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  • keynote speaker Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik

    Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik TEDx speaker, named “most inspiring women in sustainability”, Audrey-Flore uses science to positively influence businesses to take actions to solve climate change challenges. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Workshops French, English Food, textile, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, sustainability, link between corporate sustainability and diversity, equity & inclusion, sustainable leadership, green innovation, pollution, cultural fit, D&I, corporate social responsibility ▶️ Watch Audrey Ngomsik's TedX talk. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Dr. Ngomsik holds a PhD in physical and analytical chemistry and is a seasoned strategist specializing in climate change and corporate social responsibility. As the CEO and co-founder of Trianon Scientific Communication, a management consulting firm, Dr. Ngomsik leads efforts to assist businesses with the highest CO2 emissions in harmonizing sustainability with profitability. Over the past two decades, she has collaborated closely with board members and executives to promote awareness, embed CSR principles into business strategies, implement sustainable practices, provide training for decision-makers, and explore innovative green solutions. Dr. Ngomsik firmly advocates for addressing the interconnected pillars of people, planet, and profit to effectively tackle today's sustainability challenges. Recognizing the value of diverse leadership and inclusive environments, Dr. Ngomsik emphasizes their role in driving innovation, problem-solving capabilities, revenue growth, and reducing organizational CO2 emissions. She integrates these principles into her consultancy work, viewing corporate environmental and social sustainability as catalysts for enhanced profitability. Dr. Ngomsik's expertise extends beyond devising strategies for emissions reduction; she actively promotes increased diversity among decision-makers within organizations, both in inherent traits and acquired perspectives. Her engaging keynote speeches are renowned for simplifying complex concepts into relatable anecdotes, fostering inclusive and enjoyable interactions with her audience, and bridging the crucial connection between People, Planet, and Profit (3P). With her unique blend of expertise, communication prowess, and commitment to holistic sustainability, Dr. Ngomsik continues to be a sought-after speaker and consultant, driving positive change and impactful strategies across industries. Topics Button Climate friendly eating Lees verder Can fruits and vegetables save the world? More Button A disability-inclusive transition to a low carbon economy Lees verder Climate change is not diversity neutral. And when it comes to people with disabilities, they bear the brunt of climate change in ways that go beyond what others experience. More Sustainability & CSR Ignoring the climate crisis is (soon to be considered) bad for business. Lees verder Why ignoring climate change is becoming a risky business More Button Regenerative sustainability Lees verder The new sustainable? More Entrepreneurship Can circular economy be an answer to more sustainability Lees verder Everybody is talking about Circular Economy. But do you know what is it in details, on how it applies to your business? More Sustainability & CSR Rethinking leadership for a sustainable future Lees verder How to become a sustainable leader More Sustainability & CSR Corporate Social Responsibility is here to stay Lees verder ​ More Button How to enhance a more sustainable cosmetic industry? Lees verder ​ More Sustainability & CSR How can companies do well by doing good? Lees verder ​ More Sustainability & CSR The link between CSR, ESG and SDG Lees verder Why the "S" in CSR, the "S" in ESG and the "S" in SDG must go hand in hand for successful business practices! More Sustainability & CSR The Return of Investment on social sustainability Lees verder And why should social sustainability be part of your business? More Diversity & Inclusion Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI Lees verder How to tap into the diverse talents out there More Button Sustainable food, are we there yet? Lees verder ​ More Button Decolonising sustainability Lees verder Sustainability sciences are full of hidden biases More Her workshops on sustainability were exceptional and very informative. I have learned a lot. ​ ​ Dr. Ngomsik's knowledge, expertise, and ability to communicate complex ideas into easily understandable anecdotes are always on full display. An obviously talented speaker. ​ ​ Audrey-Flore is an outstanding speaker: intelligent, captivating, funny and committed! How can you not be hooked to her lips when Audrey-Flore speaks? ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote How to design rock-solid security

    < back How to design rock-solid security Security by design More detailed information This presentation shows the urgency to adopt a proactive, pragmatic and strategic approach that considers security threats and risks from the start and not as an afterthought in the design and development of products and services in such a way as to minimise flaws that could compromise security which is called security by design perspective. This can make the difference between those who fail and those who thrive. Marc addresses security by design and shows its importance in IT development projects because as a system is developed, it becomes harder and more expensive to add security afterwards. Marc provides a proper explanation of a rock-solid security architecture model with a focus on integration with risk management, IT and business systems. Security by design techniques, benefits, principles and requirements are illustrated with lots of examples focusing on preventing security incidents rather than repairing the issue and restoring systems after a company has been hit by a security incident. Marc summarizes the responsibilities for the security controls, security configuration, the automation of security baselines, and the end-user audit of security controls for infrastructure, operating systems, services, and applications. Finally, he shows how security by design is all about enabling trust in systems, designs and data so that organizations can take on more risk, lead change and innovate with confidence. Request a quote Submit About Marc Vael is a well-known security and privacy expert from Belgium with over 20 years of experience. He is currently the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Esko. Marc holds certifications in information security (CISM/CISSP), IT risk management (CRISC), and is a certified board director (GUBERNA). Marc is a visiting lecturer at several prestigious institutions, including Antwerp Management School, Solvay Brussels School, TIAS Tilburg, and KdG Antwerp. In 2012, he was elected Fellow of the Hogeheuvelcollege at KUL in recognition of his contributions to the IT industry. As a popular international keynote speaker and panelist, Marc inspires audiences with practical solutions and examples based on his extensive experience. He adeptly covers security and privacy topics from a high-level overview to detailed, step-by-step processes. His speaking engagements range from 30-minute inspirational keynotes to full five-day workshops. Marc's expertise has taken him to over 20 countries around the world, where he has spoken to more than 15,000 people. Marc Vael Security & Privacy Officer / Mentor / Author using real cases & solutions to simplify information protection

  • keynote How to fix the blind spots for more diversity in your company

    < back How to fix the blind spots for more diversity in your company Five drivers for a more inclusive company culture (with 30 + examples of tactics that really work) More detailed information Too many companies miss out on a lot of talent. They tend to promote the loud, extraverted networkers. They have a copycat leadership team where peers do not challenge each other. They are blind to the diversity of the world surrounding them. Inclusive leadership is what makes diversity work. Do you want to know the secret? Do not only search for more diversity, but also create an inclusive culture of belonging where diverse talents thrive. Inclusive leaders embrace diversity of opinion and love to be challenged. In this talk, Elke discovers over 20 examples of successful ways to make it happen. They are built up around 5 drivers for really inclusive cultures. And Elke will show you HOW to build that inclusive culture you need to untap all potential in your company and attract the best talent out there. There is much more to it than quotas, as you will learn from Elke's 5 drivers for change model. Discover how to attract the best talents, foster innovation, and drive your bottom line. Find out why this is a shared responsibility and how you can work on an inclusive culture every day, engaging fans, adversaries, and the silent middle. Format: 40 min. talk full of inspiring examples, tips & tricks (+ if time permits: 20 min. Q&A) Why would you care - you are not the norm Why your company should care – the business case How inclusive leaders create an inclusive company culture – 5 drivers for change - 30+ best practices Request a quote Submit About In her vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Elke encapsulates her philosophy succinctly: "Don’t fix the people, fix the culture. " She believes that inclusive leaders play a pivotal role in making diversity work within organizations. They view diversity as a growth opportunity for the company, embracing challenges posed by differing perspectives and actively seeking diversity within their teams. Understanding that inclusion is not solely an individual responsibility but a collective endeavor, Elke has developed a model comprising five drivers, initially introduced in 2019 as part of her INSEAD Gender Diversity Program. In her podcast , she elaborates on her recipe for cultivating truly inclusive workplaces. Having shared her vision on inclusion through over 150 keynote talks and leadership workshops, Elke has assisted numerous companies in identifying their next best steps. In 2024, she launched the Dutch podcast Bindstof , featuring interviews with inclusive leaders across society, focusing on fostering connections beyond differences. Elke emphasizes the importance of creating awareness throughout organizations, identifying and transforming barriers for diverse talents into accelerators, and holding leaders accountable for change. Drawing from global best practices and the real-life experiences of hundreds of leaders, her solutions for inclusive leadership are rooted in tangible successes. Recognizing persistent barriers faced by women in non-inclusive workplaces, Elke founded Fierce Ladies in 2012, a platform where women support each other's growth. Through initiatives like role model talks, growth academies, and international retreats, Fierce Ladies aims to dismantle systemic barriers and empower women across sectors and generations. With a rich professional background spanning stakeholder engagement, corporate communications, public relations, and public affairs, Elke has collaborated with leaders in various spheres, including Microsoft, HP, and SBS media group. She has shared her insights on numerous conference stages and is a co-author of the book "Who run the world, the power of female leadership." As of April 2022, Elke serves as President of the Board at VDAB, the Flemish agency for employment, driving initiatives for an inclusive job market. At home with her husband Jo, Elke endeavors to foster inclusivity within their blended family of five children aged between 18 and 30, with the excitement of welcoming their first granddaughter soon. They believe that respecting and embracing the diversity of personalities and talents around their dinner table is fundamental to their children's growth. For Elke and her family, inclusivity is an ongoing journey of learning, with each day presenting new opportunities to cultivate inclusiveness. Elke Jeurissen Entrepreneur, Community Builder (Inclusive Leaders Connect, Straffe Madammen, 72Hours Reload), co-author of 2 books, (step)mum of 5.

  • keynote 30 days Mental Energy Challenge

    < back 30 days Mental Energy Challenge Start to meditate together with your team! Let meditation help you and your colleagues to navigate through these challenging times. More detailed information HR departments and team leaders try to support their coworkers as well as they can. An often heard piece of advice is: meditate to reduce stress and find your balance . However, that's easier said than done. How do you do this on your own? True, there are a lot of apps that try to assist you incorporating it in your daily life, but we find that after a couple of days, enthusiasm is dwindling and users give up. That's why Speakersbase came up with an initiative that helps teams and companies to successfully implement it the daily routine. The advantages can't be denied: Doing it as a team creates a sense of togetherness . As we rarely see our colleagues this improves the sense of belonging and stimulates connecting with colleagues again. In this fourth Corona wave, this is more important than ever before. Participating in group motivates you not to abandon the good resolutions and stick to it . This collective initiative avoids the pitfall to give up before one picks the fruits of it. And if you wonder what the fruits are. We limit ourselves to this list of advantages : more control over your emotions, a calmer mind, less worrying, more self-confidence, a clearer mind and more strategic thinking, less stress, more resilience, better concentration, more productivity, better health, more mental and physical energy More information in the leaflet . Request a quote Submit About Goedele Leyssen worked for 12 years as a journalist. An opportunity to go to India for a story about yoga and meditation changed the course of her life. Back home, she followed a training to become a yoga and meditation teacher. Because Goedele strongly believes in a holistic approach of health and wellbeing, she also trained as a nutritionist. Between 2014 and 2019, she wrote 4 healthy lifestyle books and started to give keynotes and facilitate workshops. Together with a US naturopathic doctor, she launched an online anti-burnout coaching program for high performing professionals. Goedele believes self-care is the foundation for long lasting success and happiness in life. Her greatest joy is helping people build rituals for more resilience and deep inner peace. Goedele Leyssen 4 x author, speaker, yoga and meditation trainer, holistic nutritionist and self-care expert

  • keynote Care for the Planet

    < back Care for the Planet Care for the Planet as a strategic pillar in your brand positioning More detailed information 70% of people don’t believe the sustainability efforts brands are making. Green & purpose- washing have created trust issues between people and brands. Creating a positive impact on the planet is a responsibility demanded by employees, customers and governments. With a pragmatic step-by-step approach, aligned with your ESG strategy the CARE strategic framework helps you to place CARE for the planet into the core of your business strategy. Topics in the keynotes are: How can the CARE Principles help you to accelerate your sustainable strategy. How can you bring transparency, honesty and authenticity in your sustainable journey. Prepare yourself for the current and next generations of customer needs. How to collaborate with sustainable partnerships and stakeholder management. How can external collaboration help you grow sustainably. This keynote gets you introduced and inspired by the CARE strategic framework to accelerateyour sustainable ESG #esg #sustainability #csr #green #impact Request a quote Submit About As an international keynote speaker, author, and seasoned brand consultant, Isabel helps companies pivot toward a caring, sustainable, and impactful business strategy. The CARE strategic framework aids organizations in transforming with CARE, an acronym that stands for collaboration, agility, reliability, and empathy. Verstraete delivers guest lectures on the CARE Principles at reputed universities such as Vlerick, Nyenrode, TU Delft, and VU University in Amsterdam. During the pandemic, Isabel researched how certain companies manage crises more effectively and discovered a pattern behind their success. She wrote a book about it called *Does Your Brand Care? Building a Better World with the CARE Principles*. The CARE Principles urge companies to place care for people and the planet at the core of their business strategy. Applying the CARE Principles starts internally by taking better care of employees. The strategic model extends to clients, stakeholders, and care for the planet, tapping into ESG strategies. Isabel Verstraete Speaker, workshops, brand strategy expert, and author

  • keynote What kind of leader do you want to be?

    < back What kind of leader do you want to be? Become the best version of yourself More detailed information During this highly interactive session, Frans guides you towards the discovery of your natural and preferred leadership styles. Applying “authentic adaptability”, you learn how to adapt your leadership style to the situation at hand and the desired outcomes. Together with Frans you explore the ingredients of “positive connection” that drive yourself and others toward better results and better-being. An inspiring, hands-on session that explores your full leadership potential and leads you to the best version of yourself. Request a quote Submit About Frans specializes in guiding executive teams and collaborating with HR partners in the realms of leadership, talent management, and organizational change. Drawing from his extensive professional background at renowned companies such as IBM, Siemens, PwC, and Johnson & Johnson, he now serves as an independent executive coach and talent strategy advisor for Randstad RiseSmart. Frans also contributes his expertise as an executive coach at Vlerick Business School, where he helps current and emerging leaders unlock their full potential. In addition to his coaching roles, Frans is a sought-after guest speaker at institutions like Antwerp Management School and Artevelde Hogeschool, where he shares his enthusiasm for personal leadership and strives to inspire individuals to achieve their best selves. Through these engagements, Frans collaborates with a diverse range of national and international clients across both private and public sectors. His multifaceted experiences allow him to offer valuable insights and practical strategies tailored to the unique needs of each organization and individual leader, fostering growth, resilience, and success in today's dynamic business environment. Frans van de Ven Passionate personal leadership promoter, empowering executive - team - coach, trusted talent strategy adviser

  • keynote speaker ianka fleerackers

    ianka fleerackers Storytelling Architect and Curious Creature with a long-standing career in media and arts. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Moderator, Host, Workshops Dutch, English Presentation Skills, Creativity, Storytelling Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Ianka is a storytelling architect and curious creature with a long-standing career in media and the arts, as well as being a published author. After a successful career as an actress, she has spent the last decade applying her expertise as a speaker, moderator, and mentor for thought leaders. She delves into the intersection of curiosity, transformation, and technology. Topics Art & Creativity Boost your creativity, unlock your curiosity Lees verder Boost the engine that keeps you motivated, creative, innovative and resilient! More We invited Ianka to be the moderator of our Women of the Year Award. She responded very professionally to our request and prepared the event in a serious way, thoroughly reading the material we submitted and asking for further elicitation if needed. The day of the event she got caught in a terrible traffic jam and only arrived at the very last minute. But she jumped directly to the stage and got started. The audience was never aware of the stress she must have felt. Ianka did an excellent job in our marvelous event. ​ Marij Elias, Chair of BE Lioness, the Women's Network of ING Belgium I recommend Ianka to anyone in need of a storytelling concept. Being a writer herself, an actress and a very good listener, she is capable of creating, recognizing, shaping, producing and performing strong stories. Therefore she uses her brilliant imagination, true empathy and wonderful presenting skills.Furthermore, she is an interesting conversation partner always ready with constructive advise and open to share her knowledge and expertise. ​ Charlotte De Mey Too often I speak at events where the CEO has a great message that is unfortunately lost in a superficial presentation. Being good in management also means being good in public speaking. You can learn how to manage. You can learn how to be a good speaker.. I have seen what Ianka can do with our Nexxworks Bootcampers in just a few hours. Take your time. Not a few hours. The time you need to find your own voice, your own key, your own attitude, your own format, and story. Speaking Mentor Ianka Fleerackers is a must for all business leaders who want to better share their drive and passion. ​ Rik Vera I invited Ianka to speak at the first kickoff event of CreativeMornings Ghent, where she gave a talk about our theme 'Muse'. I and everyone in the audience found Ianka's talk very inspiring. She took us unto her compelling journey to find her muse. Being a muse herself she brought a fresh and honest perspective on how people find inspiration. Ianka stands in front of an audience full of confidence and brings in the necessary amount of humor and interaction to keep you engaged throughout the talk. Ianka is pure, passionate and personal! ​ Daphne Fecheyr Lippens, Innovation Consultant Ianka gave a very inspiring speech at our Failing Forward conference - sharing heartfelt experiences and lessons learned to help our audience prevent making the same mistakes and understanding that they are not alone in encountering a bumpy road on their way to success! ​ Karen Boers Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Is Web3 a fad or is it fundamental?

    < back Is Web3 a fad or is it fundamental? Discover the building blocks of Web3 and the impact on your business More detailed information Forget NFTs and crypto. Web3 is more than JPEGs on a blockchain. But why are people so excited about this 'new internet’? Since he wrote a book about blockchain in 2017 and got known for doing on-stage blockchain role-plays with an orange, Gerrie has been intrigued about the potential of this technology. Sure, it gave us crypto and NFTs. 🥱 But the real fundamental impact of Web3 lies a lot deeper. In this talk Gerrie will unravel the building blocks of Web3 and give an idea of how it can impact the way we do business together, how it can trigger data/AI ecosystems and how it can contribute to fair value creation. But as with any hype, how realistic is it? Request a quote Submit About Clients have described Gerrie as accessible, enthusiastic, and adept at simplifying complex concepts. He embraces this characterization. He enjoys challenging the status quo while also appreciating the value of common sense, a trait that comes with experience (or as some might say, age). With 25 years of experience in industries disrupted by the internet, Gerrie has become a hands-on expert in navigating the digital landscape. His expertise has benefitted various clients, spanning from FMCG corporates to AI startups and from government agencies to the World Chambers Congress. While he remains up-to-date with digital trends, he tends to frequently use words like 'user,' 'why,' and 'alignment.' His fascination with blockchain led him to write a book about it ('Blockchain is WTF'). Prior to his immersion in digital, Gerrie's diverse background included writing about music, producing television, founding two companies during his 15 years in London, and serving as a civil servant. Gerrie Smits Chief Curiosity Officer. Intrigued by the impact of tech on business, people & society. Author/Facilitator/Speaker.

  • keynote speaker Peter Decuypere

    Peter Decuypere Passionate keynote speaker, marketing and event expert, makes you think and laugh. He founded I Love Techno and Fuse, consults top brands, and authored three acclaimed books. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, English Marketing, Event Experience, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability of Events, Branding ▶️ Watch Peter's TEDx talk. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Peter Decuypere is a passionate and inspirational (TEDx) keynote speaker known for his thought-entertaining and sometimes provoking presentations on subjects such as marketing, events and sustainability. With a background in philosophy, he approaches events, marketing, sustainability, management and life in general with a surprising, visionary perspective. As the founding father of the world-renowned techno brands I Love Techno and Fuse, Peter's insights in the industry are significant. After selling his company to Live Nation he continued his work as a consultant for prestigious clients like Warmste Week, WeCanDance, the Flemish Government, and Time Warp. Peter has authored several bestselling books, including "We Love Events," "Holy Trinity Events," and "Success in 7 Failures," offering valuable insights from his entrepreneurial experience. Additionally, he’s a lecturer at several university colleges and writes thought-provoking editorials for De Morgen. Topics Entrepreneurship Success in 7 failures Lees verder A fascinating and inspiring story of success and failure and success and failure and renewed success More Marketing Holy Trinity Events Lees verder Events are about God, Jesus (ME-xperiences) and the Holy Spirit (WE-xperiences) More Sustainability & CSR Events are more sustainable than they realize Lees verder Discover how your events align with the UN's sustainable development goals More A positive keynote by a positive thinker! A must see, a must experience. ​ ​ What a surprising end of his keynote! Peter brings us a vibrant conversation between Daft Punk and... Socrates. ​ ​ From Tomorrowland to Gucci Gang to Burning Man, Peter's inspirational examples help event managers discover the experience value of events. ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Marketing Post-Corona

    < back Marketing Post-Corona from Profit to Purpose More detailed information Some classic marketing channels, like events and billboards are now on ice. Meanwhile, customer experience optimization has now become the new marketing, with digital as its default channel. Clo offers actionable hacks to leverage these digital first marketing opportunities. Request a quote Submit About Clo is digital business expert, girl geek, tech optimist, avid keynote speaker, oldskool tech blogger, and published author. By day, she’s in charge of the postgraduate training “Digital Business” at KdG College in Antwerp. By night, she writes blog posts about robots making art, creates explainer videos on YouTube, and writes random chapters for what might some day become her 4th book. Lazy sins: listens to podcasts in bath and hopes one day AI will do her groceries. Clo Willaerts Clo is digital business expert, girl geek, tech optimist, avid keynote speaker, oldskool tech blogger, and published author.

  • keynote speaker Inge van Belle

    Inge van Belle Restless entrepreneur with corporate background in communication & sales. Dubai based Employee Engagement aficionada. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant Dutch, French, English Employee Engagement, Employee Experience Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Co-founder of Herculean Alliance, home to formats like Employee Engagement Awards and Hercules Trophy. Inge led employee experience projects in 10 countries. This international background, combined with a hunger for knowledge, gave her wings to specialise in the 12 drivers of employee engagement. Inge is strategic advisor to Dubai Police and speaker for United Nations Women. She’s passionate to solve the challenges of disconnected employees in a hybrid working environment. Author of “Employee Engagement, what else?” with Klaus Lommatzsch, to help leaders up their engagement game using best marketing practices. You will appreciate Inge’s energy: a combination of her authentic personality, refreshing creativity, witty humour and work ethic. Inge’s favourite quote is: “We rise by lifting others”, summing up her determination to make the world a better place, one employee at a time. Topics Hybrid Working The (engaged) digital workplace Lees verder Master this new context of work from anywhere, anytime from any device and an even fiercer war on talent More Company Culture Employee Engagement, what else? Lees verder The 12 drivers of engagement and as a unique asset in the war for talent More Customer Experience CX or EX: the chicken or the egg? Lees verder High employee engagement (EX) leads to high customer satisfaction (CX) More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Tap into your resilience with Spanish Flamenco

    < back Tap into your resilience with Spanish Flamenco Exciting Spanish music style as powerful elixir of life More detailed information Captivated by the glowing energy of Spanish flamenco, Luna resolutely turns her past of grief and loss into a path of life in which joy and passion are central. For Luna, the meaning of life is the meaning in life, and flamenco song and dance prove to be pre-eminently suitable to experience this joy in an intense way. An (inter)active inspiration session by Luna goes off the beaten track and aims to make participants feel what they may already know but have not felt for a long time. Who are you as an individual? Where do you want to go and why? What gets your blood flowing? In her lectures and workshops, Luna challenges to reflect on what inspires each person, from an invitation to get moving and (re)take control of their own life. Luna's lectures, workshops and inspiration sessions can also be booked with live accompaniment by a flamenco guitarist, which makes her penetrating message even more tangible. The impact of Luna's singing and performance, together with the live guitar playing, add a powerful deeper layer to the experience of spectators/participants. Request a quote Submit About Luna Zegers is the only non-Spaniard in the world with a cum laude conservatory degree in flamenco singing under her belt: a unique achievement. She also graduated summa cum laude in jazz singing from the Conservatory of Amsterdam. At a young age, she lost both her parents and only sister. After tough years, marked by grief and a search for meaning, she develops a strong will to survive and a zest for life. She becomes the first musician to major in both jazz singing and flamenco singing, studies with only Spaniards at the prestigious ESMUC conservatory in Barcelona, and writes all the music and lyrics for her graduation performance. She is also writing the book "SOLO," about her grieving processes and her experiences as an outsider in the exciting world of Spanish flamenco. The power of Luna's oeuvre shows itself in the various creative forms in which she transforms her troubles: moving music, fascinating stories and a meaningful book, with which she expresses her grief and the processing thereof. Luna Zegers Singer-composer, author and energetic speaker on loss, resilience, zest for life and inspiration

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