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  • keynote Leadership - deciding and letting go

    < back Leadership - deciding and letting go also during crisis situations More detailed information Are you looking for a speaker who will give your audience goose bumps from the first seconds on? On 15 July 2022, Rik found himself in an emergency situation as his plane became unstoppable. The images of the accident, in which he came down with the emergency parachute on his plane, were spread worldwide. Rik made the decision to activate the emergency parachute in 5 seconds, a directive but well-considered decision. In the next 50 seconds Rik went through the emergency checklist. In the last seconds before the crash, he performed a manoeuvre that saved the houses and left him unharmed. In this presentation he tells the audience about these exciting 60 seconds and describes why it was possible to switch from the emotional brain to the reasoning brain ('executive cognitive functioning'). When a pilot activates his emergency parachute, it is a drastic, irrevocable, directive decision that is followed by "letting go". During his presentation, Rik makes connections with price negotiations, leadership and decision making in business. During meetings, negotiations and difficult conversations, you sometimes need to be directive, act quickly and make the right choices. Or leave the choices to your employees and still bear the responsibility yourself. Rik wrote two books: - "Waarom uw oplossing het probleem is" in which he describes the input/output model - "Domme vragen bestaan wel" The essence in both books is the importance of thorough preparation. Only then can you make the right choices in crisis situations. Request a quote Submit About After a long career in the pharma industry, Rik decided to use his experience and knowledge to help others grow. With a captivating style and humor, he combines theoretical models and practical examples to provide new insights and learning points. In 2010 he started MoonsManagement to help others learn more about leadership, sales and communication. After writing 2 books on these topics, he decided to concentrate on keynotes. Both books are available in Dutch and French. Rik Moons Expert in communication, leadership and sales, author of 2 books

  • keynote High-Visibility Habits for Women at Work

    < back High-Visibility Habits for Women at Work Support and fuel female professionals on International Women’s Day More detailed information A chair is a solid, real thing to us. We sit on it, stand on it, trust it to hold our weight. But it’s mostly empty space, held together by unimaginably tiny particles using a great deal of energy. We humans believe in the things we see. When we see and feel the presence of others, we are drawn to them, trust them, listen to them, engage with them, and support them. Visible professionals, male and female, at any level, share certain characteristics. They connect, convince and compel. They are role models and mentors, confident and respectful. They are helpful and accept help, they give and receive feedback, can make difficult decisions and conduct uncomfortable conversations. Becoming connected and visible at work is a practice of consistent actions that can be learned and incorporated into a daily routine without adding time to a busy schedule. Female professionals have a special set of skills and superpowers we bring to the work floor, as well as our own set of demons, mindsets and cultural expectations to wrestle with. Workshop topics: Understanding the roles we play at work and our attitudes. The state of women’s’ engagement and self-assessment of our effectiveness. Our demons: environment, thinking, many roles. A bit of “tough love” from one woman to another: our need for control, our lack of psychological safety, our need to multitask, over-perform. We may feel uncomfortable leveraging our networks. We may let our emotions undermine our consistency, we may over-think and become paralyzed. Our superpowers: skills and strengths, natural networking abilities and what we lose when we try to go it alone. Our ability to listen, empathy and intuition, instinct to support, our humor, our voices, and our brains. We are experts in pattern recognition, 360-degree vision. We identify with stakeholders. TIP 1: become the expert: Becoming highly knowledgeable in a small area, you are the “go-to” person for anything on that matter. Work this passion into everything you do. TIP 2: upskill natural networking: be present and make interactions memorable. TIP 3: dare to be seen: walk the corridors, engage as a habit. Make the strategic casual conversation part of your work day. TIP 4: engage digitally: get into the social stream in the right way. How and when to publish, what, how often and where. TIP 5: smart delegation: knowing when to seek help, help others, share the burden. For many, a double-win for your network and your own brand as an expert Request a quote Submit About Speaker, author, trainer and coach, Fiona is a specialist of the Human at Work, leadership and the integration of AI into our working lives. She focuses on positive culture and engagement for large multinationals. Fiona is the author of the Comic Books for Executive Series and produces a regular podcast and video series called “Working Humans”. Her latest book, “The Handbook for Post-Covid Engagement” won at the UK Business Book Awards and received a Goody Award for thought leadership. Her new book is entitled “AI Powered”, due for release this year. Fiona spent many years in the corporate space in HR, in the area of internal communications and employee engagement. She has been Creative Lead, Senior Visual Communicator, Innovation Advisor, Explainer and Storyteller for some of the largest multinationals in Europe, in Vienna, London, Budapest, Brussels and Amsterdam. In 2020 she achieved a master’s in business management and AI concentration. Today, Fiona is a highly effective visual storytelling and stand-up comedian in training. She weaves solid, serious, research-driven advice with laughter and fun, guides for improving our working lives at any organization. Fiona Passantino Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration.

  • keynote You are not the norm

    < back You are not the norm How to create a more inclusive workplace going beyond diversity? More detailed information Superdiversity is increasingly becoming the norm in society, yet it has not yet fully permeated companies. As teams become more diverse, the challenge for inclusive leaders to harness the potential of this diversity keeps growing. This talk addresses how all team members can embrace the shared responsibility of fostering a truly inclusive workplace where diverse talents can thrive. The first crucial step in becoming an inclusive colleague is recognizing that one's own perspective may not represent the norm. We all have blind spots regarding our privileges, as well as obstacles and catalysts in our professional journeys. Throughout this discussion, you will discover how to adopt a more proactive role in cultivating a daily inclusive environment, both as a leader and as a colleague. Explore the mechanisms of behavioral change and understand the significance of internal and external triggers. Real-life examples of common, perplexing situations and effective strategies for managing them will be provided. It's essential to understand that inclusivity is not about determining right or wrong; rather, it's about fostering an environment conducive to continual evolution towards a more inclusive workplace. Request a quote Submit About In her vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Elke encapsulates her philosophy succinctly: "Don’t fix the people, fix the culture. " She believes that inclusive leaders play a pivotal role in making diversity work within organizations. They view diversity as a growth opportunity for the company, embracing challenges posed by differing perspectives and actively seeking diversity within their teams. Understanding that inclusion is not solely an individual responsibility but a collective endeavor, Elke has developed a model comprising five drivers, initially introduced in 2019 as part of her INSEAD Gender Diversity Program. In her podcast , she elaborates on her recipe for cultivating truly inclusive workplaces. Having shared her vision on inclusion through over 150 keynote talks and leadership workshops, Elke has assisted numerous companies in identifying their next best steps. In 2024, she launched the Dutch podcast Bindstof , featuring interviews with inclusive leaders across society, focusing on fostering connections beyond differences. Elke emphasizes the importance of creating awareness throughout organizations, identifying and transforming barriers for diverse talents into accelerators, and holding leaders accountable for change. Drawing from global best practices and the real-life experiences of hundreds of leaders, her solutions for inclusive leadership are rooted in tangible successes. Recognizing persistent barriers faced by women in non-inclusive workplaces, Elke founded Fierce Ladies in 2012, a platform where women support each other's growth. Through initiatives like role model talks, growth academies, and international retreats, Fierce Ladies aims to dismantle systemic barriers and empower women across sectors and generations. With a rich professional background spanning stakeholder engagement, corporate communications, public relations, and public affairs, Elke has collaborated with leaders in various spheres, including Microsoft, HP, and SBS media group. She has shared her insights on numerous conference stages and is a co-author of the book "Who run the world, the power of female leadership." As of April 2022, Elke serves as President of the Board at VDAB, the Flemish agency for employment, driving initiatives for an inclusive job market. At home with her husband Jo, Elke endeavors to foster inclusivity within their blended family of five children aged between 18 and 30, with the excitement of welcoming their first granddaughter soon. They believe that respecting and embracing the diversity of personalities and talents around their dinner table is fundamental to their children's growth. For Elke and her family, inclusivity is an ongoing journey of learning, with each day presenting new opportunities to cultivate inclusiveness. Elke Jeurissen Entrepreneur, Community Builder (Inclusive Leaders Connect, Straffe Madammen, 72Hours Reload), co-author of 2 books, (step)mum of 5.

  • keynote The Corporate Unicorn

    < back The Corporate Unicorn ​ More detailed information A Unicorn is a startup that is valued at over $1billion. How can a Unicorn sprout from your Corporation? Is it at all possible and how do you get started? How big is the team and who should be in it? What is best practice and are there pitfalls? What does it take from top management? What is the link with sales and Customer Experience? Yoav will provide all the answers in this entertaining webinar. Request a quote Submit About Creative entrepreneur Yoav has an outstanding track record as the inventor of ClickShare and a pioneer in Virtual Reality. He excels at crafting and executing innovative and strategic visions for products and market strategies. Public speaking is his preferred method for sharing his extensive knowledge and over 20 years of experience. Yoav aims to entertain, motivate, and inspire audiences, infusing his talks with his unique brand of dry humor. Drawing from his gut and personal experiences, he covers the full spectrum from theory to reality to best practices. Specializing in topics such as game-changing innovation, creativity, intrapreneurship, and navigating uncertainty with perseverance, Yoav captivates audiences with his insights. Yoav Nir Co-inventor of ClickShare®, Virtual and Augmented Reality pioneer and author of the book Game-changing Innovation

  • keynote How to collaborate in a more inclusive way in your team?

    < back How to collaborate in a more inclusive way in your team? workshop More detailed information Our teams are becoming increasingly diverse. We work with several generations and nationalities at the same time. This can be quite a challenge. Nevertheless inclusion is so needed to make people flourish. And this will highen retention. But how do we deal with this as an organization and more specifically as a leader or as a colleague? How do we ensure that we are not blinded by our own “backpack”? How can we as a team boost inclusion? We share 20 tips to work more inclusively as a team and employee. In addition, we do a dilemma exercise with colleague leaders and we facilitate a moment of reflection on it. All in order to provide you with concrete tools to work in more inclusive ways within your teams. Request a quote Submit About Julie's mission is to systematically increase engagement in the workplace, emphasizing the concept of bringing more FLOW into work environments. Flow represents a state of mind where individuals are highly engaged, motivated, and focused. It involves being completely immersed in tasks, driven by a powerful energetic force. Studies indicate that we spend only about 5% of our time in flow states, a statistic Julie aims to change. This motivation led her to establish her company – Flowspire, which seeks to foster connections within organizations and inspire employees to achieve better results for themselves, their colleagues, and society as a whole. Enhanced wellbeing and engagement contribute to stronger brands, increased loyalty, greater creativity, agility, and ultimately better outcomes—a proven fact. Julie brings unique perspectives to this arena due to her diverse background as a commercial engineer and over 15 years of international business experience. She has developed expertise in areas such as employer branding, change management, cultural shifts, leadership, and facilitation, working with companies of varying sizes from small to medium enterprises to multinational corporations. In her role as an Employee Engagement Architect and Facilitator, Julie formulates comprehensive change plans and ignites transformative movements within organizations. Additionally, she serves as a lecturer at Thomas More University, teaching courses on HR Trends and Employee Engagement. Julie is widely recognized for her high energy, deep expertise, and is esteemed for her balanced approach that combines results-driven strategies with a genuine care for people. Julie Heyvaert Employee Engagement Architect. Julie’s mission is to drive for more human energy on the workfloor.

  • keynote Hybrid Work - Working Together Apart

    < back Hybrid Work - Working Together Apart Is a Reset Necessary? More detailed information In this captivating keynote, Isabel De Clercq explores the challenges and opportunities of hybrid work, presenting a refreshing perspective beyond the hype . While remote work has brought numerous benefits, it is not all sunshine and rainbows. Recent research reveals that hybrid work brings about digital overload and makes it harder for individuals to disconnect after work. Furthermore, the shift to hybrid work threatens knowledge sharing, especially among younger employees who no longer have access to the rich, informal conversations in the physical workplace. It's clear that a reset is needed. Is it possible for organisations to establish clear guidelines without being overly controlling? How can we ensure lasting connections between individuals who see each other less frequently? What valuable lessons can we learn from other organisations' experiences? In this thought-provoking keynote, Isabel De Clercq empowers organisations, leaders and employees to make hybrid work after COVID a resounding success. Drawing from extensive research, she provides practical insights and actionable strategies, steering clear of clichés and empty buzzwords. Drawing from extensive research, she provides practical insights and actionablestrategies, steering clear of clichés and empty buzzwords. Join us as we embark on a journey to redefine "working together apart" and create a harmonious and productive hybrid work environment. Let's navigate the challenges, seize the opportunities and shape a future where connectivity thrives, fostering true collaboration and engagement. Request a quote Submit About Meet Isabel! She graduated in Romance Philology and after a career at the University Language Centre of Ghent University and Wolters Kluwer Belgium, she has now become a sought-after keynote speaker and consultant. Isabel specializes in advising companies on their quest for sustainable work practices, disseminating her expertise through books, blogs, and podcasts. With a wealth of fresh perspectives, she's poised to revolutionize your approach to productivity in the hybrid workplace. Drawing on the latest research, Isabel adeptly bridges the gap between theory and practice, transforming scientific insights into actionable steps. Her approach is a breath of fresh air, injecting positivity into every step of your journey. Isabel's charisma extends beyond the stage. With a robust workshop background, she understands that the strategies advocated by the world's organizational gurus often clash with the complexities of real-world scenarios. Leveraging her extensive experience, Isabel translates even the loftiest ideals into practical steps tailored to our daily reality. Isabel De Clercq is passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices. She believes in the pivotal role played by what she terms the Holy Trinity: the individual taking responsibility for their own happiness, teams establishing effective agreements for synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, and organizations unequivocally embracing leadership and focus time. Expect a captivating storyline, firmly grounded in scientific research and always translated into the everyday reality of organizations. Audience members not only leave energized but also armed with a checklist of tips & tricks and a questionnaire to further their engagement. Isabel De Clercq Author and speaker passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices

  • keynote 5 Stepstones to a Whealthy Workplace

    < back 5 Stepstones to a Whealthy Workplace Investing in Workplace Well-being, a Win-Win-Win More detailed information Discover how to create a company culture where your employees thrive. Explore the five fundamental elements of a genuine whealthy workplace with practical examples, showcasing how they are applied at Springbok Coaching—walking the talk! This covers: The values and norms of your company that form the foundation. Your role as an inspiring and supportive leader, authentic and vulnerable. Bringing like-minded individuals together in a connected team as a close-knit community. Taking care of your own body, mind, and soul to work in a relaxed manner and provide freedom and trust. Creating a pleasant 'blue zone' work environment that stimulates creativity and productivity. Brecht presents all of this in a highly authentic and simultaneously practical manner—expertly and passionately. Tailored entirely to the audience in the room. Request a quote Submit About Brecht studied Physical Education at KU Leuven, graduating in 2004. After a decade in international sales for various Belgian top companies, Brecht decided to step away from the rat race and pursue his own mission: Health & Well-being at Work. In 2014, he founded Springbok Coaching. Today, Brecht, along with business partner Diederik Joukes, leads a team of 10 well-being consultants and health coaches, supplemented by 100 ad hoc coaches. They have made a significant impact in over 150 companies with their long-term approach to giving well-being at work the attention it deserves. In 2020, Brecht authored the book "Whealthy Workplaces," a practical guide filled with tips and inspiring testimonials from prominent leaders. Brecht Buysschaert On a mission to make the world a better place by creating health & wellbeing at work

  • keynote From Sustainability to Regeneration

    < back From Sustainability to Regeneration 8 transformation codes to help you drive positive change More detailed information 8 out 10 people worldwide are seriously worried about the future of our planet and feel brands need to take responsibility. The pressure on people and planet is at an all-time high. The cost-of-living crisis continues to put pressure on budgets and the impact of climate change is becoming more and more visible. This is driving a collective desire for change: how can we move from less harm to more good? How can we move from Sustainability to Regeneration! Whilst we can’t alter the past, we can shape the future. 82% of people in Europe feel brands need to take responsibility to help safeguard the future of our planet. The question is: how and where to start? In this keynote, Tom tells you all about 8 transformation codes that can be leveraged to drive positive change as an organization, together with your customers. Request a quote Submit About With 100 talks every year, Tom De Ruyck’s keynotes have inspired professionals across the globe to future-proof their business and ways of working. He has spoken in more than 50 countries and on 6 continents at major marketing, technology, customer experience and consumer insights events. Next to being Chief Growth Officer and Partner at global consultancy Human8, Tom is a teaching Professor at IESEG School of Management in Paris. He is co-author of 'The Consumer Consulting Board' and published over 80 papers and articles in academic journals and business magazines. Tom was awarded for his work many times, amongst others by the American Marketing Association, the CMO Council Asia and ESOMAR. Tom De Ruyck Tom’s talks will challenge your thinking and spark your view on the future of business & customer experience in this dynamic and high-tech world.

  • keynote No More Boring Webinars

    < back No More Boring Webinars Tools to create interaction and engagement in online sessions More detailed information In 99 minutes, you will get 21,5 interactive methods to boost the engagement during your own webinars. Most methods that he will share are very simple (you don't have to be a technical wizard), easy to implement and requires between 1-5 minutes of your 'valuable' meeting time but will boost the attention span of your audience. Cyriel has used his experience as an international keynote speaker - known for his energy, interaction & connection with the audience - to collect and finetune a series of simple methods to create more engagement & grab attention during digital sessions. Request a quote Submit About For more than 20 years, Cyriel Kortleven has been inspiring organisations like IKEA, NASA and Unilever to approach Change with courage, confidence and enthusiasm. His pragmatic advice has earned him the nickname The Simplifier. In an increasingly complex world, we need new simple perspectives to enable us to navigate uncertainty and to turn problems into opportunities. Be ready for practical tips & tools to help you as a leader drive behavioural change. Your audience will be armed with new language and a boost of energy to transform the fear of change into a positive attitude towards the goals you want to achieve. Cyriel uses interaction and humour to create a context where people think and feel differently to reignite their appetite for creativity, taking risks and achieving ambitious results. More than 300 recommendations on Linkedin are proof of his track record of satisfied clients. Don’t mind the change. Change your Mind. Cyriel Kortleven Boosting the Change Mindset and Simplifier

  • keynote speaker Eddy Willems

    Eddy Willems Cyber Security Guru | Inspiring Speaker | Author #Cyberdanger | Security Researcher | Director | Security Evangelist at G DATA CyberDefense To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Consultant Dutch, English Cyber security, Cyber crime, Hacking, Malware, Ransomware Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Eddy Willems is a globally recognized cybersecurity expert from Belgium. He serves as a board member for three prominent security industry organizations: EICAR, AVAR, and LSEC. Additionally, he holds the positions of Resident Security Evangelist and Global Security Officer at G DATA Cyberdefense. Eddy's involvement in the cybersecurity field dates back to 1991 when he became a founding member of EICAR, one of the world’s earliest security IT organizations. Throughout his career, he has held numerous additional roles within various security industry organizations. His expertise is regularly sought after by several CERTs, press agencies, print and online publications, as well as broadcasting media, including CNN. In October 2013, Eddy published his debut book, 'Cybergevaar,' in Belgium and the Netherlands under Lannoo. This was followed by a German translation and an updated English version titled 'Cyberdanger,' published by Springer in 2019. He is also a co-author of the Dutch science fiction cyberthriller ‘Het Virus,’ released in 2020. Eddy is renowned for his engaging speaking style and regularly delivers lectures and presentations worldwide, catering to audiences ranging from children to cybersecurity experts. He has spoken at prestigious events such as TEDx, captivating diverse audiences with his insights and expertise in cybersecurity. Topics Security & Privacy The real truth behind ransomware and most other malware Lees verder This presentation will give you the real story behind ransomware. More Security & Privacy What can you learn from nation-state cyberattacks? Lees verder 3 decades of cybersecurity experience bundled in a short pragmatic and passionate view More Security & Privacy Keep your smartphone safe! Lees verder Unveiling Smartphone Cyber Dangers and Defense Strategies More Security & Privacy Cyberdangers and The Human Lees verder Will we ever learn? More Artificial Intelligence AI Lives? Lees verder Navigating the Realities of Artificial Intelligence More Security & Privacy Stalkerware - the spy inside all of us Lees verder What about your privacy? More Specials My wife went to the Dark … Web Lees verder A detailed look inside the Underground Economy 4.0 More Eddy has the rare gift to explain a very technical problem and solution in a language that everybody understands, without compromising the correctness of the facts. IEEE Internet Connections Security Group Richard Zwienenberg, Executive Committee Member Eddy is one of the few people who combines a thorough knowledge of security and a clear, pleasant and fascinating way of storytelling. ​ Jeroen Wils Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Tom Palmaerts

    Tom Palmaerts One goal in mind: Giving people an appetite for the future. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker Dutch, English Future Trends, Consumer Trends Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Tom Palmaerts is a thought leader on consumer attitudes and behavior in a changing world. He is an acclaimed keynote speaker, trend consultant, author, and managing partner at Trendwolves, a full-service trend-watching agency focusing on young consumers and modern families. Palmaerts excels in understanding and identifying opportunities within broader cultural trends. His notable achievements include: 2019: Publication of 'Ready or Not: 11 Ways to Become Future Proof' (Lannoo, Dutch) 2017: Co-founded 'La Madrugada,' a vineyard in Mendoza, Argentina, as a side project with three friends 2015: Publication of 'Futures' (Lannoo, Dutch), co-written with Herman Konings and Joeri Van den Bergh 2014: Initiated hosting Futuro getaway sessions in Italy three times a year 2013: Awarded Trendwatcher of The Year 2010: Became a board member of the music and art community Subbacultcha 2008: Recognized as "Youth Trend Specialist of the Year" by the Dutch trendwatching platform Second Sight 2007: Joined Trendwolves 2002 - 2007: Conducted research on youth subcultures at Ladda Topics Marketing Consumers in 2030 Lees verder Imagine future possibilities More Future Trends Future Mindset Lees verder Are you ready for the future? More Tom allows us to identify and anticipate the new trends of tomorrow, to drive our innovation to the next level and inspire our customers. Barry Callebaut Pascale Meulemeester Tom’s talk here in Hong Kong was really stimulating - full of inspiring insights and examples from around the world. We’ve had lots of great feedback from everyone who came. The Fountain Group Ollie Cartwright An accelerated trip in our today’s future. MAPFRE RE Eric Geuens Tom is effervescent, high-spirited and above all FRESH. His work is greatly inspirational. Clariant Milan Judith van Vliet Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Fiona Passantino

    Fiona Passantino Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Host, Workshops English, Dutch AI, Innovation, Transformation, Engagement, Communication, Community Building, Hybrid Working, Leadership ▶️ Watch a keynote by Fiona. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Speaker, author, trainer and coach, Fiona is a specialist of the Human at Work, leadership and the integration of AI into our working lives. She focuses on positive culture and engagement for large multinationals. Fiona is the author of the Comic Books for Executive Series and produces a regular podcast and video series called “Working Humans”. Her latest book, “The Handbook for Post-Covid Engagement” won at the UK Business Book Awards and received a Goody Award for thought leadership. Her new book is entitled “AI Powered”, due for release this year. Fiona spent many years in the corporate space in HR, in the area of internal communications and employee engagement. She has been Creative Lead, Senior Visual Communicator, Innovation Advisor, Explainer and Storyteller for some of the largest multinationals in Europe, in Vienna, London, Budapest, Brussels and Amsterdam. In 2020 she achieved a master’s in business management and AI concentration. Today, Fiona is a highly effective visual storytelling and stand-up comedian in training. She weaves solid, serious, research-driven advice with laughter and fun, guides for improving our working lives at any organization. Topics Storytelling & Presenting High-Visibility Habits for Women at Work Lees verder Support and fuel female professionals on International Women’s Day More Productivity The AI-Human Co-Creation Workflow Lees verder Understanding AI and augmenting the Human for non-technical professional teams More Resilience & Well-being Burning out, and “Burning in” Lees verder The key to wellbeing is less rather than more; building in space for silence and creativity. More Storytelling & Presenting H2H Communication: “Human to Human" Lees verder Re-examine how we communicate and use the power of our humanity to form a connection. More Sales AI-Powered Sales Lees verder Introduction to AI for the non-technical Sales Professional More Artificial Intelligence AI-Integration Strategy for Communication Professionals Lees verder An introduction to multimodal integration for non-technical working teams More Storytelling & Presenting Habits of High-Visibility Leaders Lees verder How can leaders increase their presence, visibility, and interaction? More Future of Work AI-Powered HR Lees verder Supporting the most Human role of them all More People Skills Engage, Connect, Inspire your teams Lees verder a Roadmap for Leaders More People Skills Listening and Creating a Culture of Collaboration Lees verder As we enter the post-Covid period in our history and battle the demons of the Great Resignation, listening to what we need is more important than ever. Keeping employees happy and not quitting is now a matter of business survival. More I was great listening to Fiona's keynote presentation yesterday! I was thoroughly taken by what she had to say and really got me thinking about my own organisations short comings (and positive aspects!) with regards to focus and engagement! Absolutely delighted to have been introduced to her and her work. Thank you! The Chartered Banker Institute G. Hunter I really enjoyed Fiona's session in particular; I've already used the 'flow' concept in two conversations already - one with my son and one with a friend. CMI P. Deaken Fiona was brilliant. I really enjoyed the visuals and the insights. Evidence based, inspiring and practical - thank you! Glasgow Caledonian University F. Martin, National HR Network Awards I thoroughly enjoyed Fiona's session; it was extremely thought provoking (I was quoting some of her stats to my partner last night around burnout as he works too hard!). Coaching Culture Ltd A. MacDonald Fiona Passantino, thank you for your fantastic and engaging presentation! Thoroughly enjoyed the event and the presentations by all the speakers at Edinburgh’s Murrayfield Stadium. Strand Solicitors A. A. Sheikh Great keynote by Fiona Passantino about how one can drive engagement in jobs with lower autonomy, or lower org commitment. Her thoughts on gamification and encouraging a healthy competition to foster performance as well as engagement in such jobs is a very interesting approach. University of Strathclyde S. Sachdeva I really enjoyed Fiona's presentation (and her boots!). I will definitely be taking some learnings on conscious workload reduction back to my team. I intend to keep up with her work. Leading Kind S. Kincaid I loved this from Fiona Passantino We all talk about encouraging a diverse range of opinions but that can mean we need to learn to handle creative Rebels. INSEAD C. Moore Really inspiring keynote at #hrnc23 from the amazing Fiona Passantino on how to be engaged, focused, and how to prioritise the 'human' in 'human resources’. I especially loved how she talked about real fun vs forced fun at work, so much of it resonated with me!" Roffey Park Institute K. Male Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

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