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  • keynote speaker Saskia Van Uffelen

    Saskia Van Uffelen How can we create a new culture in our organisations? Digital Skills Leader Belgium, boosting Future Skills and Jobs for everybody! To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Consultant, Workshops, Coach Dutch, french, English Intrapreneurship, company culture, future skills Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Saskia leads the National Coalition for Digital Skills & Jobs for Belgium. In this role she focusses to skill/re-skill all talents to maximize the activation of everybody in the changing employment market going forward. As a manager, Saskia Van Uffelen always keeps a keen eye on the human aspects of collaboration in a company. She focusses heavily on ensuring the synergies between the different generations present in the workplace. In interviews, opinion articles and her book ‘Iedereen Baas! – Tous Patron!’ she encourages her colleagues to pay more attention to it as well. The world, our society, is changing and is screaming for a new model. We are living in a digital age, where everyone and everything is connected, where competition is no longer coming from within the sector and customers, users and citizens are in the driver’s seat. Data is gold and sharing is the new having. Dare to help build a new business world, with a balance between results in the short and long term. But dare just as much to help to build another society through personal life choices – a society that is ready for the next generation. ‘Dare for tomorrow’ is the title of her latest book. Topics Digital Transformation Dare to change Lees verder How long can you manage your organisation, your team or your life without changing anything fundamental? Dare for the future! More Future of Work Digital Skills: Prepare your employees for the digital transformation Lees verder Are your employees future-ready ? What can they do to maximise their growth potential in a digital world. More Company Culture The war for talent; be prepared Lees verder How to attract the right people and how to determine which talents you need for your business More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Robin Wauters

    Robin Wauters Founding editor of European tech news and research platform; journalist, analyst, speaker, moderator and event curator. Co-founder of Startup Europe Lens and BeCentral. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Moderator, Speaker, Host Dutch, English Technology, Big Tech Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Robin is a European technology journalist and media entrepreneur currently running the region's premier information portal and market intelligence platform, He is frequently sought after as an expert for international events, where he presents data on the European tech scene, moderates panels, and interviews executives, investors, and policymakers. In addition, Robin is the co-founder of Startup Europe Lens, a non-profit organization that aims to facilitate direct, regular, and constructive dialogue between European policymakers and startup founders. He is also a founding member of BeCentral, a digital campus located in Brussels Central Station. BeCentral has helped thousands of people learn new technologies, grow startups, and make a positive impact on society. Topics Digital Transformation Can Europe compete when it comes to tech? Lees verder ​ More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Katrijn Steenbeke

    Katrijn Steenbeke Corporate Positivity Activist, addicted to the power of positive psychology. Experienced speaker, trainer, coach, with an international corporate background in a variety of markets. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, English, French Shifting Corporate Culture, Leadership, Positivism Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Katrijn is founding partner at marbl, a firm driven by the belief that much untapped potential resides in all organisations. She is absolutely convinced that translating this belief into organisational cultures leads to cutting-edge results. She brings corporate positivity, a trademark registered by marbl, into the corporate world through keynotes, inspirational sessions, workshops, development programs. Katrijn has a passion for Asian history, culture and food. Anything related to Japan, makes her heart beat faster. Topics Company Culture Positive leadership Lees verder Positive leadership makes great leaders great More Company Culture Corporate Positivity, a fresh breeze in organizational culture Lees verder Culture is essential to realizing the strategy of all organizations. Behaviours determine culture and contribute to success. More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Céline Malyster

    Céline Malyster Allow her to give your event a bit of oomph. Sharp-witted multilingual host and speaker. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Moderator, Host, Speaker, Workshops Dutch, English, French Sharp-witted multilingual host, Personal branding, Creative multipassionate ▶️ Watch Céline on stage Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Being an entrepreneur with many years of management experience in various industries, Céline's broad knowledge enriches her professional capabilities. Knowing a little about a lot enables her to effectively moderate interviews, panel discussions, and podcast episodes. While she takes pride in her preparation and organizational skills, Céline admits that she is at her best when she can unleash her spontaneity. She understands that nobody says it’s easy, but also acknowledges that it shouldn't be boring either. Céline receives most compliments for her personal style - characterized by a tongue-in-cheek approach - and her ability to mentally store answers and quotes throughout events, seamlessly integrating them into questions or recaps. Nothing escapes her attention, and she ensures that each of her stage guests shines brightly. Topics Marketing From Identity to Image Lees verder The Power of Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs More Celine Malyster is al sinds 2016 de vaste host van het Belgian Customer Contact Congress, het grootste evenement van de klantcontact branches, waar ze al met thema's als AI in contact centers, nieuwe innovaties en de impact hiervan op de medewerkers aan de slag mocht. Als organisator zijn we uiterst tevreden van Celine, die perfect tweetalig is en veel voeling heeft met het publiek en met onze sector. Ze scoorde in de meest recente evaluatie een 4,2 op 5 met alleen maar 4 en 5 scores. Wij zullen haar in de toekomst zeker nog boeken! Contactcenter Federatie Hans Cleemput, directeur Collaborer avec Céline a été un réel plaisir. Passionnée et professionnelle, elle a non seulement été à l’écoute de nos demandes, mais a aussi considérablement enrichi les conférences malgré les quelques imprévus. Son organisation et sa gestion du temps étaient impeccables. Un véritable rayon de soleil, Céline a su créer une atmosphère positive et engageante et a su mettre en lumière le différents speakers tout au long de la journée. Ecommerce, Social Media, Marketing Digital, Panel sur l’entreprenariat féminin, Innovation, Metaverse ou encore Programmatic Advertising, rien ne fait peur à Céline qui saura introduire toutes ces thématiques avec brio. Sa prestance et son aisance en public étaient toujours au rendez-vous, même avec des talons aiguilles pendant une journée entière.😉 Digimedia Manon Vandevelde Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Martijn Aslander

    Martijn Aslander Tech philosopher, professional lifehacker and connector of people, information and ideas. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops Dutch, English future of work, digital fitness, easycracy, information society, lifehacks Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Martijn Aslander has been one of the most experienced speakers in the field of the network and information society for more than 15 years. His books Easycracy and Never finished are standard reading material for many managers. As a standup philosopher, he researches and articulates possibilities for tackling problems and capitalizing on opportunities every day. In his keynote, Digital Fitness he is once again pioneering the future of work. Martijn Aslander 'looks' at the world through a social and economic lens. With passion and humor he maps out the complex impact of technology on society for his audience. He describes the current and future implications of these developments for the networked information society. Martijn is a hands-on inspirator who explains in an accessible way what is going on in this world. He synthesizes this into an understandable picture of what is going on and what it means for organizations, business models, markets and innovation. His unique ability to challenge business-leaders and help them think outside the box has brought him into boardrooms around the world. He helps business-leaders of global brands to future-proof their operations. Martijn likes to shake things up, make the audience wonder, but also inspire people. In doing so, he offers his audience actionable insights. Topics Button Easycracy Lees verder A new way of working, organizing and collaborating More Button Digital fitness Lees verder Our work is broken and in need of major maintenance More Future of Work Never finished Lees verder Based on the book nominated for Management Book of the Year 2016 More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Herre Zonderland

    Herre Zonderland A former athlete (gymnastics). Motivates people to work on conditions for their sustainable business performance. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Moderator, Workshops Dutch, English Energy Management, Resilience, Vitality, Sleep, Work-life, Focus, Relaxation Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Former gymnast Herre Zonderland is an inspired public speaker, who moves people literally and figuratively. He inspires people with his energetic and rapid style of presenting, combined with his experience as an athlete and realistic view on the world. His ambition is to encourage his audience to work on their personal conditions to perform on a daily basis. Not only today and tomorrow, also towards the future. He challenges and lets people reflect on their own conditions. These conditions are e.g. being fit, use brain capacities with focus and managing stress, have a supportive environment and self-reliance to work on their desired behavior. In his keynotes, Herre delivers his messages strongly, with a call to action to make the first step towards more energy, better performance wellbeing and happiness. Topics Sports Manage your Energy to excel Lees verder How do you ensure a high performance culture, right now? More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Kaat Peeters

    Kaat Peeters Keynote speaker on a mission to boost changemakers. Inspirational speeches about strategies for impact To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, English Impact, Scaling, Leaving a Legacy, Changemaker, Sustainability, Mindshift Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Kaat is an impact maker, author of two books, and keynote speaker with a diverse track record in associations, governmental institutes, and as an entrepreneur. For six years, Kaat managed the Sociale Innovatiefabriek, an accelerator for social innovation and social entrepreneurship. This experience nurtured her belief that everyone is a changemaker and that companies have the duty to deeply reflect on how they impact the world. As a hands-on member of the board of several associations and social enterprises, as well as a member of the jury in international contests, creating an impact has become the baseline of her life. Kaat teaches social innovation at Erasmus University College Brussels and, through her consulting organization, Social Impact Projects, she helps impact organizations design and implement their growth strategies. Kaat is the co-author of "Zaken die je Raken," an inspiring book about how social innovation can make the world a better place. Recently, Kaat released the book "Leaving a Legacy. Increase Your Social Impact," co-authored by Omar Mohout. This book is a milestone in Kaat’s mission to inspire companies about their role as changemakers. “Everyone has the duty and possibility to create a positive impact.” Get inspired by Kaat on how to become a changemaker and leave the world a great legacy. Topics Company Culture Leaving a Legacy Lees verder Re-invent your strategies to boost your impact More Kaat talks and writes about ‘leaving a legacy’. Others about ‘common good’ or ‘noble purpose’. In my opinion, it’s all about the same impact perspective. Let’s always take this view when we do business, when we spend money, when we live together,… Impact House Piet Colruyt, Impact Investor and founder Wonderful energy in the room, clear step by step learning about what your next step might be in just 2 hours. You leave the room with a mini legacy statement. You then keep changing it in the week after…. Fierce Ladies Network Elke Jeurissen, inclusive leadership expert The ‘Leave a Legacy’ workshop with Kaat is very hands-on. It not only shows that there’s more to scaling than the obvious upscaling but it also provides language to frame the things that you are already doing. Papillon Project Stefan Goemaere In short, she’s a powerhouse. And it rubs off. I have never left a conversation with Kaat uninspired. On the contrary, she makes you feel like rolling up your sleeves to move mountains in the name of social change. Social Venturers Anika Horn, manager Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Gil Nimmegeers

    Gil Nimmegeers Co-founder of Bothrs, Gil makes it possible for organizations to kick start and ship digital products in a matter of weeks. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker English, Dutch Digital Products, Digital Innovation, Corporate Venturing, Ecommerce Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography When Gil started his career as a functional analyst at a Belgian bank, he managed to ship a fintech product in just a couple of months. It turned out this wasn't the norm. After that, he started Bothrs to help even the slowest company innovate and shape at dazzling speed. Listen to Gil's talks to learn how to boost your people, process, and technology to accelerate your digital innovation. Topics Entrepreneurship How big companies can innovate like start ups Lees verder If you want to learn how to ship digital products in a matter of weeks, you need to stick to 5 core principles. Learn the exact steps it takes to build a winning digital product and to become a digital trailblazer. More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Inge van Belle

    Inge van Belle Restless entrepreneur with corporate background in communication & sales. Dubai based Employee Engagement aficionada. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant Dutch, French, English Employee Engagement, Employee Experience Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Co-founder of Herculean Alliance, home to formats like Employee Engagement Awards and Hercules Trophy. Inge led employee experience projects in 10 countries. This international background, combined with a hunger for knowledge, gave her wings to specialise in the 12 drivers of employee engagement. Inge is strategic advisor to Dubai Police and speaker for United Nations Women. She’s passionate to solve the challenges of disconnected employees in a hybrid working environment. Author of “Employee Engagement, what else?” with Klaus Lommatzsch, to help leaders up their engagement game using best marketing practices. You will appreciate Inge’s energy: a combination of her authentic personality, refreshing creativity, witty humour and work ethic. Inge’s favourite quote is: “We rise by lifting others”, summing up her determination to make the world a better place, one employee at a time. Topics Hybrid Working The (engaged) digital workplace Lees verder Master this new context of work from anywhere, anytime from any device and an even fiercer war on talent More Company Culture Employee Engagement, what else? Lees verder The 12 drivers of engagement and as a unique asset in the war for talent More Customer Experience CX or EX: the chicken or the egg? Lees verder High employee engagement (EX) leads to high customer satisfaction (CX) More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Valérie Deridder

    Valérie Deridder Journalist at Knack with a passion for everything to do with technology and digital transformation To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Persian AI, Digital Transformation, B2B Technology, International Politics, Middle East Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Valérie Deridder, a journalist at Knack, possesses a fervent passion for technology and digital transformation. With a notable background in hosting debates for esteemed institutions like the Flemish Parliament and the European Commission on AI, her expertise extends to corporate events focused on digital transformation. Moreover, Valérie boasts a strong understanding of foreign politics, particularly specializing in the Middle East, a topic she frequently delves into within her writings for Knack. Her warmth and infectious enthusiasm define her personality, complemented by her theater experience that lends her a natural ease on stage. Above all, Valérie thrives in moderating debates and chairing events. Topics I'm really enjoying working with Valérie for lots of reasons. First and foremost, you can always count on her for setting a light tone that makes everyone feel welcome. Besides that, she doesn’t settle and has a great radar for interesting content. You can always count on her for going the extra mile and delivering an interesting result. She takes a lot of pride in her work and this translates into creations of the highest quality. ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Michael Houben

    Michael Houben Helping you grow a Benchmark Team with inspiring talks and trainings on Knowledge Management, Time Management and Intercultural Cooperation. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Workshops English, Dutch Leadership, Management, Knowledge Management, Personal Development, Feedback, Intercultural Cooperation, Cultural Diversity, Time Management, Energy Management Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography In short, he is a passionately curious and globally experienced Change Agent. His mission is to assist organizations in thriving alongside their people. He employs innovative and practical frameworks for Team Development and Knowledge Management, and he delivers talks and training sessions on Leadership, Management, and Personal Productivity. Prior to embarking on his journey as a solopreneur, he gained valuable experience in well-respected international companies. At Punch Powertrain, he established the R&D Department in China, and at ZF Group, he led the transformation of the global Product Validation Department within the Windpower Division. On a personal note, he is happily married and a proud father of two children. He enjoys sports, traveling, and personal development pursuits. Topics Productivity Knowledge Management Lees verder How to retain and grow your organization's knowledge More Leadership Leading a culturally diverse team Lees verder How to foster understanding and outstanding cooperation between people with different cultural backgrounds More Productivity Time Management Lees verder How to become insanely productive, sanely More It was very inspiring, and I found the delivery very enjoyable! ​ ​ I wanted to thank you again for the training. It was very clear and especially useful! ​ ​ I can recommend this session to everyone! Very concrete and full of practical tools. ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Katja Schipperheijn

    Katja Schipperheijn An internationally awarded author, strategist, futurist, keynote speaker with an expertise in human-centered innovations that create a human-machine symbiosis to enable learning ecosystems To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, English Artificial Intelligence, Human - Machine Symbiosis, Learning Mindset, Ecosystems, Future of Work, Future Trends, Neuroscience ▶️ Watch Katja's video. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Katja Schipperheijn is an internationally recognised and awarded author, strategist, futurist, lecturer and keynote speaker. Her expertise focuses on AI and pioneering innovations that create a human-machine symbiosis to enable learning ecosystems to flourish. In doing so, she advocates adopting a learning mindset at the personal, team and corporate levels not to become overwhelmed, but to thrive and sustainably shape the future itself. ➡ Global 200 Women Power Leaders: Visionary advocate for AI-enhanced learning ecosystems & mindset empowerment, recognized globally for her pioneering contributions in the field (2024) ➡ Global Woman Leadership Award for AI (Dubai 2024) ➡ Global Woman Leadership Speaker Award (Dubai 2024) ➡ Learning Ecosystems Finalist Best International Business Books (London 2023) Her provocative ideas challenge traditional dogmas and offer fresh perspectives. She inspires everyone to adapt and embrace learning before they suffer irreversible damage because AI and other innovations are already pervasive. They are affecting organisations and their employees with unprecedented speed. To incite change, she does not shy away from hypes and discusses the impact of what now seem futuristic, such as Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) or hyper-realistic avatars that make deepfaking a child's play. Katja explores the intersection of technology and humanity and its impact on our society. For example, she looks at how competences such as imagination, curiosity and consilience play a role. She explores the similarities between neuroscience and computer science to optimise the learning of both human and artificial intelligence. Human connection is paramount in shaping the future of work, which is why she often draws her inspiration from the future as seen through the eyes of children. Katja's keynote speeches are therefore engaging and inspiring for a very diverse audience. Often, her keynotes are the starting point for a future readiness workshop and a continuous improvement project. Besides advising governments, multinationals, educational institutions and start-ups, Katja is also a philanthropist as founder of sCooledu and author of Little Digital Citizens (Dutch 2018). More than 15,000 children have already participated in her workshops on the future and the increasingly virtual world. This shows her commitment to social responsibility and the importance of promoting digital literacy among young people. By booking Katja for an event, you not only get valuable insights but also support a good cause. As an author, Katja achieved international recognition with her book Learning Ecosystems (2023) finalist best international business books in London and included in the Top 100 best international business books by the eLearning Journal in Germany. This book will therefore be available in several languages including Arabic during 2024. In 2024 her latest book was released. The Learning Mindset: Combining human competencies with technology to thrive. Topics People Skills A Learning Mindset in the Age of Innovation Lees verder Unleash potential with a learning mindset supported by emerging innovations More Future of Work Continuous improvement through innovation and learning Lees verder Keynote and workshop based on the book Learning Ecosystems, finalist best international business books More People Skills The impact of AI on the future of organisations and humanity Lees verder AI is neither hype nor new! However, it is more urgent than ever to include in a future-proof strategy. More Future of Work The future of work and learning, Learning Ecosystems Lees verder Workshop More Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR Has the future caught up with us Lees verder Imagine and create your own future with innovative technologies such as generative AI, XR and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) More Specials What can we learn from children to create the future of work? Lees verder This motivational yet slightly provocative keynote takes you into the world of our children to shape the future of your organization. More A couple of days ago, I had the privilege of attending the Toyota Tech Conference where Katja Schipperheijn was an esteemed speaker. She captivated the audience with her perspective on how lessons from children could be applied to shape the future of our workplaces. Katja, your thought-provoking insights and innovative approach to reimagining the work process were truly inspirational. My heartfelt gratitude for enlightening us and instilling a fresh perspective on our professional journey. Toyota Caucasus LLC George Tsiramua, Head of Business Technology Department, Georgia A great Keynote Katja. The importance of fostering a learning mindset can’t be overstated, especially in today’s fast-paced world where innovation is key! It’s inspiring to see how emerging technologies can support and enhance this process. This not only benefits individuals in their personal growth but also contributes significantly to organisational success. A win win! CLO100 Cathy Hoy, CEO and Co-founder, United Kingdom would be talking about something that for me is as important as children to improve as a person, so thank you for saying it with the naturalness and certainty with which you did it! I believe that imagination and creativity are key elements that make us unique and that can never be taken away from us by machines. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of calm, transformation, self-management and curiosity in this ever- evolving world. I hope to have the opportunity to talk to you more about this at some point. ADEO Group Clara Lepoutre, L&D Project Manager, Spain Katja’s session was incredibly practical and insightful. People loved it, and it made a significant impact on their learning experience. Her insights and expertise truly resonated with our audience, and her presentation style was engaging and informative. Her contribution to the Masterclass including a tailored keynote has left a lasting impression. MCI Group Huguette Andreoli, Director People and Culture, The Netherlands If you’re looking for a keynote that goes beyond superficial conversations and dives deep into the heart of what it means to be human in an increasingly digital world, this is it. Dogmas and silos about HR and learning are demolished yet she brings a constructive story to build a learning ecosystem from human-centered innovation. It is a transformative experience that will broaden your horizons, challenge your perspectives and remind you of the power of empathy. Prepare to be captivated, enlightened and inspired! Zayad University Dr. Anna Tarabasz, Associate Professor and founder Know Digital, Dubai Amazing Keynote!! So good that our main stakeholders where commenting there praises of you to each other even during and not after! Thank you so much for taking part of this Katja and I’m really happy that we had you for the last week as you preffered, defenitely turned some heads! ​ Filip Videira, Senior Manager Open Innovation and Partnerships, United Kingdom Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

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