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  • Speakers and keynotes on Sports

    Keynotes and speakers on Sports < Back Delve into inspiring keynotes and expert speakers who specialize in sports and athletics. In the world of sports, leadership, teamwork, resilience, and peak performance are essential components for success. Booking a sports-focused keynote speaker can provide valuable insights, motivational stories, and practical strategies to inspire and empower individuals and teams, both in sports and across various industries. Whether it's learning from legendary athletes or sports psychologists, our curated list of sports speakers offers diverse perspectives that can drive motivation, foster a winning mindset, and achieve extraordinary results. Explore our lineup of sports speakers and elevate your team's performance, determination, and competitive edge! Merijn Tinga How to make a difference? Plastic pollution is a worldwide epidemic. By now we are aware of this but how does real change come about? Read more Gella Vandecaveye Excell! A testimonial on the interface between top-class sport and business. Read more Herre Zonderland Manage your Energy to excel How do you ensure a high performance culture, right now? Read more Gella Vandecaveye Can you floor me? Learn how to connect in a completely different way! Read more Dominique Monami Boost your (Mental) Energy! Useful insights and tips to optimize energy levels for the knowledge worker. Read more Orianne Aymard A Woman at the Top : One Story of Resilience & Self-Leadership Brain Hemorrhage Survivor who climbed the highest mountains in the world, Everest and Lhotse Read more Wim Smets The only way is up How to improve the agility and resilience of people in a changing world. Read more Lieven Van Linden Breathe less, fear less Overcoming fear and anxiety...with one single breath Read more Cedric Dumont Dare to jump! Empower success in times of disruption: dare, lead, grow and flow Read more Dominique Monami Winning mindset The right mindset is key to be successful! Read more Lieven Van Linden Stronger by stress Learn how stress can help us to become more resilient in work and life Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Hybrid Working

    Keynotes and speakers on Hybrid Working < Back Delve into insightful keynotes and expert speakers focused on hybrid working. As organizations embrace flexible work arrangements and hybrid models, understanding how to navigate this new landscape is crucial for success. Booking a keynote speaker on hybrid working can provide valuable insights, strategies, and best practices to optimize collaboration, communication, and productivity in a hybrid work environment. Discover our curated list of hybrid working-focused keynotes and speakers, and empower your teams to excel in the new era of work flexibility and efficiency! Isabel De Clercq Hybrid Work - Working Together Apart Is a Reset Necessary? Read more Julie Heyvaert Activity based working ​ Read more Jozefien De Feyter Less contact, more impact Why the human touch in sales is crucial in an increasingly digital world Read more Geert Martens The future is hybrid ​ Read more Ann De Bisschop Hybrid Harmony Unlock Your Productivity in Work, Email, and Meetings Read more Frans van de Ven Personal leadership as key to successful hybrid working Personal leadership is key and critical in dealing with the challenges of a hybrid VUCA world Read more Tony Crabbe Managing a hybrid workforce Build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. Read more Inge van Belle The (engaged) digital workplace Master this new context of work from anywhere, anytime from any device and an even fiercer war on talent Read more Elke Geraerts The mental reset How hybrid work and life strengthen resilience Read more Tom Dijckmans Connection in a Hybrid Workplace Who replaces the coffee room? Read more Frans van de Ven Personal Leadership at the core of your HR strategy The impact of putting personal leadership at the core of your HR strategy Read more Cyriel Kortleven No More Boring Webinars Tools to create interaction and engagement in online sessions Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Productivity

    Keynotes and speakers on Productivity < Back Delve into insightful keynotes and expert speakers focused on boosting productivity. In today's fast-paced and competitive business world, maximizing efficiency and output is crucial for achieving organizational goals and staying ahead of the curve. Booking a keynote speaker on productivity can provide valuable insights, strategies, and actionable tips to streamline workflows, optimize time management, leverage technology effectively, and cultivate a culture of high performance within your team or organization. Discover our curated list of productivity-focused keynotes and speakers, and unlock the potential to achieve peak productivity and success in your endeavors! Isabel De Clercq Cracking the Productivity Code Unveiling Fresh Insights and Shattering the False Promises of Time Management Read more Florence Pérès Focus your brain How to work with more focus and overcome distraction Read more Lieven Van Linden The Quantified Self: Using data & technology to accelerate sustainable performance Optimize health and performance in a sustainable way Read more Goedele Leyssen Build new success habits & rituals Rituals help you to optimize your time and ensure that your body and mind are working to their full potential Read more Michael Houben Knowledge Management How to retain and grow your organization's knowledge Read more Ann De Bisschop Hybrid Harmony Unlock Your Productivity in Work, Email, and Meetings Read more Rik Moons Do it, dump it, or delegate it Delegate and don't deprive others of learning Read more Tony Crabbe Managing a hybrid workforce Build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. Read more Herre Zonderland Manage your Energy to excel How do you ensure a high performance culture, right now? Read more Michael Houben Time Management How to become insanely productive, sanely Read more Fiona Passantino The AI-Human Co-Creation Workflow Understanding AI and augmenting the Human for non-technical professional teams Read more Florence Pérès Digital Balance Be in control of your screens ! Read more Lieven Van Linden Reframe your routines Break the habit of being yourself Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Leadership

    Keynotes and speakers on Leadership < Back Delve into insightful keynotes and expert speakers focused on leadership. Effective leadership is paramount for guiding teams, driving success, and navigating challenges in today's dynamic business landscape. Booking a keynote speaker on leadership can provide valuable insights, strategies, and best practices to inspire and empower leaders at all levels within your organization. Discover our curated list of leadership-focused keynotes and speakers, and unlock the potential to cultivate strong, visionary leaders who drive innovation, engagement, and sustainable growth! Elke Jeurissen The journey to inclusive leadership Why diversity is not a problem, but a growth opportunity for your organization. Read more Najima El Kasmi Leadership in Change Turning resistance into growth Read more Frans van de Ven What kind of leader do you want to be? Become the best version of yourself Read more Michael Houben Leading a culturally diverse team How to foster understanding and outstanding cooperation between people with different cultural backgrounds Read more Richard van Hooijdonk AI for managers Unlocking the power of artificial intelligence in organizations Read more Leo van Woerden Leadership and vitality growth program For leaders looking to improve their team's performance Read more Jan Puype Meet the leader: Parc Solvay La Hulpe What can leaders today learn from past predecessors? Read more Minke Tromp Wisdom and Impact Create magnanimous leadership, beyond doubt Read more Richard van Hooijdonk The future of leadership Navigating uncertainty in the era of rapid change Read more Alain Thys How to Be(come) a Customer-centric Leader? The true meaning of customer-centric leadership Read more Tony Crabbe Managing a hybrid workforce Build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. Read more Rik Moons Leadership - deciding and letting go also during crisis situations Read more Julie Heyvaert Leading in times of change Workshop Read more Katrijn Steenbeke Positive leadership Positive leadership makes great leaders great Read more Davy De Vlieger Don't Pursue Glory - Pursue Excellence ​ Read more Rik Moons Why your solution is the problem How far do you guide your team, and at what point do you set them free? Read more Stefaan van Hooydonk Leading with Curiosity For People Managers Read more Ann De Bisschop Lead with Passion The Power of Inspirational, Motivational, and Empathetic Leadership Read more Minke Tromp Wisdom and Leadership Are we doing the right things and perceiving them correctly? Read more Fiona Passantino Habits of High-Visibility Leaders How can leaders increase their presence, visibility, and interaction? Read more Véronique Bockstal How to be(come) a sage leader? Male leadership is associated with words like strong, dominant, assertive, competitive. Female leadership is associated with words like emotional, empathetic, compassionate, collaborative, intuitive. But what about sage leadership? Read more Bert Van Wassenhove A trip along the yellow brick road of new organization models A journey along a variety of alternative ways of working, managing and building businesses, from the network economy to sociocracy 3.0 Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Rethinking leadership for a sustainable future How to become a sustainable leader Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Innovation

    Keynotes and speakers on Innovation < Back Explore inspiring keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to innovation. In today's fast-paced and competitive business environment, innovation is the key to staying ahead and driving sustainable growth. Booking a keynote speaker on innovation can ignite creativity, share cutting-edge strategies, and inspire a culture of continuous improvement within your organization. Discover our curated list of innovation-focused keynotes and speakers, and unlock new opportunities for groundbreaking ideas, products, and services that propel your business forward! Yoav Nir Busting the myths of innovation Yoav inspires with his humor, chotspe and savoir-faire. The audience can immediately take their Innovation insights and learning with confidence into practice. Read more Tamara Makoni Use inclusion to spark innovation Is innovation your goal? A culture of inclusion is your best way to make this a reality. Read more Joachim De Vos Why Innovation Fails & 7 Keys to Success How to innovate your organisation to stay relevant in these challenging times? The do's and don'ts of sustainable innovation. Read more Olivier Van Duüren See what’s happening on the Outside ​ Read more Stefaan van Hooydonk Curiosity: The Key Element for Creating a Winning Culture For Senior Executives Read more Yoav Nir The Corporate Unicorn ​ Read more Dado Van Peteghem Level Up: what you can learn from the world of games Insight into the dynamics behind the innovation and the tactics that create strong, revenue-generating fan communities Read more Bert Van Wassenhove The essence of innovation from Woody Allen to Leonhard Cohen Inspiration and Hands-on advice to kickstart innovation in your organization. Read more Renout van Hove Translating Spotify's Success to Other Industries How to craft success? Read more Jo Caudron The Future Formula In search of the rules of tomorrow. Read more Erwin Van den Brande From Art Thinking to Game Changing Many leaders want to change the game of the market in which they are operating and make an impact on society. These challenges require creativity and innovation. Read more Gil Nimmegeers How big companies can innovate like start ups If you want to learn how to ship digital products in a matter of weeks, you need to stick to 5 core principles. Learn the exact steps it takes to build a winning digital product and to become a digital trailblazer. Read more Katja Schipperheijn A Learning Mindset in the Age of Innovation Unleash potential with a learning mindset supported by emerging innovations Read more Olivier Van Duüren What can you learn from the top 20 Business Transformation of the past decade? ​ Read more Christophe Jauquet Innovation Innovate for what matters most to your customers² Read more Cyriel Kortleven Crossing Borders What can your organisation learn from other industries & other surprising sources? Read more Erwin Van den Brande Artification Organizations are seeking other, new, original and authentic ways to set up their marketing, boost their brand, foster innovation and initiate research. The arts and culture can help in many ways. Read more Bert Van Wassenhove Transformation from within, innovate through intrapreneurship How to make intrapreneurship work in their organization. Read more Jens Heitland Innovate the Human Way What I learned from innovating as the global head of innovation IKEA centres Read more Katja Schipperheijn Continuous improvement through innovation and learning Keynote and workshop based on the book Learning Ecosystems, finalist best international business books Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik The Return of Investment on social sustainability And why should social sustainability be part of your business? Read more Tom De Ruyck Building a Better Business Together 4 Characteristics of a Future Proof Organization Read more Veerle Dobbelaere Improvisatie innoveert Samen spelenderwijs improviseren om tot grootse persoonlijke en team-verbonden resultaten te komen Read more Yoav Nir From idea to product-market fit Testimonial of a Corporate Entrepreneur Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Motivation & Ownership

    Keynotes and speakers on Motivation & Ownership < Back Delve into inspiring keynotes and expert speakers focused on motivation and ownership. Motivated and engaged employees who take ownership of their work are key drivers of success for any organization. Booking a keynote speaker on motivation and ownership can provide valuable insights, strategies, and practical tools to empower individuals, foster a positive work culture, and boost overall productivity and performance. Discover our curated list of motivation and ownership-focused keynotes and speakers, and inspire your teams to take initiative, drive results, and achieve excellence in their roles! Isabelle Gonnissen Boost your motivation Choose Positive! Read more Fiona Passantino Listening and Creating a Culture of Collaboration As we enter the post-Covid period in our history and battle the demons of the Great Resignation, listening to what we need is more important than ever. Keeping employees happy and not quitting is now a matter of business survival. Read more Marnick Vandebroek The Winning Mindset for leaders How to deal with change and prime your team and yourself for success Read more Johan Terryn The power of regret as a compass for the future How do you use regret as a feedback instrument to make better decisions in the future? Read more Fiona Passantino Engage, Connect, Inspire your teams a Roadmap for Leaders Read more Julie Heyvaert How to boost engagement through human relations? Experience moment Read more Rik Moons Why your solution is the problem How far do you guide your team, and at what point do you set them free? Read more Hilde Helsen Dreamers who Do Each of us has a dream that we can realize with love and support from others Read more Hermina Van Coillie HQ motivation How do you ensure that your employees deliver top performance? And that they feel good and full of energy at work? In short, that your employees, customers and your entire organization blossom? Read more Frans van de Ven Personal leadership as key to successful hybrid working Personal leadership is key and critical in dealing with the challenges of a hybrid VUCA world Read more Orianne Aymard A Woman at the Top : One Story of Resilience & Self-Leadership Brain Hemorrhage Survivor who climbed the highest mountains in the world, Everest and Lhotse Read more Dominique Monami Winning mindset The right mindset is key to be successful! Read more Véronique De Prycker Self-Mastery Be excellent in every aspect of your life Read more Bert Van Wassenhove A trip along the yellow brick road of new organization models A journey along a variety of alternative ways of working, managing and building businesses, from the network economy to sociocracy 3.0 Read more Inge van Belle Employee Engagement, what else? The 12 drivers of engagement and as a unique asset in the war for talent Read more Julie Heyvaert How to motivate your team? workshop Read more Cedric Dumont Dare to jump! Empower success in times of disruption: dare, lead, grow and flow Read more Isabel De Clercq How's Work? 7 Lies About Work and What Actually Works Read more Herre Zonderland Manage your Energy to excel How do you ensure a high performance culture, right now? Read more Marnick Vandebroek Stand Up to Stand Out How to build trust in the workplace and inspire people to take action? Read more Davy De Vlieger Don't Pursue Glory - Pursue Excellence ​ Read more Tanja Verheyen Career twists Think twice about promotion Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Entrepreneurship

    Keynotes and speakers on Entrepreneurship < Back Explore inspiring keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to entrepreneurship. In the dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in driving innovation, creating jobs, and fueling economic growth. Booking a keynote speaker on entrepreneurship can ignite passion, share valuable insights and strategies, and empower aspiring entrepreneurs and established businesses alike to thrive in the entrepreneurial journey. Discover our curated list of entrepreneurship-focused keynotes and speakers, and embark on a path of innovation, growth, and success for your ventures! Véronique Bockstal How to scale your business to your first million euro in revenues Véronique talks about the three things you need in order to scale your business to your first million euro in revenues. She developed a methodology, called the 3M-roadmap with M standing for Mindset, Manpower ('mensen') and Means ('middelen'). Read more Elke Struys Empowering welpreneurs: navigate stress and self-care Unveiling the 4 Levers for entrepreneurial success Read more Gella Vandecaveye Excell! A testimonial on the interface between top-class sport and business. Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Can circular economy be an answer to more sustainability Everybody is talking about Circular Economy. But do you know what is it in details, on how it applies to your business? Read more Suyin Aerts Becoming an Olympic Entrepreneur About he correlation between an entrepreneur and an Olympic Athlete Read more Bert Van Wassenhove Transformation from within, innovate through intrapreneurship How to make intrapreneurship work in their organization. Read more Olivier Van Duüren What is Startup to Scaleup lifecycle From Startup to Scalup – the startup-scalup life-cycle, value creation, value capture and value sustainability. Read more Véronique De Prycker HELP! I need to network Master the art of networking and have a better career Read more Kathleen Van den Berghe Wine with a story tastes better Navigating the Red Ocean: Lessons from 14 Years in Wine Entrepreneurship Read more Brecht Buysschaert A Bumpy Road with 5 Milestones Navigating Challenges, Embracing Growth: A CEO's Odyssey through Entrepreneurial Terrain Read more Suyin Aerts Questioning the why, the importance of asking the right questions Unlocking Success Through Being Inquisitive Read more Gil Nimmegeers How big companies can innovate like start ups If you want to learn how to ship digital products in a matter of weeks, you need to stick to 5 core principles. Learn the exact steps it takes to build a winning digital product and to become a digital trailblazer. Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Future of Work

    Keynotes and speakers on Future of Work < Back Explore enlightening keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to the future of work. With technological advancements, globalization, and evolving workforce dynamics, the workplace is undergoing significant transformations. Booking a keynote speaker on the future of work can provide invaluable insights, strategies, and best practices to adapt to changing work environments, foster collaboration, and enhance productivity and employee well-being. Discover our curated list of future of work-focused keynotes and speakers, and empower your organization to thrive in the evolving work landscape! Richard van Hooijdonk The organisation of the future How to prepare an organisation for a future of exponential change. Read more Jo Caudron The future with AI The current AI revolution is changing everything, but not in the way you might think… Read more Tom De Ruyck Blinded by Technology Why the Future of Business is Machines + … Humans Read more Katja Schipperheijn The future of work and learning, Learning Ecosystems Workshop Read more Isabelle Gonnissen Choose Positive 2.0 - the missing link of AI The human being in the ever changing environment of AI Read more Tanja Verheyen Lifelong learning For a fulfilling career Read more Fiona Passantino AI-Powered HR Supporting the most Human role of them all Read more Katja Schipperheijn The impact of AI on the future of organisations and humanity AI is neither hype nor new! However, it is more urgent than ever to include in a future-proof strategy. Read more Fiona Passantino The AI-Human Co-Creation Workflow Understanding AI and augmenting the Human for non-technical professional teams Read more Lesley Arens Rethink | Reboot | Retool HR This keynote offers you an original performing and sustainable framework to explore what is expected and needed from HR today and tomorrow. Read more Stefaan van Hooydonk The Power of Curiosity in L&D For Learning and Development Professionals Read more Katja Schipperheijn Continuous improvement through innovation and learning Keynote and workshop based on the book Learning Ecosystems, finalist best international business books Read more Jochen Roef AI in HR: What’s real?! Clarifying 7 misconceptions about HR technology in 2024 Read more Dirk Schyvinck Longevity: how organizations can prepare for the age of longevity Organizations and generations: a new look on 10 trends impacting the future of work. Read more Jochen Roef The future of HR, today! Make your HR practices future proof Read more Elke Geraerts The New Now Building Resilience in a World Where Change is the Only Constant Read more Mariam Harutyunyan Attract, retain and develop diverse young talent Changing trends in workplaces that are put in motion by the newest generations entering the job market Read more Saskia Van Uffelen Digital Skills: Prepare your employees for the digital transformation Are your employees future-ready ? What can they do to maximise their growth potential in a digital world. Read more Martijn Aslander Never finished Based on the book nominated for Management Book of the Year 2016 Read more Katja Schipperheijn What can we learn from children to create the future of work? This motivational yet slightly provocative keynote takes you into the world of our children to shape the future of your organization. Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Digital Transformation

    Keynotes and speakers on Digital Transformation < Back Explore enlightening keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to digital transformation. In today's digital age, organizations must adapt and innovate to stay relevant and competitive. Booking a keynote speaker on digital transformation can provide valuable insights, strategies, and best practices to navigate the evolving digital landscape successfully. Discover our curated list of digital transformation-focused keynotes and speakers, and embark on a journey to unlock new opportunities, streamline processes, and drive growth for your organization! Renout van Hove Translating Spotify's Success to Other Industries How to craft success? Read more Dado Van Peteghem Thriving in the Age of the Virtual Economy Get ready to delight the new generation of customers 👩‍🎤 Read more Saskia Van Uffelen Dare to change How long can you manage your organisation, your team or your life without changing anything fundamental? Dare for the future! Read more Olivier Van Duüren Understand how to transform as a person and business Read more Jo Caudron The Future Formula In search of the rules of tomorrow. Read more Anja Cappelle 7 essential ingredients for a successful digital transformation Transformation is incontournable. Doing it right too. Read more Robin Wauters Can Europe compete when it comes to tech? ​ Read more Olivier Van Duüren What can you learn from the top 20 Business Transformation of the past decade? ​ Read more Dado Van Peteghem What’s next on the digital horizon? Trends and future scenarios for your industry Read more Renout van Hove Riding the Data Wave Unleash the Power of Data Clean Rooms to build your own Google Empire Read more Bart De Waele The data driven company ​ Read more Olivier Van Duüren Putting transforming while performing into action - Help you to Transform while Performing (Why) - Accelerate the co-creation and adoption of your Strategy and Culture (What) - Mix of Visualisation, Inspiration, Facilitation and Co-Creation (How) Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Company Culture

    Keynotes and speakers on Company Culture < Back Discover insightful keynotes and expert speakers focused on enhancing company culture. A positive and inclusive company culture is the backbone of successful organizations, fostering employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Booking a keynote speaker on this topic can inspire teams, align organizational values, and cultivate a thriving work environment. Explore our curated list of company culture-focused keynotes and speakers, and elevate your organization's culture to new heights of success and fulfillment! Hermina Van Coillie How do you increase psychological safety in your team? A critical success factor for innovation, retention and growth. Read more Brecht Buysschaert 5 Stepstones to a Whealthy Workplace Investing in Workplace Well-being, a Win-Win-Win Read more Isabel Verstraete Introduction to the CARE Principles How can you grow your business while enhancing a positive impact on people & planet? Read more Inge van Belle The (engaged) digital workplace Master this new context of work from anywhere, anytime from any device and an even fiercer war on talent Read more Hermina Van Coillie The fascinating dynamic between trust, control, and supervision in the workplace And why trust is the solution Read more Stefaan van Hooydonk Curiosity: The Key Element for Creating a Winning Culture For Senior Executives Read more Henri Cnops The 6 dimensions to measure and build TRUST Because trust makes or breaks teams Read more Tom De Wachter Boost your employer branding How to turn your company into an employer of choice? Read more Frans van de Ven Personal Leadership as organizational culture The advantages of investing in personal leadership as organiszational culture Read more Fiona Passantino Listening and Creating a Culture of Collaboration As we enter the post-Covid period in our history and battle the demons of the Great Resignation, listening to what we need is more important than ever. Keeping employees happy and not quitting is now a matter of business survival. Read more Katrijn Steenbeke Corporate Positivity, a fresh breeze in organizational culture Culture is essential to realizing the strategy of all organizations. Behaviours determine culture and contribute to success. Read more Saskia Van Uffelen The war for talent; be prepared How to attract the right people and how to determine which talents you need for your business Read more Ann De Bisschop Thriving in the Workplace by Fostering Professional and Personal Well-being Read more Katrijn Steenbeke Positive leadership Positive leadership makes great leaders great Read more Kaat Peeters Leaving a Legacy Re-invent your strategies to boost your impact Read more Inge van Belle Employee Engagement, what else? The 12 drivers of engagement and as a unique asset in the war for talent Read more Ann De Bisschop Building a Strong Organization with the 7 Pillars of Wellbeing Read more Stefaan van Hooydonk The Power of Curiosity For HR Professionals Read more Dado Van Peteghem The Meaningful Organisation Moving beyond profit Read more Najima El Kasmi Psychological Safety Unlocking Innovation through Trust and Openness Read more Julie Heyvaert How to win the war for talent? while boosting retention Read more Isabel Verstraete Care for your People A prerequisite to attract and retain talent Read more Patrick De Pauw Why Employe Advocacy is the future of your organisation The incredible impact of your co-workers' voices can create a tremendous effect on your sales, marketing, brand image and recruitment. Therefore it should be seen as a strategic important asset for your future growth. Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Customer Experience

    Keynotes and speakers on Customer Experience < Back Explore captivating keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to enhancing customer experience. In today's competitive business landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences is paramount for success and long-term growth. Booking a keynote speaker on this topic can inspire teams, share best practices, and drive customer-centric strategies that result in increased loyalty and satisfaction. Discover our curated list of customer experience-focused keynotes and speakers, and unlock the potential to create memorable and meaningful interactions for your customers! Tom De Ruyck Welcome to the Age of Relevance How to become a Consumer-led Business Read more Dado Van Peteghem Thriving in the Age of the Virtual Economy Get ready to delight the new generation of customers 👩‍🎤 Read more Inge van Belle CX or EX: the chicken or the egg? High employee engagement (EX) leads to high customer satisfaction (CX) Read more Alain Thys The Customer Fitness Code Monetise customer experience Read more Christophe Jauquet Customer Centricity Every customer wants to be healthy & happy Read more Alain Thys How to Be(come) a Customer-centric Leader? The true meaning of customer-centric leadership Read more Geert Martens Customer Experience Post Covid19 The impact of Covid19 on customer experience Read more Gerrie Smits Customer Centricity is rubbish. Long live Customer Centricity. There’s more to Customer Centricity than your customer. Read more Renout van Hove Unlocking Next-Level Customer Experiences: The Transformative Power of AI Envision a World Transformed by AI Read more Tom De Ruyck Pause, Play and Fast Forward Understanding Consumers in Times of Crisis Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • Speakers and keynotes on Sustainability & CSR

    Keynotes and speakers on Sustainability & CSR < Back Delve into insightful keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). In today's global landscape, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainable practices and ethical responsibility. Booking a keynote speaker on sustainability and CSR can provide valuable insights, best practices, and strategies to integrate environmental and social considerations into business operations, drive positive impact, and enhance brand reputation. Discover our curated list of sustainability and CSR-focused keynotes and speakers, and embark on a journey towards creating a more sustainable, responsible, and purpose-driven organization! Merijn Tinga How to make a difference? Plastic pollution is a worldwide epidemic. By now we are aware of this but how does real change come about? Read more Jo Caudron The Future Formula In search of the rules of tomorrow. Read more Johan Albrecht The Energy trilemma Energy should be reliable, sustainable and affordable. How do you reconcile these objectives ? Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Ignoring the climate crisis is (soon to be considered) bad for business. Why ignoring climate change is becoming a risky business Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik How can companies do well by doing good? ​ Read more Kaat Peeters Leaving a Legacy Re-invent your strategies to boost your impact Read more Johan Albrecht Climate-neutral in 2050 How organisations can make a difference Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik The link between CSR, ESG and SDG Why the "S" in CSR, the "S" in ESG and the "S" in SDG must go hand in hand for successful business practices! Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Can circular economy be an answer to more sustainability Everybody is talking about Circular Economy. But do you know what is it in details, on how it applies to your business? Read more Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere The good, the bad and the ugly of AI AI has existed for some time, but we are coming to the tipping point: the popularity increases over time, yet there is tension caused by the negative effects of or fear for AI. Read more Wannes Van Giel Stop Convincing How you help customers and consumers to adopt sustainable choices Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Rethinking leadership for a sustainable future How to become a sustainable leader Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Corporate Social Responsibility is here to stay ​ Read more Christophe Jauquet No healthy people on a sick planet Health & well-being as the biggest drivers of the sustainability trend Read more Johan Albrecht The World we make After The Corona Shock How the corona crisis can strengthen the resilience of our economy and society Read more Johan Albrecht From energy crisis to climate neutrality The energy paradox and alternatives that contribute to climate solutions Read more Isabel Verstraete Care for the Planet Care for the Planet as a strategic pillar in your brand positioning Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik The Return of Investment on social sustainability And why should social sustainability be part of your business? Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

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