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  • keynote The leverage of AI in HR

    back to overview The leverage of AI in HR End the 'war for talent' in collaboration with AI More detailed information Is it true that with 7.7 billion people worldwide and a population growth of 227,000 people a day, there really is a shortage of talent? No way! Only when you look at it from a hardskills lense. This keynote demonstrates in a practical way how AI can map out people's real potential, thus providing a broader view of the real talent that is available. The HR department can end the 'war for talent' if fear of AI is transformed in collaboration with AI. Request a quote Submit About Jochen Roef (1979) is founder of Blinc Sales Institute, and founder/CEO of, both trend-setting companies in their market segment. Jochen is passionate about human resources, sales and HR. After obtaining his master's degree in psychology, he entered several sales positions, which nurtured his fascination for sales and human diversity. He co-developed the RIO method, a groud-breaking and super practical marketing- and sales methodology that creates hyperpersonalized customer experiences. Blinc Sales Institute has supported 300+ companies in up- and reskilling their salesforce to meet and exceed customer expectations. Blinc supports the commercial management and sales teams of KBC, Showpad and Puratos, among others. In addition, with Jochen creates pioneering AI applications that help HR departments worldwide to win the 'war for talent'. Jochen Roef Founder of future-shaping companies. Mind of an alchemist, heart of a buddhist, gut of a samurai.

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