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  • keynote speaker Wim Smets

    Wim Smets Digital business transformation executive, record holding mountaineer and adventurer, columnist and author To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops Dutch, French, English transformation, change, teamwork, agility, resilience ▶️ Watch Wim's TEDx talk. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Wim is an ambitious man who thrives on challenges. As a freelance transformation executive, he travels the globe, guiding companies, multinationals, and government institutions through complex digital and business change programs. His expertise spans various industries and sectors, making him a sought-after advisor in navigating intricate transformations. Outside of his professional endeavors, Wim seeks challenges at extreme altitudes. He has conquered the highest mountain on each of the seven continents and reached the summit of five 8000-meter peaks. Drawing from his experiences in the death zone, Wim applies the lessons learned to his everyday professional challenges, demonstrating resilience, adaptability, and strategic thinking. In his speaking engagements, Wim leaves a lasting impression on audiences with his modest yet captivating style. While not everyone in the audience may have climbed an 8000-meter peak, he engages them with relatable stories about overcoming challenges, fostering teamwork, adapting to change, and problem-solving. Regardless of the audience's background or level within an organization, Wim's presentations resonate deeply, inspiring individuals to embrace challenges and pursue excellence. Topics Sports The only way is up Lees verder How to improve the agility and resilience of people in a changing world. More The final-year students were completely silent during the lecture by Wim Smets… that’s something we’ve never experienced. ​ ​ Thanks for the fascinating presentation. It was impressive to see what humans are capable of (with the right approach and effective preparation). ​ ​ Our organisation is currently undergoing a major transition and, in that context, Wim Smets presented a really fascinating and infectious story to our employees. ​ ​ Impressive keynote from mountaineer Wim Smets. How to bring a team from the base camp to the summit, and how to develop a pre-nicorn into a unicorn with a great team. Thanks for the inspiring session! ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Yoav Nir

    Yoav Nir Co-inventor of ClickShare®, Virtual and Augmented Reality pioneer and author of the book Game-changing Innovation To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Workshops Dutch, English, French, Hebrew Intrapreneurship, Start-up, Scale-up, Problem Solution Fit, Product Market Fit, Innovation ▶️ Watch Yoav's TEDx talk. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Creative entrepreneur Yoav has an outstanding track record as the inventor of ClickShare and a pioneer in Virtual Reality. He excels at crafting and executing innovative and strategic visions for products and market strategies. Public speaking is his preferred method for sharing his extensive knowledge and over 20 years of experience. Yoav aims to entertain, motivate, and inspire audiences, infusing his talks with his unique brand of dry humor. Drawing from his gut and personal experiences, he covers the full spectrum from theory to reality to best practices. Specializing in topics such as game-changing innovation, creativity, intrapreneurship, and navigating uncertainty with perseverance, Yoav captivates audiences with his insights. Topics Innovation The Corporate Unicorn Lees verder ​ More Marketing From idea to product-market fit Lees verder Testimonial of a Corporate Entrepreneur More Innovation Busting the myths of innovation Lees verder Yoav inspires with his humor, chotspe and savoir-faire. The audience can immediately take their Innovation insights and learning with confidence into practice. More Yoav’s inspiring presentation on our CEO-seminar in March 2018 - clear, transparent and illustrated with a lot of examples from the insurance industry - was particularly complementary with the concrete cases of innovating solutions presented by Insurtechs and was very much appreciated by the CEOs of the insurance companies that are members of Assuralia. Assuralia Gino Leroy, Director Thanks Yoav for the original insights on innovation and how to change the game. It was nice that you took the time to listen to our different startup companies and giving them tailor-made recommendations. I got a lot of positive feedback after the event! Start it @ KBC Kjell Clarysse, Community Manager Every two years Televic organizes the Televic Tech Day with the tagline: Technology meets Business, Business meets Technology. The largest group of attendees for this mostly internal event are our R&D departments (150+ engineers). As a technology-driven company we value innovation, however, we may not forget the business side and the value it creates for the customer. Yoav succeeded in engaging our audience and as a closing keynote concluded a great day. Not only bringing his own story but also relating to the other speakers and presentations we had during the day. His names and speech still pops up months after the event, so that definitely means he left his mark. Televic Bruno Van Den Bossche, CTO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Suyin Aerts

    Suyin Aerts To get the right answers you must ask the right questions. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Moderator, Host Dutch, French, English Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Networking Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography As a former top athlete, Suyin recognizes a significant correlation between the mindset of an entrepreneur and that of an Olympic athlete. This is why she proudly identifies herself as an "Olympic Entrepreneur." With extensive experience as an entrepreneur and business leader, Suyin understands the importance of motivating and inspiring teams, creating value, and maintaining agility while fostering creativity. Her entrepreneurial perspective provides her with a valuable helicopter view, enabling her to ask the right questions and approach challenges strategically. This breadth of vision makes her a versatile moderator and interviewer, adept at hosting events, moderating debates, and preparing and presenting TV & video shows. Suyin leverages her fluency in multiple languages - including Dutch, French, and English at a native level, and German, Spanish, and Italian at a proficient level - to serve as a valuable bridge, elevating her clients and their businesses to new heights of professionalism and success. Furthermore, as an inspiring keynote speaker, Suyin aims to shift the mindset of her audience, persuading them to consider perspectives they may not have previously encountered or believed. With her compelling presentations, she seeks to ignite change and drive progress within groups of people. Topics People Skills Questioning the why, the importance of asking the right questions Lees verder Unlocking Success Through Being Inquisitive More People Skills Time for the creative generalist Lees verder Discover the entrepreneurial jack-of-all-trades in you More People Skills The importance of networking Lees verder ​ More Entrepreneurship Becoming an Olympic Entrepreneur Lees verder About he correlation between an entrepreneur and an Olympic Athlete More I have called on Suyin a number of times for presenting seminars on HR issues. She always did an excellent job. The evaluation by the participants of her role as a host was therefore always very favourable. Her fluent trilingualism (Dutch, French, English), her pleasant to the point-presentation style, her dynamic look and approach and a good understanding of business audiences make her the ideal host for business events with a strong content-oriented dimension. HRM info Marc Ernst, Founder Suyin has so many diverse skills that it’s impossible to cover them all. Some highlights: excellent moderator, professional speaker and inspiring presenter, purpose driven entrepreneur, creative writer, (social) media expert, marcom angel and above all a person who makes impact in everything that she does. In conclusion, I would highly recommend working with Suyin Aerts. Sirris Omar Mohout, Entrepreneurship Fellow Suyin was an excellent speaker for an event we did about finding your unique selling point and using it to your full potential. She was wonderfully on time for the event, communicated well ahead of time, and gave a clear and entertaining presentation. She was also charming and welcoming to those who mingled and asked her questions afterwards during the networking moment. Definitely highly recommended. I’ve also seen her moderate a political debate – top! Leuven Mindgate Jane Judge Suyin proved to be hyper professional in preparing for the event and sharing her know how and best practices to make the show as vibrant as possible. Despite being well prepared last minute changes were not an issue at all. Very flexible always a professional. She is more than just a great MC. She proved to be well aware of business challenges and tied those back to the individual or society. She is definitely on our top dial for future engagements. SAS Jeroen Van Godtsenhoven, Managing Director Suyin not only knows how to take your event to a higher level through her presentations, but moderates with a drown view,involving everyone in the team to come to a good discussion.When organizing your event, she thinks along with you to ensure that it becomes a formula for success X² Gender Equality Awards Wivina Briers, Founder Suyin was the moderator of our European Business Angels-day yearly event. She was exceptional good; very well and detailed preparation - on-time delivery - highly professional English presenting skill. She managed to guide the public through a very tight afternoon schedule with international speakers. On top of this, she is very nice to work with and get things done, even during the evening time if needed. I can only highly recommend her! Greenforce Sustainability Benita Dreesen, Managing Director Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Lieven Van Linden

    Lieven Van Linden A long-distance-running-entrepreneur and biohacker, helping people to optimize their health and performance To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Consultant, Coach, Workshops Dutch, English stronger by stress, biohacker, performance, change, purpose, personal energy management ▶️ Watch a video with Lieven. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Lieven loves to explore and experience all the internal and external boundaries of our human existence. His curiosity for human optimization and exploration has led him to run ultra distances in the deserts of Morocco and the jungles of Brazil. He's covered snowy mountains wearing nothing but swimming shorts and dived into the ocean on nothing but a single breath. After completing an Executive MBA and spending 10 years in a corporate environment, Lieven founded his own company, Built For Endurance, aimed at helping leaders optimize their energy, health, and performance. His stories center around overcoming fears and unlocking untapped potential, finding purpose, happiness, and striving to become the best version of oneself. Lieven believes in our innate capacity to thrive in stressful situations, emerging stronger and more resilient from them. Topics Productivity The Quantified Self: Using data & technology to accelerate sustainable performance Lees verder Optimize health and performance in a sustainable way More Sports Stronger by stress Lees verder Learn how stress can help us to become more resilient in work and life More Productivity Reframe your routines Lees verder Break the habit of being yourself More Productivity Fully Charged - A roadmap towards more energy and better results Lees verder Discover the 3 principles for more resilience and better results. More Sports Breathe less, fear less Lees verder Overcoming fear and anxiety...with one single breath More Leadership transcends mere management. Strong leaders continuously evolve themselves, inspiring their teams to do the same. However, growth and change also demand significant energy. Moreover, leadership begins with self-leadership. Do you have the energy and strength to support your team? When you can leverage technology to gain insight into and accelerate this aspect of your development, true growth becomes possible. As a CEO, I personally experience significant benefits from this approach. It provides new, tangible insights and a better understanding of the impact of factors such as sleep, nutrition, relaxation, and exercise on performance. Lieven excels at providing leaders with simple and accessible insights into biology, science, and practical applications in their daily leadership roles. SkillsTown Group Tom Bos, CEO I've had the pleasure of working with Lieven twice. His book reflects his clear and pragmatic approach, helping everyone turn insights into actionable steps or giving us a nudge to pick up the thread again. We definitely agreed over coffee. Highly recommended! Nespresso Belgium & Luxemburg Olivier Perquy Lieven eloquently illustrates how organizations can inspire employees to utilize various types of personal (wellbeing-related) data insights to develop a more sustainable and effective way of working in the long term. By prioritizing the employee and empowering them with ownership, organizations not only maximize their talents but also set a leading example of good employer practices. ASML Linda Vos, Head of People Analytics The soft part is the hard part. This applies not only to organizations in transformation but even more so to ourselves. We all know that we need to approach things differently, but how? And it is precisely this question that Lieven answers clearly. Scientifically substantiated, with a clear model, practical tips, and even a simple KPI so that even the most analytical leader among us has no choice. Lieven shows that change begins with oneself and that reducing and managing stress is no exception. I have been applying some of his tips for a long time, and it really works! Nova Reperta Nick Dieltiens, Partner Today, the combination of a morning ritual (cold shower, walk, and swim) along with regular exercise helps me maintain my energy balance the best. JBC Bart Claes, CEO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Rudy de Waele

    Rudy de Waele Keynote speaker inspiring leaders with innovative and collaborative learning methods and tools to transform your leadership and teams. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, English, French, Spanish Leadership, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Regeneration, Health and well-being ▶️ Watch Rudy on stage. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Rudy’s mission is to create talks, workshops, learning programs and experiences, to facilitate innovation and transformation in the fields of leadership and company culture, ethical technology, and regenerative economics. His work puts the focus on responsible, compassionate, and courageous leadership to address today’s complex societal and business challenges, based on personal development, purposeful action, and the community / collective, in service to life, and for all generations to come. He uses art, technology, music, meditation, ancient cultural wisdom, and personal transformation techniques to raise consciousness and guide people to become the best version of themselves leaving centuries-old patriarchal and ego-centred thinking behind. Rudy graduated from Singularity University in 2011, the Socratic Design Academy in 2016, and the Bio-Leadership Project in 2023. Through these diverse learning programs and keeping an endless curiosity in human development, he has gathered rare and unique sentience to understand the future from the past and mould a unique essential vision to lead today. His unparalleled experience, knowledge, and insight propels you to stay ahead of the curve. His book “Shift 2020 – How Technology Will Impact Our Future”, released early in 2014, includes visionary and impactful predictions from some of the world’s leading technology experts and presents still today a rare prescience in a notoriously unpredictable landscape. He has helped diverse global brands such as ABN AMRO, Adobe, Baloise, Bayer, Boston Consulting Group, BMW, Cap Gemini, Coca-Cola, FedEx, Fujitsu, Google, IBM, Intel, Intesa Sanpaolo, Investcorp, KPMG, Louis Vuitton, Mastercard, Microsoft, NEC, Orange, PayPal, Pfizer, Royal Bank of Canada, Samsung, Telefonica, Vodafone and World Bank. Topics Artificial Intelligence How to Stay Human in the Age of AI Lees verder Where will be the value of humans in the workplace of the future? More Team Dynamics Elevate Collaboration with the Transformative Power of Socratic Dialogue! Lees verder Unlock the potential of collaborative thinking and co-creation to foster meaningful dialogue and enhance the art of active listening. More Resilience & Well-being Energetic Balance Workshop Lees verder 🌟 Discover Balance and Prosperity with this Energetic Balance Workshop! 🌟 More Rudy gave a fantastic keynote speech at the beginning of our symposium on the future of work in the context of the growing power of artificial intelligence and robotics. The talk was very inspiring and gave an excellent perspective on the current transition in the manufacturing and service industries and on the likely future role of machines. The feedback we got from the audience on his talk was very enthusiastic. Geneva School of Business Administration Head of Research Rudy delivered a superb keynote stimulus presentation on ‘The 10 most disruptive IoT innovations everyone should know about’ at BearingPoint’s European customer event for 250 delegates. His knowledge, insights and creative delivery style and content was, as ever, very impressive. BearingPoint Simon Torrance, Senior Advisor Rudy de Waele was the opening keynote speaker for our first IT Masters CON Monterrey, which gathered a crowd of 250+ attendees from the most important companies in the north of Mexico. He spoke about conscious business, future technology, and the importance of ethics and personal change looking forward. It was superb! He is a very experienced speaker, with a clear narrative and a kind and warm personality. We were thrilled to have him and is welcome again anytime. Netmedia Monica Mistretta, CEO Everybody can talk about the future but not everybody can make sense out of it. Rudy is brilliant at that: he presents the different aspects of disruptive technologies and explains how those will affect business, society and our personal lives. He made a fantastic kick-off to the Leaders’ Congress in Slovenia. Just mesmerizing. Managers’ Association of Slovenia Sonja Smuk, Executive Director Rudy delivered an excellent session on future trends and also participated in a fascinating on-stage interview on future innovation and conscious leadership at the AIS ‘Academy for Thais’. This event attracted over 3,000 senior executives and business owners to explore digital transformation. Rudy’s contribution was insightful and inspiring as it opened the audience’s eyes to the speed and scope of disruption. Rudy has a very strong grasp of where the world is now and where it might be heading depending upon the decisions and actions we take as leaders today. Southeast Asia Center (SEAC) Arinya Talerngsri, Managing Director Rudy did the opening keynote of the 4th edition of our flagship event – La Digital Tech Conference – which this year also featured speakers from Google, Amazon, and Mozilla. Our participant survey showed that Rudy’s section came out on the top of the most favourite moments of the event. Congratulation Rudy! In addition to delivering a great speech with many audiovisual illustrations, Rudy is very professional and easy to work with, both in the preparation phase, during and after the event. Warmly recommended. Le Poool Stanislas Hintzy, Managing Director Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Najima El Kasmi

    Najima El Kasmi Champion of leadership, flexibility, and forward-thinking within organizations, always with a deep core focus on resilience, connection, inclusivity, and people-centered leadership. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops, Consultant, Coach, Trainer french, Dutch Resilience, winning teams, connection, group dynamics, DE&I, Trust, Psychological Safety Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Najima El Kasmi, founder of Almuruna, is a seasoned leader advocating for resilience, inclusivity, and people-centered approaches within organizations. With over two decades of experience, Najima has become a visionary in driving organizational development and empowering individuals. Najima's innovative methodologies, rooted in authentic communication and experiential learning, aim to optimize organizational performance and foster a safe, inclusive culture. Her unique approach in professional development initiatives generates lasting impacts on both personal and professional levels. About Almuruna 'Almuruna,' Arabic for flexibility and resilience, guides Najima's team in helping businesses discover and strengthen organizational resilience. Resilient organizations, in Almuruna's vision, are agile and future-proof, with a focus on inclusivity. The team at Almuruna recognizes the uniqueness of each individual, team, or organization, delivering customized organizational development to promote growth. Expertise in Training, Workshops, and Keynotes Najima is an expert speaker on various topics, including psychological safety, authentic communication, diversity and inclusion, and people-centered leadership. Her sessions reflect her ability to make complex topics accessible and relevant to a broad audience. Publications and Awards Najima's contributions to publications and projects, including receiving the Piet Cleemput Prize in 2006, showcase her dedication to impactful research. Her research on resilience enhancement, titled "Strong Mothers, Strong Children," has been published in The Journal of Social Intervention (2020). Topics Team Dynamics Leadership in Change Lees verder Turning resistance into growth More Team Dynamics Building Bridges: Mastery in Intercultural and Intergenerational Communication Lees verder Navigating the Tapestry of Diversity in Modern Business More People Skills Psychological Safety Lees verder Unlocking Innovation through Trust and Openness More The workshop on persuasion and argumentation is much more interesting and captivating than most other training sessions I have attended before. I can truly take something away from this. The content, the way it is presented, captivating from start to finish. A fantastic trainer with a very pleasant voice. ​ ​ As a result of a career switch, I enrolled in the negotiation course. Initially, before the training, I thought this would certainly not be my thing. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The course is divided over two days, making it manageable, especially for a novice like me. Through the enthusiastic, engaging teaching style and interaction, a lot of the new material stuck, and I was genuinely drawn into the techniques of negotiation. I am confident that when I sit at the negotiation table for the first time soon, I have the necessary know-how to lead the negotiations successfully. Thank you, Najima, for this. FOD Justitie ​ Regarding you, our trainer, and the 3 days of training, it was very exciting with a packed but well-balanced program alternating between theory and practical exercises. Group exercises are also a good thing because they contribute to strengthening the group's cohesion. You are very pleasant, punctual, attentive to needs, very professional with suitable materials provided to learners. In summary, my appreciation is very favorable. Thank you again and best wishes. Diplomat Pierre Du Ville What remains very close to my heart are the resilience enhancement lessons we had from you. We learned to apply control and self-direction in our own lives. The support group ensured there was a lot of understanding and common ground. How you empower people is not something everyone can do. You do it exceptionally well! Bindus Samira Abid Najima's workshop on the importance of psychological safety in conflict resolution was a turning point for our team. She guided us in creating a safe and supportive environment where everyone is free to express ideas and concerns without fear of reprisal or judgment. Her method, combining theory and practical exercises, has thoroughly changed our way of communicating and contributed to establishing a more open and collaborative corporate culture. Managers and team members have gained the necessary tools and confidence to collaborate constructively and encourage innovation. Capgemini ​ I find the training very valuable, not what I initially expected. However, everything comes together, and it makes you reflect and seek solutions in a different way. It also teaches me that we should not attribute everything to culture,... FOD IBZ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Julie Brown

    Julie Brown Polar expedition coordinator and captivating storyteller, illuminating the parallels between polar expeditions and corporate challenges To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker English, Dutch Polar Experience, Leadership, Resilience Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Julie Brown, born in 1964 in Detroit, Michigan, USA, is a founding partner and managing director of Polar Circles/Polar Experience expedition activities since 1999. With extensive experience in polar exploration, she serves as a project manager and communications director for her team of polar guides. In addition to expedition management, Julie specializes in developing and delivering corporate activities, including keynote presentations and inspiring motivational speeches to diverse audiences. Fluent in English as her native language, Julie is also proficient in Flemish/Dutch as her second language and conversational in French. Her unique ability to translate the rich metaphors from ambitious polar expeditions into relevant lessons for the business world adds an unexpected spark to any event. With over 20 years of public speaking experience, Julie excels in connecting with live audiences, particularly during spontaneous Q&A sessions, where she shares real anecdotes and visual stimulation from polar expeditions. Julie's journey into polar exploration began under the guidance of Dixie Dansercoer (1962 – 2021) during her first polar expedition to Antarctica in 2000, which included a Mount Vinson ascent. Since then, she has served as the project coordinator for various expeditions, such as the Bering Strait Odyssey in 2005, In the Wake of the Belgica in 2007-2008, Antarctic ICE in 2011-2012, and Greenland ICE in 2014. Beyond expedition management, Julie has also contributed to polar expedition cruises as a lecturer and guide in regions including the Antarctic Peninsula, Greenland, Svalbard, and Norway. Collaborating with Dixie, she has led corporate ICE Campaigns in Iceland, Spitsbergen, and Switzerland. Julie is not only an experienced explorer but also a prolific writer, having published several expedition-related accounts since 1998. In 2014, she co-authored "Surpassing Sastrugi," a book that draws relevant parallels for corporate audiences. Julie also maintains the Polar Experience blog, sharing insights and experiences from her expeditions. Julie was married to Dixie Dansercoer for 22 years until his passing in June 2021. Together, they have four children: Jasper, Evelien, Thijs, and Robin. Recently, they welcomed their first grandchild, Ender Dixie Dansercoer, into their family. Topics Leadership Unleashing Leadership Potential Lees verder Navigating Success Through Self-Leadership More Diversity & Inclusion Embracing Diversity: on complicity and inclusion Lees verder Fostering collaboration across cultures, genders, and generations More Productivity Unleashing Excellence: on empowering authentic (out)performance Lees verder Achieving grand goals through discipline and determination More Resilience & Well-being Thriving Amidst Turbulence Lees verder Navigating Constant Change and Overcoming Adversity with Polar Expedition Wisdom More Team Dynamics Uniting Forces: Team Building and Collaboration Lees verder Nurturing cohesion and empowering teams to achieve extraordinary results More Resilience & Well-being Innovating grief / legacy Lees verder Transforming loss into a legacy of resilience More I had the pleasure of welcoming Julie at our Welcome and Restart company event for a keynote session with our Belgian based lawyers and business professionals. It was an outstanding session which left many participants truly energized. Julie has the capacity to naturally inspire people by connecting them with the very essence of life. The communication style she uses for this is very natural, effective, clear and to-the-point. She manages to get the right message across while keeping a true connection with her audience at all times. I highly recommend Julie as a public speaker or if you are looking for an inspiring leadership guide. Thank you, Julie, and looking forward to collaborating with you many more times in the future! ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Tom Palmaerts

    Tom Palmaerts One goal in mind: Giving people an appetite for the future. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker Dutch, English Future Trends, Consumer Trends Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Tom Palmaerts is a thought leader on consumer attitudes and behavior in a changing world. He is an acclaimed keynote speaker, trend consultant, author, and managing partner at Trendwolves, a full-service trend-watching agency focusing on young consumers and modern families. Palmaerts excels in understanding and identifying opportunities within broader cultural trends. His notable achievements include: 2019: Publication of 'Ready or Not: 11 Ways to Become Future Proof' (Lannoo, Dutch) 2017: Co-founded 'La Madrugada,' a vineyard in Mendoza, Argentina, as a side project with three friends 2015: Publication of 'Futures' (Lannoo, Dutch), co-written with Herman Konings and Joeri Van den Bergh 2014: Initiated hosting Futuro getaway sessions in Italy three times a year 2013: Awarded Trendwatcher of The Year 2010: Became a board member of the music and art community Subbacultcha 2008: Recognized as "Youth Trend Specialist of the Year" by the Dutch trendwatching platform Second Sight 2007: Joined Trendwolves 2002 - 2007: Conducted research on youth subcultures at Ladda Topics Marketing Consumers in 2030 Lees verder Imagine future possibilities More Future Trends Future Mindset Lees verder Are you ready for the future? More Tom allows us to identify and anticipate the new trends of tomorrow, to drive our innovation to the next level and inspire our customers. Barry Callebaut Pascale Meulemeester Tom’s talk here in Hong Kong was really stimulating - full of inspiring insights and examples from around the world. We’ve had lots of great feedback from everyone who came. The Fountain Group Ollie Cartwright An accelerated trip in our today’s future. MAPFRE RE Eric Geuens Tom is effervescent, high-spirited and above all FRESH. His work is greatly inspirational. Clariant Milan Judith van Vliet Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Minke Tromp

    Minke Tromp Applied Philosopher, entrepreneur, author and speaker with a passion for connecting wisdom and impact from a philosophical/anthropological perspective to provide added value To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops English, Dutch philosophy, leadership, art of questioning ▶️ Watch some of Minke's videos. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Minke's extensive experience as a boardroom consultant/coach and as a speaker/guest lecturer makes her the ideal conversation partner for navigating choices, decisions, and determinations. She enhances your capacity for critical thinking and provides alternative solution perspectives, enabling you to forge not only better but also stronger connections with yourself and your environment. Topics Leadership Wisdom and Impact Lees verder Create magnanimous leadership, beyond doubt More Specials Timeliness is different from urgency Lees verder Timeliness is about making the right decisions at the right moment More People Skills Blind Spots Lees verder What don't you see (about yourself) that still influences your relationship with others? More Leadership Wisdom and Leadership Lees verder Are we doing the right things and perceiving them correctly? More I have become aware of my doubts and, with the help of Minke, strengthened my own thinking capacity, utilizing doubts as a foundation for wisdom and impact. ​ Janet Nieboer Minke pulls you out of entrenched thought patterns and shows you a broader perspective. ​ David Versteeg ....under pressure, daring to think slowly, the most beautiful learning experience so far. ​ Joost Sluijs ...together with ambitious peers in search of discomfort to sharpen oneself, Minke offers that. ​ Eugenie Buuron Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Jozefien De Feyter

    Jozefien De Feyter Sales expert empowering professionals to enhance sales strategies and cultivate meaningful connections in the digital world To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant Dutch, English Sales, Empathy Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography As the CEO of Blinc Sales Institute, Jozefien leads a team of experts dedicated to transforming sales organizations through comprehensive training, workshops, and consulting services. With over a decade of experience in the sales industry, Jozefien's exceptional knowledge and practical approach empower individuals and organizations to achieve outstanding results. As a dedicated sales consultant and coach, Jozefien leverages her deep understanding of sales techniques and innate ability to connect with others, providing tailored guidance to optimize performance and exceed targets. Her captivating stage presence, compelling storytelling, and actionable advice make her a sought-after keynote speaker, leaving audiences inspired to elevate their sales performance. Jozefien's book, "Less Contact, More Impact," has become a go-to resource, empowering professionals to enhance sales strategies and cultivate meaningful connections in the digital world. Beyond her expertise in sales, Jozefien's background in arts, teaching, and sales brings a unique perspective to her work. Her innovative strategies and real-world examples resonate with a wide range of audiences, making her an invaluable resource for corporations, educational institutions, and professional associations seeking to unlock the full potential of human connection. Furthermore, Jozefien enjoys using her musical talent to create magical atmospheres at important life events, such as weddings and funerals, where people can savor unforgettable moments. Topics People Skills Less contact, more impact Lees verder Why the human touch in sales is crucial in an increasingly digital world More People Skills Sell like a woman Lees verder Discover the power of feminine energy in sales More Sales Sales: It's Everyone's Business Lees verder Why every employee contributes to the revenue More I had the privilege of attending Jozefien de Feyter's keynote at our seminar in Ibiza. She delivered a keynote for our French-speaking clients on the topic of ROI: Touching People is Creating Customers. Jozefien's insights into the evolving landscape of customer engagement and acquisition left a profound impression on us. Her ability to dissect the complex interplay of "connexion" (connection) and "confiance" (trust), even within the hairdressing industry, was truly enlightening. In a world where customers seek highly personalized and unique purchasing experiences, Jozefien's keynote underscored the critical importance of expert guidance throughout the entire buying process. Jozefien's perspective on the challenges facing current hairdressers and the demanding expectations of customers came through clearly in her presentation. She not only identified the issues but also provided practical solutions and strategies to successfully navigate this changing landscape. Her passion and expertise shone through as she emphasized the need for our hairdressers to build personal connections with customers and instill trust during the buying journey. Jozefien's keynote was not only informative but also her interactive approach resonated strongly with the clients. In summary, Jozefien de Feyter's keynote at our Hairdressing Seminar 2023 was an eye-opening experience that inspired and motivated us to excel in all our sales efforts. Her enthusiasm and warmth will undoubtedly linger with us. Henkel Julie Van de Voorde Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Stefaan van Hooydonk

    Stefaan van Hooydonk I am the 'curiosity guy'. I make leaders curious about the power of curiosity at work and all its wonderful benefits. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Workshops, Coach Dutch, English curiosity, mindset, corporate culture, individual and organizational change, leadership ▶️ Watch Stefaan on stage. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Stefaan van Hooydonk is the founder of the Global Curiosity Institute and the author of the bestselling book "The Workplace Curiosity Manifesto." He initially worked in investment consulting and established executive education at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in China. Van Hooydonk has held executive roles as Chief Learning Officer in Fortune 200 companies such as Nokia, Royal Philips, Cognizant, Saudi Aramco, Agfa, and Flipkart. He has lived and worked in Belgium, France, Hong Kong, China, Finland, the Netherlands, India, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom. His most recent position was as Chief Learning Officer for Cognizant, where he oversaw learning and development for over 300,000 associates worldwide. Stefaan van Hooydonk focuses his research on workplace curiosity within companies. He asserts that curious individuals require stimulating environments to thrive, especially during times of uncertainty when intentional curiosity becomes crucial. Utilizing diagnostics he has developed, he generates insights into what drives and impedes individuals and organizations from embracing curiosity. He provides consultation to global corporations and leadership teams to enhance their curiosity quotient, advocating for the cultivation of a robust curiosity mindset. Van Hooydonk is a sought-after speaker globally, discussing the transformative power of curiosity for professionals, leaders, teams, and organizations. Topics People Skills Master Your Curiosity to Master Your Life Lees verder For professionals More Future of Work The Power of Curiosity in L&D Lees verder For Learning and Development Professionals More People Skills Curiosity: The Key Element for Creating a Winning Culture Lees verder For Senior Executives More Leadership Leading with Curiosity Lees verder For People Managers More People Skills The Power of Curiosity Lees verder For HR Professionals More Stefaan van Hooydonk spoke at our global summits for over 150 learning and development professionals. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Many conference delegates stated that they found Stefaan very poignant and that his message was timely and something the industry wanted to hear. We would not hesitate to invite Stefaan to speak again at our summits, across diverse geographical locations, as he also brings a global outlook having worked in different locations amongst the greatest industry leaders. Global Association for Talent Development Vassilis Theocharides, Associate Director Dear Stefaan, I have just viewed the recorded version of the session about Curiosity. I was overwhelmed by its color and preciseness. Many of the aspects that were brought forward are on our agenda, and the research you presented gives us confidence that we are on the right track. Also, the simplicity you used in describing forces, behaviors, etc. really appealed to me. And the Individual/Team/Organization perspectives align well with the way we understand Lifelong learning in the company context. This session is really valuable for us. Thank you so much for making an effort! Volvo Group University Britta Börjeson, Head of Learning Expertise Stefaan has been moderating and speaking at several of our HRcoreEVENTS and has proven to be an exceptional added value. His passion, purpose, and personality make him connect with the audience, keeps them engaged, and inspires action. HRcoreEVENTS by TENEO Michael Nielsen, Managing Director It was wonderful meeting you again Stefaan! Your session was the most insightful at the London Learning Technologies 2022 conference. Innostrat Technologies Saurav Jaiswal, Founder and Managing Director Stefaan has proven an excellent speaker choice at the events I chair. He is clearly deeply knowledgeable about workplace curiosity and is able to share his expertise in an engaging way with his audience. He backs this up with his global experience as a Chief Learning Officer in large corporations, which provides real gravitas and credibility. There's no doubt that Stefaan is providing leading thinking and practice in this field and I have no hesitation in recommending him. London Technology Conference Donald H. Taylor, Chair Super thanks for a truly inspiring, enriching, and thought-provoking session! Executive Networks Rita Vanhauwenhuyse, VP Customer Experience and Insights Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Merijn Tinga

    Merijn Tinga His surfboard is a weapon. His target: politicians and company ceo's. The goal: real change! To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker Dutch, English Plastic Pollution, Storytelling, Surfing Expedition, Plastic Recycling, Littering, Societal Change, Political Change Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography In 2014, Merijn constructed a surfboard using washed-up plastics and surfed along the Dutch coast, earning him the nickname "Plastic Soup Surfer." Sadly, mere awareness is insufficient for catalyzing change. Consequently, he shifted his campaign focus towards policy makers and companies. To date, Merijn's campaigns and expeditions have influenced political resolutions and led to product bans, demonstrating the impact of individual action. Alongside an expanding community of passionate individuals, he persists in achieving tangible results and effecting change. Merijn shares his story to inspire and educate others on how they too can contribute to making a difference. Topics Sports How to make a difference? Lees verder Plastic pollution is a worldwide epidemic. By now we are aware of this but how does real change come about? More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

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