action, and the community / collective, in service to life, and for all generations to come. He uses art, technology, music, meditation, ancient cultural wisdom, and personal transformation techniques to raise consciousness and guide people to become the best version of themselves leaving centuries-old patriarchal and ego-centred thinking behind. Rudy graduated from Singularity University in 2011, the Socratic Design Academy in 2016, and the Bio-Leadership Project in 2023. Through these diverse learning programs and keeping an endless curiosity in human development, he has gathered rare and unique sentience to understand the future from the past and mould a unique essential vision to lead today. His unparalleled experience, knowledge, and insight propels you to stay ahead of the curve. His book “Shift 2020 – How Technology Will Impact Our Future”, released early in 2014, includes visionary and impactful predictions from some of the world’s leading technology experts and presents still today a rare prescience in a notoriously unpredictable landscape. He has helped diverse global brands such as ABN AMRO, Adobe, Baloise, Bayer, Boston Consulting Group, BMW, Cap Gemini, Coca-Cola, FedEx, Fujitsu, Google, IBM, Intel, Intesa Sanpaolo, Investcorp, KPMG, Louis Vuitton, Mastercard, Microsoft, NEC, Orange, PayPal, Pfizer, Royal Bank of Canada, Samsung, Telefonica, Vodafone and World Bank. Rudy de Waele Keynote speaker inspiring leaders with innovative and collaborative learning methods and tools to transform your leadership and teams.

  • keynote The fascinating dynamic between trust, control, and supervision in the workplace

    < back The fascinating dynamic between trust, control, and supervision in the workplace And why trust is the solution More detailed information -- also available in workshop format -- Why do we control our employees? Not because we enjoy it, but often out of fear that if we don't control them, they won't do anything or won't perform optimally. We control because we think it's necessary. Well, no one likes to be controlled. Your employees don't either. And deep down, you know that. But what should you do then? Because, once again, if you don't control them, maybe nothing will happen. The solution lies in "trust." And this is the core of this keynote: If you want to motivate your team without control, ensure that you work on building trust! In this keynote, you will learn how to do that. You will receive a scientific definition of trust that works incredibly well. In other words, a tool that you can immediately put into practice. It enables you to address the challenging and weighty topic of "trust" in a highly discussable manner. You will also receive exercises, tips, and a lot of background information that you can directly apply in your work environment. But should you let go of everything immediately? Absolutely not. It is crucial to continue supervising. If you don't follow up on your people, provide feedback, or address their mistakes, they will eventually think that their work doesn't matter anymore. Whether they arrive on time or not? No one says anything. Submitting a report full of errors? Not a problem, no one will look at it anyway. By not supervising your people, you create the risk of making their work meaningless. In this keynote, you will learn the difference between controlling and supervising and how to increase trust among your people! Request a quote Submit About Hermina Van Coillie, Ph.D. in Psychology, is an esteemed motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in various HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant, and business manager at Flourish. In April 2021, she debuted her first book, co-authored with Prof. Dr. Anja van den Broeck, titled "Motivating Without Control: Getting Started with Self-Determination Theory in the Workplace!" published by Die Keure. Renowned for her captivating presentations, Hermina is in high demand, delivering keynotes, inspiration sessions, masterclasses, workshops, and training sessions to diverse audiences, including business leaders, HR directors, managers, executives, prevention advisors, and coaching teams. Her unique approach brings to life the profound insights of self-determination theory, offering practical applications not only in the workplace but also in personal and recreational settings. With her charismatic presence, authenticity, and expertise, Hermina engages her audience, delivering new and practical insights grounded in years of dedicated research. Eschewing excessive theories, she empowers individuals by unveiling the innate motivations within them. Her interactive sessions, filled with thought-provoking questions, humorous anecdotes, and relatable situations, resonate with audiences across various backgrounds, leaving them with actionable insights ready for immediate implementation. Hermina's expertise extends beyond mere motivation, encompassing a wide array of HR themes such as burnout, well-being, leadership, remote and flexible working, performance management, work-life balance, and more. Through her presentations, she illustrates how high-quality motivation serves as a catalyst for peak performance and personal flourishing, ultimately transforming individuals into high performers across all facets of life. Hermina Van Coillie Hermina Van Coillie, Dr. in psychology, is a motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in several HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant and business manager at Flourish

  • keynote Do it, dump it, or delegate it

    < back Do it, dump it, or delegate it Delegate and don't deprive others of learning More detailed information Delegating is not a management trick; it is a leadership style. Do you know the limitations and pitfalls of delegating tasks? Which tasks can or cannot be delegated? Who will you delegate to? What is the difference between monitoring and follow-up? How do you prevent jealousy in your team if the delegated tasks also have visible benefits? How to deal with people working from home? The keynotes includes a 9-step checklist and a 7-step communication plan that will help ensure that delegated tasks are completed successfully. The presenter, Rik Moons, captivates his audiences with his story about the monkeys and bananas. Also available in workshop format. Request a quote Submit About After a long career in the pharma industry, Rik decided to use his experience and knowledge to help others grow. With a captivating style and humor, he combines theoretical models and practical examples to provide new insights and learning points. In 2010 he started MoonsManagement to help others learn more about leadership, sales and communication. After writing 2 books on these topics, he decided to concentrate on keynotes. Both books are available in Dutch and French. Rik Moons Expert in communication, leadership and sales, author of 2 books

  • keynote speaker Dominique Monami

    Dominique Monami World-famous athlete who has become a speaker and share the lesson-learned throughout her career To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops French, Dutch, English Self Leadership, Growth Mindset, Energy Management, Resilience Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography With her renowned-worldwide athlete experience, Dominque's drive and belief is that we are our only limit. She inspires people to find the power to move out of their comfort zone and use their potential to impact their business positively. Based on her unique path and vibrant energy, she gives dedicated keynotes and tailor-made sessions to help individuals and teams to understand how they can rebound and exceed expectations. Dominique is also a great facilitator for your event or talk show. Topics Sports Winning mindset Lees verder The right mindset is key to be successful! More Sports Boost your (Mental) Energy! Lees verder Useful insights and tips to optimize energy levels for the knowledge worker. More It was a real pleasure to have Dominique speak at our international sales meeting. She captured our consultants and customers with her inspiring story and down to earth attitude. It was our first but surely not last time! Trimble Hung Bauer, VP HR Dominique was the perfect speaker for our Women in Food event. She made sure that her presentation was catered to our audience. She engaged with them to make the presentation interactive and gave an abundance of tips to boost our energy. The audience was captivated by every word she said. Her open personality also gave the audience the possibility to approach her and speak to her before and after the keynote. ​ Kathleen Malfroy, CEO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote It's the end of the world as we know it

    < back It's the end of the world as we know it but I feel fine! More detailed information Every crisis is a catalyst for change. The oil crisis in the 70ies has led to drastically improved fuel economy. Digital technology enabled new business models and superior customer experiences (often to the detriment of the incumbents that thrive on 'bad profits'). Covid19 will undoubtedly accelerate new and innovative ways of working, shopping, learning, living, entertainment, sports... As long as we keep on going. Be bold. Move fast. Request a quote Submit About As a consultant and keynote speaker, Geert is passionate about the power of digital technology combined with the transformation of companies into a future-proof, hybrid organisation. Online and offline will merge, analog and digital will go hand in hand, man and machine will work together for a brighter, better, more efficient and more fun future and the physical world will be augmented by virtual and invisible technology. Geert has been working as a management consultant for over 18 years. He holds masters in Economics and Marketing Management. Geert is fluent in English, French and Dutch. Some say he is a bit of a petrol head. They might be right... Geert Martens Consultant & hybrid experience creator. Soccer dad & petrol head.

  • Keynotes on HR, company culture & leadership

    HR, company culture & leadership Care is the new currency in hybrid working. We inspire and teach you and your leaders how to install the right company culture. < Back to all topics Build your Dreamteam Johan De Keyser What are the four fundamental qualities to build a high performing dream team? Read more Break the ice Charlotte De Metsenaere Laugh, connect and enjoy! Read more Accelerating the path to gender equality Tamara Makoni Gender inequality is a key challenge of our time. How can we accelerate progress - and how does doing this benefit us all? Read more Engage, Connect, Inspire your teams Fiona Passantino a Roadmap for Leaders Read more What kind of leader do you want to be? Frans van de Ven Become the best version of yourself Read more The war for talent; be prepared Saskia Van Uffelen How to attract the right people and how to determine which talents you need for your business Read more The sky is not your limit Nancy Vermeulen Unleashing potential through space exploration Read more The fascinating dynamic between trust, control, and supervision in the workplace Hermina Van Coillie And why trust is the solution Read more Do it, dump it, or delegate it Rik Moons Delegate and don't deprive others of learning Read more Meet your colleague Jan Puype Parc Solvay and Sonian Forest in La Hulpe Read more Help, I'm new in charge. What now? Anja Cappelle How to grow in a manager role Read more How to be(come) a sage leader? Véronique Bockstal Male leadership is associated with words like strong, dominant, assertive, competitive. Female leadership is associated with words like emotional, empathetic, compassionate, collaborative, intuitive. But what about sage leadership? Read more Employee Engagement, what else? Inge van Belle The 12 drivers of engagement and as a unique asset in the war for talent Read more How to boost FLOW and human energy on your work floor? Julie Heyvaert ​ Read more How to fix the blind spots for more diversity in your company Elke Jeurissen Five drivers for a more inclusive company culture (with 30 + examples of tactics that really work) Read more Workshop: Managing Anger and Aggression in the Workplace Hermina Van Coillie Strategies for Leaders, HR Professionals, and Coaches to Foster a Positive Work Environment Read more Continuous improvement through innovation and learning Katja Schipperheijn Keynote and workshop based on the book Learning Ecosystems, finalist best international business books Read more Building Bridges: Mastery in Intercultural and Intergenerational Communication Najima El Kasmi Navigating the Tapestry of Diversity in Modern Business Read more AI in HR: What’s real?! Jochen Roef Clarifying 7 misconceptions about HR technology in 2024 Read more The shift from exclusive to inclusive consumers Mariam Harutyunyan Brands have to change the way they market to their customers Read more Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik How to tap into the diverse talents out there Read more How to motivate your team? Julie Heyvaert workshop Read more Use inclusion to spark innovation Tamara Makoni Is innovation your goal? A culture of inclusion is your best way to make this a reality. Read more Leading with Impact Jens Heitland Practical Tools that I utilized as the global Head of Innovation IKEA Centres. Read more Habits of High-Visibility Leaders Fiona Passantino How can leaders increase their presence, visibility, and interaction? Read more Attract, retain and develop diverse young talent Mariam Harutyunyan Changing trends in workplaces that are put in motion by the newest generations entering the job market Read more Leading a culturally diverse team Michael Houben How to foster understanding and outstanding cooperation between people with different cultural backgrounds Read more Master Your Curiosity to Master Your Life Stefaan van Hooydonk For professionals Read more The 6 dimensions to measure and build TRUST Henri Cnops Because trust makes or breaks teams Read more Unleashing Excellence: on empowering authentic (out)performance Julie Brown Achieving grand goals through discipline and determination Read more Lead with Passion Ann De Bisschop The Power of Inspirational, Motivational, and Empathetic Leadership Read more Polarisation or (re)connection? It's your call Elke Jeurissen Going beyond what divides us and finding what connects us, at the kitchen table, in the workplace and in society. Read more Listening and Creating a Culture of Collaboration Fiona Passantino As we enter the post-Covid period in our history and battle the demons of the Great Resignation, listening to what we need is more important than ever. Keeping employees happy and not quitting is now a matter of business survival. Read more The power of teamwork Sofie Fransen Operating as one for optimal performance Read more How do you increase psychological safety in your team? Hermina Van Coillie A critical success factor for innovation, retention and growth. Read more A Learning Mindset in the Age of Innovation Katja Schipperheijn Unleash potential with a learning mindset supported by emerging innovations Read more Understanding Generation Z in the workplace Mariam Harutyunyan Intergenerational Communication Read more Innovate the Human Way Jens Heitland What I learned from innovating as the global head of innovation IKEA centres Read more Managers the Day after Tomorrow Rik Vera What management should be like in these disruptive times Read more Unleash the power of trust in your relations Dado Van Peteghem Trust is a crucial concept to radiate towards your employees, partners, and clients. Read more How do you communicate deeply and with impact? Hermina Van Coillie Speak the ABC language, and connect deeply with your employees. Read more Leading with Curiosity Stefaan van Hooydonk For People Managers Read more The only way is up Wim Smets How to improve the agility and resilience of people in a changing world. Read more High Quality motivation Hermina Van Coillie How do you ensure that your employees deliver top performance? And that they feel good and full of energy at work? In short, that your employees, customers and your entire organization blossom? Read more Time for the creative generalist Suyin Aerts Discover the entrepreneurial jack-of-all-trades in you Read more Bringing back the team Tom Ryckaert Post Corona: leverage the workplace as a catalyst to reunite teams Read more Why your solution is the problem Rik Moons How far do you guide your team, and at what point do you set them free? Read more Marketing & generational shifts Isabel Verstraete How this gen Z fundamentally changes organizations. Read more Rethink | Reboot | Retool HR Lesley Arens This keynote offers you an original performing and sustainable framework to explore what is expected and needed from HR today and tomorrow. Read more Boost your employer branding Tom De Wachter How to turn your company into an employer of choice? Read more Psychological Safety Najima El Kasmi Unlocking Innovation through Trust and Openness Read more The Power of Curiosity Stefaan van Hooydonk For HR Professionals Read more Embracing Diversity: on complicity and inclusion Julie Brown Fostering collaboration across cultures, genders, and generations Read more Wisdom and Leadership Minke Tromp Are we doing the right things and perceiving them correctly? Read more Blind Spots Minke Tromp What don't you see (about yourself) that still influences your relationship with others? Read more Hybrid Work - Working Together Apart Isabel De Clercq Is a Reset Necessary? Read more Becoming an Olympic Entrepreneur Suyin Aerts About he correlation between an entrepreneur and an Olympic Athlete Read more Making Change Simple Cyriel Kortleven Embrace the power of Simplification to boost the effectiveness of change initiatives. Make it Specific, Smooth & Small. Read more Surfing the waves of changes Tom Dijckmans Workshop for managers and leadership Read more Cracking the Productivity Code Isabel De Clercq Unveiling Fresh Insights and Shattering the False Promises of Time Management Read more Influence others, start with yourself Tom Dijckmans Behavior evokes behavior. But maybe not always the desired one. Read more The journey to inclusive leadership Elke Jeurissen Why diversity is not a problem, but a growth opportunity for your organization. Read more Unlock Your Career Potential Isabel De Clercq Debunking Myths and Empowering Action Read more The (engaged) digital workplace Inge van Belle Master this new context of work from anywhere, anytime from any device and an even fiercer war on talent Read more The future of HR, today! Jochen Roef Make your HR practices future proof Read more Fun Teambuilding Charlotte De Metsenaere (Online) Teambuilding based on improvisational theatre Read more The future of leadership Richard van Hooijdonk Navigating uncertainty in the era of rapid change Read more Building a Strong Organization Ann De Bisschop with the 7 Pillars of Wellbeing Read more What you can learn from a plane crash? Rik Moons Safety at work Read more Care for your People Isabel Verstraete A prerequisite to attract and retain talent Read more Dare to jump! Cedric Dumont Empower success in times of disruption: dare, lead, grow and flow Read more Stand Up to Stand Out Marnick Vandebroek How to build trust in the workplace and inspire people to take action? Read more Half day teambuilding: the power of team dynamics Brecht Buysschaert Interesting keynote, followed by fun workshops improving team cohesion Read more Why Employe Advocacy is the future of your organisation Patrick De Pauw The incredible impact of your co-workers' voices can create a tremendous effect on your sales, marketing, brand image and recruitment. Therefore it should be seen as a strategic important asset for your future growth. Read more Managing a hybrid workforce Tony Crabbe Build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. Read more The Power of Curiosity in L&D Stefaan van Hooydonk For Learning and Development Professionals Read more How to Be(come) a Customer-centric Leader? Alain Thys The true meaning of customer-centric leadership Read more You are not the norm Elke Jeurissen How to create a more inclusive workplace going beyond diversity? Read more The Winning Mindset for leaders Marnick Vandebroek How to deal with change and prime your team and yourself for success Read more Career twists Tanja Verheyen Think twice about promotion Read more Heart & Mind Drum workshop Leo van Woerden An experience of drumming the biological and resonating together Read more Lifelong learning Tanja Verheyen For a fulfilling career Read more The fundamentals of teamwork Tom Dijckmans What conditions must be fulfilled to speak of strong teamwork? Read more Dare to change Saskia Van Uffelen How long can you manage your organisation, your team or your life without changing anything fundamental? Dare for the future! Read more Sharp as a knife Sofie Fransen Cultivating personal leadership for success Read more The New Normal Rik Vera Navigating the Digital Work Landscape Read more Discover the city of Brussels Jan Puype Have a great moment with your colleagues in the city where you work Read more How to collaborate in a more inclusive way in your team? Julie Heyvaert workshop Read more Uniting Forces: Team Building and Collaboration Julie Brown Nurturing cohesion and empowering teams to achieve extraordinary results Read more Improvisatie innoveert Veerle Dobbelaere Samen spelenderwijs improviseren om tot grootse persoonlijke en team-verbonden resultaten te komen Read more A Bumpy Road with 5 Milestones Brecht Buysschaert Navigating Challenges, Embracing Growth: A CEO's Odyssey through Entrepreneurial Terrain Read more Longevity: how organizations can prepare for the age of longevity Dirk Schyvinck Organizations and generations: a new look on 10 trends impacting the future of work. Read more The organisation of the future Richard van Hooijdonk How to prepare an organisation for a future of exponential change. Read more Curiosity: The Key Element for Creating a Winning Culture Stefaan van Hooydonk For Senior Executives Read more Dreamers who Do Hilde Helsen Each of us has a dream that we can realize with love and support from others Read more Wild foraging: local power foods Saartje Vandendriessche Teambuilding that nurishes the stomach and soul Read more Surfing the waves of change Tom Dijckmans Workshop for coworkers Read more Leadership in Change Najima El Kasmi Turning resistance into growth Read more Personal leadership as key to successful hybrid working Frans van de Ven Personal leadership is key and critical in dealing with the challenges of a hybrid VUCA world Read more Knowledge Management Michael Houben How to retain and grow your organization's knowledge Read more

  • keynote Setting up ecosystem strategies for sustainable growth

    < back Setting up ecosystem strategies for sustainable growth The power of the network for enterprises More detailed information In the old world, businesses competed against each other, but in the future, the competition will be ecosystem vs ecosystem. The world is changing too fast to go at it alone, we need partnerships to grow together. We see this trend materializing in China (Alibaba, Tencent, Haier) but also in the US, the big tech companies are behaving as ecosystems instead of stand-alone organizations. Are you ready to partner up and to play a value-added role in the network? Request a quote Submit About Dado Van Peteghem is a seasoned entrepreneur, renowned speaker, and thought leader in digital transformation, innovation, and ecosystem thinking. As a founding partner at the transformation advisory firm Scopernia, he has been instrumental in guiding organizations towards embracing the digital age. Dado is also a co-founder of startups such as Social Seeder and Speakersbase, platforms that have made significant impacts in their respective industries. Dado holds a degree in Communication & Computer Sciences from the University of Ghent, where his passion for merging technology with strategic communication first blossomed. Over the years, he has delivered over a hundred keynote speeches annually, captivating audiences with insights into the intricacies of digital transformation and innovative strategies for success. As an accomplished author, Dado has contributed to the business world with his published works. His previous books include "Digital Transformation" (2014) with Jo Caudron, "Corporate Venturing" (2018) with Omar Mohout, and "Metasystems" (2020) with Nils van Dam, all of which have been well-received for their practical wisdom and forward-thinking perspectives. Dado's latest book, "The Virtual Economy," co-authored with Jeremy Denisty, delves into the evolving landscape of virtual worlds and communities. In this groundbreaking exploration, Dado and Jeremy shed light on the emerging opportunities within the third wave of the Internet, characterized by artificial intelligence, immersive virtual environments, and blockchain technologies. "The Virtual Economy" offers a roadmap for businesses, governments, and society to harness the potential of this new era, providing strategies to engage and serve the next generation of customers, communities, and citizens. As a member of the strategy committee at leading fashion group Chalhoub Group in Dubai, Dado brings a global perspective to his work, often bridging insights from the Middle East and Asia with international trends and best practices. With his deep expertise and visionary outlook, Dado Van Peteghem continues to inspire and empower organizations worldwide to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Dado Van Peteghem Leading expert in the digital sector, frequent speaker, author and entrepreneur.

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