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Keynotes and workshops on 

Diversity & Inclusion

Delve into impactful keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to diversity and inclusion (D&I). 

In today's globalized and interconnected world, fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage. 

Booking a keynote speaker on D&I can inspire teams, share best practices, and guide organizations in building a culture of equity and belonging. 

Discover our curated list of D&I-focused keynotes and speakers, and empower your organization to harness the full potential of diversity for innovation, creativity, and sustainable growth!

Elke Jeurissen

The journey to inclusive leadership

Why diversity is not a problem, but a growth opportunity for your organization.

Lode Godderis

Social sustainability in the workplace

Promoting well-being, equality, and inclusion in organizations

Fatima Llouh

Inclusive marketing and communication

The value of inclusive communication

Elke Jeurissen

How to fix the blind spots for more diversity in your company

Five drivers for a more inclusive company culture (with 30 + examples of tactics that really work)

Fiona Passantino

High-Visibility Habits for Women at Work

Support and fuel female professionals on International Women’s Day

Elke Jeurissen

You are not the norm

How to create a more inclusive workplace going beyond diversity?

Tamara Makoni

Accelerating the path to gender equality

Gender inequality is a key challenge of our time. How can we accelerate progress - and how does doing this benefit us all?

Tamara Makoni

Building bridges across cultures

How you can harness cultural diversity to fuel business growth

Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik

The Return of Investment on social sustainability

And why should social sustainability be part of your business?

Tamara Makoni

Use inclusion to spark innovation

Is innovation your goal? A culture of inclusion is your best way to make this a reality.

Najima El Kasmi

Building Bridges: Mastery in Intercultural and Intergenerational Communication

Navigating the Tapestry of Diversity in Modern Business

Isabel Verstraete

How to engage and motivate diverse and multigenerational teams?

Understand the future of work and demands of future generations

Joeri Van den Bergh

Gen Z at Work

Redefining the multi-generational workplace

Isabel Verstraete

LEADERSHIP - How to lead diverse and multigenerational teams?

What if your organization could grow simply by taking CARE?

Mariam Harutyunyan

Attract, retain and develop diverse young talent

Changing trends in workplaces that are put in motion by the newest generations entering the job market

Elke Jeurissen

Polarisation or (re)connection? It's your call

Going beyond what divides us and finding what connects us, at the kitchen table, in the workplace and in society.

Julie Heyvaert

How to collaborate in a more inclusive way in your team?


Mariam Harutyunyan

The shift from exclusive to inclusive consumers

Brands have to change the way they market to their customers

Julie Brown

Embracing Diversity: on complicity and inclusion

Fostering collaboration across cultures, genders, and generations

Fatima Llouh

Navigating cultural and generational diversity in the workplace

How to build understanding and resilience in diverse teams

Mariam Harutyunyan

Understanding Generation Z in the workplace

Intergenerational Communication

Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik

Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI

How to tap into the diverse talents out there

Lenny Benaïcha

Value alignment — inclusive recruitment

How can we make sure our technology is unbiased?

Michael Houben

Leading a culturally diverse team

How to foster understanding and outstanding cooperation between people with different cultural backgrounds

Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere

Me, myself and my AI

For the successful adoption of AI, we need more female leaders. Why? As AI projects succeed on 4 factors (data, technology, people and processes), women normally possess the right qualities to lead projects to build real-world AI products more successfully as they fully master the enablement of an environment for collaboration and inclusion.

Dirk Schyvinck

Longevity: how organizations can prepare for the age of longevity

Organizations and generations: a new look on 10 trends impacting the future of work.

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