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Our Hosts & Moderators

Embark on a journey of seamless events and engaging discussions with our talented hosts and moderators. Speakersbase ensures the smooth flow of your event to skilled moderators adept at guiding thought-provoking conversations, our diverse lineup excels in versatility and professionalism.

Explore the profiles of our hosts and moderators, many of whom are fluent in multiple languages, bringing a global touch to your occasions. Whether you're planning a conference, panel discussion, or any special event, our skilled professionals, with proficiency in several languages, are here to enhance the experience.

Welcome to a platform where hosts and moderators, speaking a multitude of languages, set the stage for memorable moments!

Céline Malyster

Céline Malyster

Moderator, Host, Speaker, Workshops

Allow her to give your event a bit of oomph. Sharp-witted multilingual host and speaker.

Dutch, English, French

Pieter Baert

Pieter Baert

Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops, Consultant

I'm always curious to ask the right questions

Dutch, French, English

Fatima Llouh

Fatima Llouh

Speaker, Moderator, Workshops, Host, Consultant

Octopus with various tentacles: millennial, single mom, daughter of migration, Moroccan roots, from midwife to communication strategist DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), storyteller

Dutch, English, French

Lesley Arens

Lesley Arens

Moderator, Host

#ZigZagHR | what if the best HR no longer is HR (?) | Learnatic | Du choc des idées jaillit la lumière (Nicolas Boileau)

Dutch, English

Clo Willaerts

Clo Willaerts

Speaker, Trainer, Moderator, Host

Clo is digital business expert, girl geek, tech optimist, avid keynote speaker, oldskool tech blogger, and published author.

Dutch, English

Lenny Benaïcha

Lenny Benaïcha

Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator, Consultant

Growth officer and lecturer with a background in classical arts, web technology, strategic innovation, and entrepreneurship. Currently on a mission to eliminate mismatches between people and jobs.

Dutch, English

Dominique Monami

Dominique Monami

Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops

World-famous athlete who has become a speaker and share the lesson-learned throughout her career

French, Dutch, English

Pieter Van Leugenhagen

Pieter Van Leugenhagen

Speaker, Moderator, Host

Pieter is a VR/AR & Metaverse Strategist - Keynote Speaker successfully venturing in XR for 8 years, working with national and international brands.

Dutch, English

Charlotte De Metsenaere

Charlotte De Metsenaere

Trainer, Moderator, Speaker, Workshops, Host

Communication expert, international improvisational theater teacher and public speaking coach

Dutch, French, English

Gerrie Smits

Gerrie Smits

Speaker, Host, Moderator, Trainer, Workshops

Chief Curiosity Officer. Intrigued by the impact of tech on business, people & society. Author/Facilitator/Speaker.

Dutch, English

Dorien Leyers

Dorien Leyers

Moderator, Host

Doriens hosting style is both dynamic and engaged and her sense of humor is never far away.

Dutch, French, English, Spanish

Isabel De Clercq

Isabel De Clercq

Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator, Consultant

Science-Driven Sparkle Architect Who Puts Focus Back Into Work Habits

French, English, Dutch

Robin Wauters

Robin Wauters

Moderator, Speaker, Host

Seasoned tech strategist and communications expert, specializing in scaling startups and strengthening tech ecosystems through platforms

Dutch, English

Jo Caudron

Jo Caudron

Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator, Consultant

Digital pioneer with a passion for transformation and strategy. Author, advisor and speaker.

Dutch, English

Jens Heitland

Jens Heitland

Speaker, Host, Coach, Consultant

Former global Head of Innovation at IKEA Centres. Leading expert in corporate innovation and known for combining innovation and leadership to drive human innovation in organizations.

German, English

Lisbeth Imbo

Lisbeth Imbo

Moderator, Host, Trainer, Workshops

Asking the right questions, listening and getting people connected.

Dutch, English, French

Valérie Deridder

Valérie Deridder

Speaker, Moderator, Host

Journalist at Knack with a passion for everything to do with technology and digital transformation

Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Persian

Mariam Harutyunyan

Mariam Harutyunyan

Speaker, Workshops, Consultant, Host, Moderator

Diversity and inclusion advocate. It's time to start talking about your company's inclusion strategy from marketing to company culture.

Dutch, English

Geraldine Vandercammen

Geraldine Vandercammen

Host, Moderator, Trainer, Workshops, Speaker

Driven by curiosity, fueled by originality, and rooted in journalistic excellence.

English, French, Dutch

Suyin Aerts

Suyin Aerts

Moderator, Host

To get the right answers you must ask the right questions.

Dutch, French, English

Johan Terryn

Johan Terryn

Speaker, Moderator, Coach, Workshops, Host

Media content creator & Soulpreneur, Speaker & Author on matters of the soul, creativity and positive thinking

English, Dutch

Saartje Vandendriessche

Saartje Vandendriessche

Speaker, Host, Workshops, Moderator, Coach

Saartje makes sure everyone goes home with an energy boost

french, English, Dutch

Fiona Passantino

Fiona Passantino

Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Host, Workshops

Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration.

English, Dutch

Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere

Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere

Speaker, Moderator, Host, Trainer

Mieke is an extraverted nerd, the engineer who balances profit, people and planet within all digitalisation efforts.

German, Dutch, English, French

Cyriel Kortleven

Cyriel Kortleven

Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator

Making Change Simple

Dutch, English

Rudy de Waele

Rudy de Waele

Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops, Consultant

Keynote speaker inspiring leaders with innovative and collaborative learning methods and tools to transform your leadership and teams.

Dutch, English, French, Spanish

Inspire growth and drive change - #1 speaker agency

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